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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. '85 bears didn't care lol
  2. Notice how tyrod has few nfl quality receivers to use? Does his best with the talent he's given
  3. Not here to pile on a silly missed draft pick. But i want each and every Steelers scout responsible for receivers. Those guys are geniuses, best at what they do
  4. So what. WL column is all that matters
  5. He's playing FALES. Short of peterceptionpocolypse we'll be okay with this defense
  6. Love it. He shook things up. Giving up on that game is a good thing given our margin of W/L error. /S
  7. Keep it up tyrod! Love it!
  8. I'll lose it if savior Pete pops is head in to remind us how good the dolphins are
  9. Take him in a heartbeat. Who doesn't want a crack at alib.
  10. I propose a mandatory ban on these types of posts on the ground of jinx. Reverse jinx: believing the opposite of what you want to happen in attempt the change the outcome. Nothing will go right today
  11. Getting drunk. Need to stay sharp until 425.. hold it together
  12. Wish I read this. Surprised NO games matter right now. Showed up to the bar all excited for Bills and help games.
  13. Sammy could do that. You walked right into that and described what a good receiver should do.
  14. Get out OP. Get out.
  15. Dunkirk don. I get hammered and respond to this thread to make fun of you. Nothing personal. It's just always bumped to the top
  16. What did you think of the new Star wars film?
  17. Get out! Frank Gore is a legend
  18. Do have to get in the argument over what highest paid quarterbacks make the playoffs and what don't?? They do usually make the playoffs. They do
  19. It's the world of social media. We can get on our highhorses and act like we haven't been just as culpable cyberbulling (I am using this term VERY loosely) all year. It's way for fans to entertain themselves. I'm sure tolbert takes this with a grain of salt
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