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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. Because its a bull **** slogan.... Also corporate America can suck my rooster Thts why i did 20 To not have to put up with corporate Murcia
  2. Ill tell u govt spending stories that will make even bernie Sanders puke.... How about as a naive e4 out of a school being told to buy all new tools ( thousands$$) and personally kept. Or being hundreds of thousands in red every fiscal year and justifying it as " emergency spending" when it was all just personal purchases... Including for civilians. New cell phones U have no clue
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20020802194310/http://abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/DailyNews/2020_whitevan_020621.html
  4. Thts 3 lost tos Football gods hate blo
  5. https://web.archive.org/web/20020802194310/http://abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/DailyNews/2020_whitevan_020621.html
  6. https://web.archive.org/web/20020802194310/http://abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/DailyNews/2020_whitevan_020621.html
  7. Its actually great. Also wouldn't depend on why those medical license or revoked why they were hired and the context of all of that or does that not matter to you this is why Society is going to s*** because there is no more nuanced anymore just catch phrase hype
  8. Sometimes lol I dont want to lead
  9. Because when anyone uses the word deleterious they are obviously trying too hard and it looks cringe.... Ive never, EVER in my life heard someone use the word. Not even in formal discussion.... Its fake and anyone with an iq over 80 can see right through it. Especially when her vocabulary use is not on tht level normally... I couldve used tje wrd lexicon but i didnt. U know why? Because I'm not a douchebag
  10. Dem leader squirms when question abt single payer
  11. Lol I am a contrarian if u didnt notice lol
  12. 1953 iran or supporting a psychopath like saddam or mubarak is probably a million times worse, literally if we are talking body count I agree it is easy The us govt is beyond worse The Iranians beg to differ... In fact the families of the 3000 Americans would be wise to find the real terrorists !@#$ the us govt
  13. 1. Most ppl in the military never see combat 2. Most ppl in the military dont give a **** about us govt politics 3. If u pay taxes u have contributed just as much as someone in the military 4. We all know this is a ubiquitous slogan ppl say but don't reall mean or even understand why they say it. Kinda like " support the troops" 5. There are just as many lazy **** bags in the military as in any other institution, in fact it could be more. These aren't the brightest, non-conformist, ground-breaking types folks... They are average just like everyone else... "Its all bs folks"- george carlin
  14. I was lazy Making chief wasnt a big deal to me
  15. It already does indirectly Whether u like it or not dumbass Ever heard of idk... Oil Infoation? Or global markets
  16. In theory least massive tax cuts the dismantling of the EPA the reduction in the corporate tax rate and ending the ObamaCare insurance cycle mandate should stimulate growth to the point that it starts to cut into the deficit over the next four years we shall see
  17. You'll be subservient to it and one form or another directly or indirectly we all have to live together at the end of the day
  18. I agree Not mutually exclusive Trust me I'd much rather listen to Kimberly Guilfoyle compared to Maxine Waters
  19. I guarantee Pruitt told all his employees to just play Tetris and recycle after that many of them left LOL So glad the psycho epa was dismantled Also like many bloated government bureaucracy why the f*** does the EPA have 15,000 employees it should be maybe 500 Max
  20. U live in the world dumbass... Its not like the U.S. is on the moon lol
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