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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. Whaley was a good GM. Just because someone has a different vision that doesn't involve tearing the house down doesn't mean they didn't make a few good moves.. even if they're a former Bills exec. Not every former Bill was trash. Not every GM's roster gets Wrexed. Not every GM has the successor completely wipe out everything he was working for. After seeing the Titans and 49ers succeed I don't think a lower tier quarterback is as egregious a legacy as we make it I blame Rex Ryan for how the Bills changed to the Beane regime more than anything
  2. Goff and/or McVay simply like targeting their slot receiver Kupp more often. Watkins is a great fit with KC and there are not many WRs better than Hill or Kelce atm Plus Swatkins is banged up Watkins makes our WR corps NFL competent. Not every move Beane makes is perfect. Tired of the Beane glorification
  3. I would consider that the case. But I can see the 49ers game going a lot like the Titans game just went. Chief's offense might be unstoppable
  4. Watkins is doing just fine y'all need to layoff and get back to ya'll little jobs
  5. I'm starting to strongly suspect he's been coked out this past year. Along with all the other aforementioned issues. I'm sure there's several factors compounding the problem. Poor judgement is certainly one of them. Just like the doc explains with Aaron Hernandez. You gotta have a lot of demons going on to culminate in that obviously. Little bit of column A little bit column B. CTE probably makes all those issues tenfold.. but not everybody with CTE combines all the mental issues these 2 show. But I'd never claim CTE is a copout for football players doing bizarre things. The brain is not an organ you want damaged. CTE could be the difference between Hernandez fake thugging and flashing his gun to impulsively actually pulling the trigger.
  6. Packers and Chiefs. Titans just rub me the wrong way. Patty Mahomeboy is awesome.. brother is a Packers fan.
  7. The defense alone was a world of difference between the Cards and Bills. One QB had to force the issue with a bad supporting caste, the other could live to see another possession... Also with a bad supporting caste. Arizona was a whole nother world of rookie quarterback hell compared to Buffalo... AND WE SHOULD CONSIDER THAT A GOOD THING people here acting like they wanted JA's rookie year to suck as much as Rosen's to prove he's tougher or something. I don't understand our infatuation with the other quarterbacks in Josh Allen's draft class. Them being good or flat out sucking makes no difference to JA's performance.
  8. Rosen's probably had the worst luck for a 1st round QB in the history of the league haha The Cardinals and Dolphins were 2 of the worst teams ever man
  9. For sure. None past the top end of the first round since pretty much any other player is lucky to even be drafted. The best recent example I can think of is La'ell Collins who after sliding far enough claimed he wouldn't sign with anybody that drafted him.. allowing him to be a former projected 1st rounder turned an UDFA who could choose whatever team he wanted. If that was repeated with any more success that tactic would certainly wreck the league. I presume the owners would rather blackball with most cases. But La'ell had been particularly screwed predraft.
  10. I think draftees have more leverage than we give them. I just found that forum exchange pretty funny.
  11. Not that I care about this argument but y'all got caught in a loop. The argument posed is Eli was football royalty and Elway had baseball. If you ask for one player each question and then the other next question it makes it sound like nobody is answering for the other guy.. FWIW I think regardless of the leverage these 2 show enough precedent that if a top pick brings up enough stink about getting drafted they do make it very hard for the drafting team to go through with selecting them.
  12. I see his name come up randomly more than any other former Bill seems like. He's been everywhere hustling his 3rd stringer QB skills. Man has lived the NFL life with zero pressure.
  13. I'm not sold either. And starting to suspect most of the fanbase isn't either after seeing the game day threads full of people who just disappear after the game. Doesn't mean I'm not willing to ride with him.. he just hasn't shown me enough that I've seen others in his class have. Having potential to pan out doesn't mean he has, in fact, already planned out
  14. The boys won a national championship they can slap @ss all they want
  15. Someone threw a lit cigar in the trash can and started a small fire the cops needed to extinguish lol. Given that that happened I'll give them a pass for that haha
  16. I don't see 2 as having the absence of any good system at all for the given year. But I see 1 as having the inflexibility to work with anything handed to it. In a vacuum it needs the exact personnel the coordinator figured out the scheme to begin with. To me this just sounds like a sliding scale of a coordinator's expertise at various schemes that fit personnel. Yes, with an all pro roster any coordinator's scheme looks like the best ever. Once they get to the pro level most of them have proved they've made SOMETHING work with some particular roster. The spectrum is just missing a 3rd dimension. If someone is infinitely good at one scheme the scheme will be responsible for all success and if someone is infinitely adaptable they'd be NFL caliber with a Pop Warner roster. Basically one end could hypothetically have a scheme to get a sack no matter the players or play call every play. And the other end has such adaptability to the best player that one given player influences the outcome. Coordinator #1 succeeds because he has a scheme that works no matter who is playing and coordinator #2 succeeds because he has so much mastery of all schemes to make his players look better
  17. #1 may make you very good for one year in the future, #2 offers sustained and almost infinite success. Everybody wants coach #2. Every coach falling closer to #1 likely got their mindset landing on a successful scheme for a particular group of players and are forcing that tailor made scheme on other rosters so that they're always chasing the past. I like to think every coach is truly #2 type starting out until they experiment long enough to find something that works.. and then depending on their skill, they either cling to that system or continue to tinker. The more stubborn they get- more on the static spectrum -, the less likely they'll ever replicate past success with new personnel. It's like Rex Ryan having a one hit wonder with the Ravens and desparately clinging to that scheme without realizing all the things Ray Lewis or Darrelle Revis may have done to make all the other parts work.. because he doesn't have the genius to make minor tweaks that are necessary.
  18. If he were to sign with us. Means he thinks we're contenders. Not a bad thing given he's choosing where to go for FA. Lots of FAs have this attitude. It's part of what they've worked for. Free Agency is always me me me. They're choosing where to take their careers. It's entirely about where they want to go.
  19. This board has a special place in hell for Lamar Not me he's incredibly fun to watch. It's an entertainment business..
  20. Not gonna fault him if he really does end up making that bread. Who doesn't want to get massively overpaid
  21. Russell Wilson is trash compared to JA amiright
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