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Posts posted by westerndecline

  1. 1 hour ago, B-Large said:


    Were really screwed when the party of fiscal restraint passes legislation like this.  


    Maybe the plan is for the Uber wealthy Americans to extract every bit of wealth from this country, leave, and start a new country just for the global financial class elsewhere, what other reason could there be?


    how can you have 20T in debt, continuous year in year out deficits (large), a request for an increase in military spending, IMO a war with Iran on the horizon, and plan to address all that with a theoretical increase in tax revenue from tax cuts?  Who honestly believes this will end well?  Haven’t we learned at some point you actually have to have Americans pay for stuff like wars and spending increases?  


    how does the Conservative party scream about deficits for 8 years and produce a bill that in all likelihood will produce more debt in the end?  How is that leap made???? 


    Jesus H were !@#$ed.  

    08-10 dems did nothing



  2. 2 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Hey westerndecline... You are a Coastie... These were pics taken by a Buddy of mine that transferred down to the Okeechobee Waterway.


    Here's the USCG fleeing Hurricane Irma in September... Getting to safe harbor through the Port Mayaca Lock... Gotta keep the Zodiacs safe for after storm clean-up, rescue, etc...


    Thought you'd like to see them high-tailing it out of there before storm came sweeping through:




    Yes those are the 25s 


    Most stations couple them with the standard 47s


    The 25s and theres a 27ft one too are mainly used for boardings.


    Very familiar with tht boat. Did boardings for two yrs in lake huron and lake st clair before ast school and then sk school


    Most of the time we stopped for food and just chilled to be honest lol

    Doing ops with the dolphin helicopters was extremely dangerous and something i hated.


    Any cg small boat station has a culture very similar to a fire station. Two on two off.


    In fact many reservists at my station were fireman

  3. 46 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    You do realize that your previous posts still exist, and I can go back and see that you explicitly said "solar energy is free" twice? 


    And in a display of phenomenal stupidity, said you get more free energy from solar the more batteries and converters you purchase?  

    Can you quote it



    Sometimes i feel youre just trolling for entertainment


    Because the things u say dont make sense or are the direct opposite of what ppl mean

    But yes the suns energy is free

    And yes combining batteries increases voltage



    This is why nobody takes u srsly in real life

  4. 25 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Makes more sense:

    : ecauseBay ayay atestay " especiallyyay ansaskay" isntyay ayay ationalnay economyyay ollay. Itsyay alsoyay urroundedsay ybay imilarsay bsay egsray, usplay ethay epayay andyay orporatecay axtay ateray evernay angedchay... Wtfay areyay uyay evenyay ayingsay erehay.... Unitedyay atesStay isyay alreadyyay ayay ountrycay atthay ashay ustedtray institutionsyay andyay isyay extremelyyay afesay anotheryay ountrycay atthay ashay anyay equalyay oryay evenyay otay ayay ertaincay egreeday esserlay orporatecay axtay ateray atthay'say underyay 21

    Ad hominem

  5. 54 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    You specifically said solar energy was free energy. 

    I said once the infrastructure is set up its free.


    Most solar panels have a 20 yr lifespan....


    Its not only free but will last forever. Its the sun.


    Well in 5 billion yrs it will blow up but u get the point.



  6. Jerry Hughes is always been a poor man's Von Miller the speed rusher athletic outside high pressure Marcell Dareus was supposed to be the Bruce Smith of this defense that never happened I'm just glad he's gone and Washington is taking his rough cuz Washington is actually the better player another top-10 pick wasted

  7. 18 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    they beat Pittsburgh, yes. But that's about it. Cake schedule so far, easiest in the NFL y far.


    Having said that, they look very good, I am actually interested how they look at the 49ers this week.. I got a feeling that's a loss for them

    49ers dline is nasty


    Armstead, Buckner, thomas, and harold are extremely talented.


    Tht team is a 180 with garapolo

  8. 2 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    Here's what I

    That is the argument.  The fear is that CEO's just pocket the corporate tax money they save with the reduced rate and/or spend it on automation.  They'll point to what happened in Kansas in 2012 when the GOP governor and legislature with the urging of Art Laffer (the Laffer curve) slashed state income taxes and eliminated taxes on most businesses expecting it to jump start the economy.  It didn't and job creation lagged behind most neighboring states and the US average.  They had to raise taxes again this year and Kansas's governors approval rating is in the 20's.  I think it's unfair to point to one state as I'm sure there's many other factors to explain Kansas's economic struggles, but it doesn't exactly instill confidence.

    Because a state " especially kansas" isnt a national economy lol. Its also surrounded by similar bs regs, plus the epa and corporate tax rate never changed...


    Wtf are u even saying here....


    United States is already a country that has trusted institutions and is extremely safe another country that has an equal or even to a certain degree lesser corporate tax rate that's under 21% or at 21% the United States is going to get the benefit of the doubt and the investment as for the other countries over 21% it's a no-brainer those businesses are going to come back to the United States obviously

    But I'm still waiting to see why the Democrats aren't mad at their own party they could have passed away I really wanted for 2 years and they didn't do it the question is why

  9. 2 hours ago, sherpa said:


    Its all free. 




    Putting some piece of junk on land you don't own.....Free.

    I am amazed that someone didn't think about this already.

    Maybe they wanted to have a life that included others. 




    In your case, the RV would be fatal.



    Never said its free


    Im suprised u r this dense

  10. 4 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    Listen everyone:  the debate is settled.  We're moving towards a society in which we'll eschew our hunter/gather roots and stop accumulating things, and will move back towards a nomadic lifestyle where everyone desires to live in their car, essentially homeless.  It's settle science, people.  Move on!

    Its not a debate


    Limited fossil fuels , exponential growth, and china/india/africa demand will force u to adapt

    1 hour ago, sherpa said:


    Put that baby under a window and you've got a "solar system."


    It would help your cause if you wrote sentences like an educated human.


    The question about what is "cheaper" was never the issue.

    The issue is your ridiculous claims, and total ignorance of anything related to this.

    If you want cheap, just go the full homeless route.


    By the way.

    There is another "settled" item in this thread.

    You may not be able to figure that out, but everyone else has.



    So the rv is cheaper?

  11. 1 minute ago, baskin said:


    You seem to use "lol" quite frequently....how old are you?


    9 minutes ago, Magox said:


    So your argument is that it will create too much growth and that it will create inflationary pressures causing the fed's to increase rates which will then lead to an economic downturn.


    That could end up happening, and if that did happen they would lower interest rates, the economy would bounce back and it would happen from an even higher baseline with an economy that is better positioned to grow quickly because of this administration's stance on regulations and taxation which of course are pro growth.

    U keep forgetting dems think supply side is fairy dust

  12. 6 minutes ago, TPS said:

    Yes, little fairies will spread gold dust on the economy and cause economic growth to exceed 50 years of history...

    As Magox said, the deficit will be expansionary in the short term, and we may even experience 3-4% growth for a year, but then tight labor markets will kick in. There is currently some slack to allow for a short burst, but by 2019 the Fed will be forced to restrain inflationary pressures.

    Lets assume u r correct


    Why didnt ur party do anything lol





  13. Dems had their chance but" u blew it"



    4 minutes ago, TPS said:

    I can always count on you to distort what I said. The current regime has announced higher spending for military, mostly weapons not personnel, and tax cuts, creating an expected deficit of over $1 trillion in 2019. As I said, trillion $ deficits when we are near full employment will create inflationary pressures to which the Fed will react.  I can't wait to see how you twist those words...

    Not if we have 5-8% growth...

    Not if repubs pass entitlement reform

  14. 5 minutes ago, GG said:


    Why is it an economic benefit when the government redistributes income to less productive members of society, but it's bad when it redistributes income to military personnel?



    I thought dems were pro blue collar

    Pro working ppl


    I guess military isnt.


    Dems are so exposed on their bs

    1 minute ago, TPS said:

    Was it that confusing? Deficits matter less when unemployment is high, and in fact are usually high because of high unemployment. When you change tax policy to increase the deficit when we are near what many considered full employment, it will stoke inflationary pressure.  I don't care who is president when these things happen.

    So if the deficit is high with high unemployment


    U acknowledge u can outgrow the deficit with a pro growth policy??

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