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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. QB made that so much harder than it had to be lol. Attaboy Cole. Bailing us out
  2. Haley certainly sounds like a lunatic but I'm also wondering how often a quarterback just refuses to take a benching and runs back out there! That's a fun story
  3. I thought it was so cool. Seeing Allen really get along with these guys
  4. Loved seeing Edmunds have a good game. He had me worried
  5. Anybody else a Levi Wallace fan?
  6. I can't bash Tre. Metcalf is clearly more athletic than him. Perfect throw on top of that. Few can beat him with that outside of Russell/Metcalf
  7. Mullen's pick reminded me of ole Pistol Peterman chucking it up in the face of a 250 lb linebacker in the process of getting wrecked
  8. The NFL is made of overachievers. How many countless times have we seen football players trump athletes Not that I'm finished with Edmunds but Milano just plays well every game. A consistency like Kyle Williams and LorAx is way more important than a handful of freak athletic plays.
  9. Yep even if the physios don't think the injury is too serious, it clearly looks like some sort of injury is on his mind. I'd sit him until he gets it figured out because I don't think forcing him in with it affecting him like this is helping his confidence / form. Depends on what's going on between the ears I imaging everytime he sees a run play he's ****ting his pants
  10. I can't stand seeing him shy away from contact. I have to assume some sort of injury must be on his mind (even if it's not major, could be mental), since I've almost never seen a MLB do it to this degree. Either way I'm shocked he's still playing by this point. Anybody trying to make it in the NFL would die for a chance to at least throw their body around and find contact. I see his athleticism, and I'm sure those that know more than me may see better play. But all too often it's hard to ignore a MLB so reluctant to get in the mix.
  11. I don't think anyone whatsoever is arguing we just release Josh Allen haha. He certainly isn't Trent, Tyrod, EJ at this point in his career
  12. I agree it's annoying to see. But I don't see the same cynical doom and gloom . This has happened a handful of times since the 80s and wouldn't set anymore precedent than it has before. It's a massive gamble only a position with the pull of a quarterback and a name like Manning would have the 'nads to pull. Outside of football royalty is #1 picks like Elway, Lawrence. Outside of that is star players with a competitive USFL to leverage. That's hardly any reason to say that all of Alabama's first round picks are going to force themselves on the Chiefs next year to dominate the NFL for the rest of our lives. The system works.
  13. Honestly don't think I've seen a single offensive holding all night
  14. That's just a great Mahomes play. He was always going to make a couple of those.. we were banking on him being average I guess. A better pass rush would be the answer
  15. Edmunds not attacking the LOS paid off BOOOIIS
  16. Really good ST on kickoffs is the silver lining boys
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