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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. Funny how some from our generation become self made bills fans and others don't even with all that opportunity.
  2. Ah yes we were making one last drive for a measly 8 points. Every first down was a nail biter "holy **** we got another one". It was fascinating how bad we were yet were scrapping to the 30 Juaron gives the okay on 4th and 8 screen. Game over. Family laughs at me for thinking the Bills were ever making the playoffs. Even with the loss that drive had me glued to the TV. Thought football was awesome. That was a good Browns team too. Derek Anderson was top 10 statistically that year, Jamal Lewis, Kellen Winslow II was a good TE, braylon Edwards, Joe jurevicious. Wonder what was going through Browns' fans heads could imagine. They ran out the exact same offense the year after and EVERYBODY sucked. I thought they were going to rule the AFC.
  3. My uncle and grandfather would send me bills gear to convert me. Dad's a Dolphins fan because they had pretty Jerseys. It all came together one year when I started following the standings halfway through the year, saw the JP Losman dick juaron bills pushing for 8-8 with a shot at the wildcard. They weren't on ever so I tried radio, finally saw the bills 7-8 playing 7-8 browns with a slim playoff chance if a ton of things went bills way. Bills didn't even win but watching all the guys I was hearing from the radio, I was hooked. Game was like 10-7 browns with the Bills running a screen on 4th and 8 late and the game. Didn't make it. And i thought "maybe they'll do it next year" So no but I carried the family torch despite my dad.
  4. I would have been light-years ahead of Peterman if I audibled to a run every play. Not having a passer would have been light years ahead of the QB play that game. So.. yeah Tyrod would have been light-years ahead of Peterman. His Saints game that got him benched was light-years ahead of Peterman. But aside from the snark, there's no rolling the dice. Maybe to us it seems like but the coaches see the damn dice roll every practice, and clearly weren't paying enough attention to practice. Maybe they were too enamored at a few Peterman 7 on 7 drills and did not pay attention to the boys in pads with the red shirt off. Coaches see what they want to see, which I imagine Dennison did.
  5. Market the ice up, son podcast
  6. https://www.thesportster.com/football/the-worst-wide-receiver-on-every-nfl-roster-in-2017/ Maybe the worst article i've seen. Spoiler: ROBERT WOODS is on here for the Rams
  7. Y Counterpoints to the quarterback makes the WR. 2 Quarterbacks where their receiver made them. Too many narratives I'm crusading to destroy at this point. Peterman revisionist history, Whaley didn't have a plan (he failed but he clearly had a plan), the "fact" that a good quarteback could have TBD members trotting out as his WRs and "give them real WR #s". A good quarterback still sucks when he doesn't have skill position help. If some people on here are GMs with Drew Brees at QB they'd surround him with Tolbert in the flats, David Nelson, naaman Roosevelt, philly brown, and Robert royal and expect 1200 yard 10 TD seasons from Nelson and Philly. There's a reason the Falcons GM drafted Julio Jones (even with peak Roddy White on the roster), Calvin Ridley, Austin Hooper in the 3rd for Matt Ryan.. he's not an idiot. was a good GM and knew Matt Ryan's weapons on offense would be his formula for creating a Superbowl team, league best offense, and MVP caliber Matt Ryan.
  8. Dangit I immediately edited that post! I will say that mccown has a knack for being dependent on the receiver when others don't. It seems a few receivers best seasons (Jeffrey, Pryor, Anderson) are with mccown. Pretty remarkable.
  9. Edelman has a ton of talent, don't discount that because he plays for the Pats. I think it's more about chemistry with a quarterback. Tyrod had chemistry with Watkins, would never have liked a guy like Benjamin. Wilson has really never used Graham to the max. He wants his guys OPEN. Not "I'm not open but I'm running and I promise I'll fight for the ball because that's my thing". Then you have mccown who is a quarterback dependent to his receivers. Remember when they were going to bench Cutler because he was lobbing 50 TDs to Alshon Jeffrey? Or when he did the same with Terrell Pryor? Then watch Kirk not gel with Pryor the year after. Cutler with Jeffrey. Dude just Google him
  10. Tyrod was the best quarterback we had. Maybe he wasn't good enough. But he was the best option, there's no rock and hard place. There's "our best chance of winning" and "not as good chance, maybe it happens, maybe we have one of the worst QB records ever who knows!" SO WHY START PETERMAN. Why does Tyrod not get these excuses but we can keep saying poor Peterman had an unfair shake at things. Same offense.
  11. Okay.. but mid season it was dumb and jeapordized our playoff chances. Playoffs were out of our control. It's a Machiavellian train of thought. The ends justified the means. We got to watch Peterman **** the bed. Cool. That was a really fun fan experience. So imagine the Giants bench a struggling Eli Manning 2007 8-8 season. Take a loss with a hypothetical rookie quarterback starting. "Well at least we won the Superbowl! Heck if we knew we'd go 8-8 we could have just started every loss with our bad quarterback. What's the point in being competitive if we know we're going to lose the Superbowl. Idk about you but I had a bad Sunday the Chargers week. We're fans remember? By your logic competitive losses aren't fun to watch because we have a crystal ball knowing the game doesn't matter. Please debate these points with me. I'm begging. And uh.. you actually said this? "The chargers HC had Tyrods ticket. You don't think he could game plan for Tyrod having worked with him before? He knew the weaknesses" um.. their intern could have game planned for PETERMAN.
  12. Preach. Wanted to make sure you caught my rant above #retriggered
  13. McD did a great job of sticking with tyrod even if he "didn't want Tyrod there at all". It's year one.. you can only make so many personell changes (and he gutted the roster.. made a ton) I always harp on coaches swimming upstream, refusing to play with the cards they are dealt. McD didn't do that come week 1 and beyond. We made the playoffs because our secondary carried the team with a quarterback that didn't hamper that game plan (turning over, losing field position, throwing 5 picks) We're speculating that Dennison pushed McD to start Pete. He could have sacked up and vetoed the idea to give us a remote chance of winning that game. I also do not care when Peterman starts. Sure he was horrible against a constant pass rush. Mind you that was happening Jets, Saints, and Chargers. So why are we creating the narrative poor Peterman had an unlucky timing in his first start. It's the NFL. Any given Sunday the pass rush can be a bad day. Guarantee any coach with a peanut brain would have blitzed the living hell out of rook version Pete. THE CHARGERS DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THE DAMN PLAYOFFS. don't tell me that pass rush ruined every quarterback they played. Pete lost the game. I know some rooks that don't lose the game by 1st quarter. they are aware they aren't running the show, have a unit that can carry the team and don't impede that. It was honestly the worst football IQ I've ever seen. Peterman is more talented than Tuel by miles, no situation awareness at all. Some coach had to tell him "you're going to have a rough pass rush, take the sack and don't force it." Was the Chargers a bad game for Peterman to start? Crocodile tears here. It's one game. Peterman improved. But i can't stand the narrative that poor Peterman had to start against the Chargers. So we can pick and choose easy games for Peterman to play the easy games and let Tyrod handle the good teams? Good lord why not start Tyrod.. you know our designated quarterback for good defenses.. for every game. The argument is silly someone please debate me on this with serious points other than telling me "oh so you don't want Peterman to be a good QB?" No.. I just didn't want him to see the field last year short of a backup role.
  14. Sorry to double reply, didn't quite phrase myself well. We all want Peterman to improve. To his credit he did even throughout the season. But this thread.. somewhere on some dolphins thread OP said "prediction, David Fales will start week 1" and don't tell me you're not salivating at the thought of sweeping the David Fales led Dolphins. Do Dolphins fans want him to improve? Absolutely, they see the potential. As do we with Pete.
  15. I love a highlight reel that surprises you with great music. 80% of highlight reels have Drake.
  16. Serious question, I see people talking about TO bragging about the bills record he set. Only story I know is he's skipping the ceremony. Which I assume you're referencing. Why is that meaningless record coming up again? Unless my podcast and it's 75 odd listeners is actually bringing random topics lol. Anyways given that this is a Peterman (threw 5 picks) HOF thread, I thought I'd talk about TO skipping the ceremony. I once again love an athlete making the talking heads go crazy. TO is a first ballot HOF. Top 3 receiver all time. Was it petty? Absolutely. Do I care if the voters got their feelings hurt inducting one of the best receivers ever and getting snubbed? If anything I love it! Just induct the most dominant players of their era HOF voters and don't even start saying "see?! We were validated! We should have never voted him in!" Is that petty? Petty is an understatement there. I can't even think of the hyperbolic word to describe that train of thought. I understand your sentiment. I also don't like this thread premise.
  17. I'd update the title saying Winslow jr or Winslow II . Saw the title and thought how on Earth is the elder Kellen Winslow in this pickle
  18. Thanks Ridgewaycynic2013, that would actually probably be best for me in the long run as opposed to Peterman growing forgettable and having a senseless nickname. "I was watching that legendary quarterback back when he was throwing 5 picks in a half!"
  19. I'd have to change my screen name.. but yeah that's the only con I guess if Peterman turns out to be really really good
  20. Um enunwa anybody? Yeah he drops it for sure.
  21. yeah baby. we know Cincy wants to lose round 1 in the playoffs.
  22. sorry folks but I love Tyrod saying that he wants to "knock the Bills out of the playoffs". After all the years of towing the line he can finally speak freely and show some balls. Don't even care how he plays. Certainly hope he doesn't knock us out of the playoffs (lol). Just a cool quote I wasn't expecting from the fella.
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