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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. It's the boogie man for every offense until the quarterback figures out what to do about it. JA's a fast learner.
  2. Literally only turned on the game to watch Mike White 😒
  3. https://nflscorigami.com/ 11's a good number for rare scores
  4. Figures we eventually had Kelvin Benjamin too 🙄 I liked Sammy though. Shocked he didn't have a better post-Bills career.
  5. I'm still team Garrett on that episode
  6. This Cowboys QB is so cool
  7. I think I'm mostly frustrated because he could be so much better. I see other linebackers, watching Barr tonight closely.. granted these are the really good ones.. with half his athleticism just always being around the ball craving contact. It's just instinctual. I think he's been good, not great, certainly improved, but he seems pretty stagnant on playing as a finesse MLB
  8. Barr is what I want Edmunds to be so bad
  9. Tom Brady hissyfit alert!
  10. The math: If you think you have a 50% chance of getting 2, it's equal to a 100% chance of making an extra point. Moving the extra point back makes way more sense now going for 2 in reasonable situations, since the XP is far from guaranteed. I guess they think going for 2 twice when down 14, odds are they hit one to at least tie the game. If they get it on the first like the Dolphins did they have a shot to win it. I guess it's en vogue now. I like the idea for any competent offense. Heck Dolphins kicker pretty much missed an extra point that game
  11. Did y'all know Sean McDermott was a wrestler?
  12. What a monster. I love this quarterback
  13. He's the Rasheed Wallace of the NFL
  14. Tua's floaters making our DBs look good
  15. No kidding. I'm mad about that not being called but.. I've always HATED the idea of lining up purely to get some kind of Offside call. This kind of thing was bound to happen the more the more often we try it. Dumb
  16. I'd be okay with never running the ball again
  17. Every single down excited for the opportunity to see him leveled only to be let down by a quick completion? Telling yourself it'll happen next time and riding a series of small disappointments for 3 straight hours until you feel empty inside. I hate it. Just a win in SB against him wouldn't even be closure it'd have to be a sack / force fumble / touchdown.. or something like what the Browns did to Ben Roethlesberger's Steelers last year
  18. Huh? He definitely showed arm strength to spare. Those 3rd and 10 curl routes were automatic whenever he had to bullet it in
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