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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. Tyrod's never thrown 5 picks in a half. You're really good at this shangarang
  2. Whoever didn't start Peterman. Really wish we didn't spot the chargers a win
  3. DaltonDaltonDaltonDaltonDalton
  4. Don't count out another flacco pick6 boys
  5. I hate you, I hate the parents that raised you this way. And I hate your progeny
  6. Bois, Bengals are the team we need to root for
  7. Is there a ravens thread? Cause that's all we should be watching
  8. Bengals pick 6! This is the best bills luck I have witnessed over 1.5 hours
  9. Corner didn't study his tape on Zay drops
  10. Best thing Bengals have going for them is they HATE the ravens
  11. No he's just the best quarterback on the roster. Did my handle give it away?
  12. I'm drunk bangarang chill out. My assertion is that these receivers suck
  13. Nah banagarang that's the last post you sent at me (first half thread so i reply here). I'd make an ironic joke about meds but it's pretty distasteful lol. Don't be dense.
  14. Spotting the chargers a win with peterceptionpocolypse has me triggered right now
  15. Banagarang: yes i want all pro relievers you dolt
  16. These receivers have let us all down
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