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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. How many times has Andrew luck gotten a drunk phonecall from irsay. "No Jim I don't want to tie up. Yes Jim I am aware it may alleviate the pain. Sure Jim I'm sure you have clean needles. I'll focus on traditional rehab but I appreciate your concern. Jim. Jim. I'm hanging up Jim. Yes Jim. Go Colts"
  2. Oh God I was just in the PPP. it was horrible. I'm serious.. first attempt at a joke in PPP after we brought it up here: So I guess you are one of the slavish cultists that still chant "lock her up!" Without a hint of irony, lol 
  3. Wait what?? That was all sarcasm swear to God the cult of Hillary hate scares the crap out of me. I"m out of here.. knew it was a bad idea! Little tongue in cheek sarcasm at Bill's expense. I'm out! Never coming back!
  4. Boy I hijacked this thread. Was just trying to say the Chargers sucks last year that's all So I can be angry at tricky Rick! Trust me I want to believe the circumstances of that decision anything else would drive me off the wall
  5. He took some licks that's for sure. And I've always given him credit 4 rebounding as well as he did. Especially as someone who believes good quarterbacks can't be broken. Good quarterbacks have moxie, confidence, amnesia I still retain my right to be angry when a quarterback throws too many pics to possibly win
  6. I don't even want to know some poster's political opinions I assume we are talking about Dunkirk Don
  7. ok sorry I didn't remember a thread title to the tee. You obviously understood what I meant, WHICH WAS ALL I WAS ASKING. I wasn't being accusatory, just remembered it was likely you.
  8. Dude leave it... haha I agree 100%, I think the other point is lunacy and that narrative went on all season and drove me insane.. Until I got some semblance of a life and stopped caring.
  9. were you the one that started that josh allen / Peterman = Kelly / Riech thread?
  10. That's a fine opinion. I hate the other reasoning I just stated. With a burning passion.
  11. I was replying to some dude putting words into McD's mouth. McD would have seen the teachable moment, sat him down and said "well Corey, tell me why you think he's got you running with the two's" "What can you do better" "Are you willing to work even harder to be a starter, because it's going to take more from you. Are you up for the challenge?" McD to Dareus: "How's it going buddy? Why do you think you're in the doghouse? What can you do to get better? are you up for the challenge? cause I want TO TRADE YOU FOR A HIGH PICK" Not saying it's good or bad.. but McD literally does the exact same thing and ships players for high draft picks. So it's more about the "WELL MCD WOULD HAVE DONE THAT BETTER CAUSE COREY COLEMAN IS STILL YOUNG AND MCD NEVER TRADES YOUNG PLAYERS, HE NURTURES THEM." Also I don't figure Peterman is in the QB conversation. He's grooming for a backup. Fine by me, he could be an okay back up (I hope. I love it when my screen name starts conversations).
  12. They're blessed to have never faced any sort of such scrutiny. but they come across as.. intelligent I suppose.
  13. I mean.. until the Bills are on hard knocks.. how exactly do you know McD "would have seen the teachable moment". Love him, but he doesn't seem to care for his underachievers one bit.
  14. wait I thought the Chargers were so good they forced our hand in playing a quarterback that.. just.. might.. be.. the franchise. I mean we were gonna lose anyway amiright? Why not throw in Jeff Tuel and see what happens? Ya never know. Like.. Thad Lewis might have won that game. We didn't need to see if we had a franchise quarterback. We needed a win.
  15. Dude I can not understand the Bridgewater love. He was the Checkdown king for 2 years before being hurt so bad for the next 2 years. Just because he was a 1st round draft pick on a LOADED Vikings team that wasn't the godawful we expect from rookies.. the same Vikings team that Keenum was able to turn title contenders.. and had 2 good 3000 yard 14 TD seasons merrily checking it down. He's basically worse than Tyrod in every statistical passing category. And ya know, Tyrod can do that running thing.
  16. well you have to admit. There's only one Chad Kelly.. so.. you know
  17. I don't know if you were aware.. but Cris Carter is a horrible analyst.
  18. why do ya'll keep getting upset at this stuff. I don't even know who Schopp is. And I'm glad I don't know some random radio host. I have to listen to The Ticket in Dallas. Literally the most obnoxious fan cult following radio station ever.. that everybody listens to.
  19. we call that a hospital pass in every sport. Except football I guess. Heard it in Soccer and Hockey.
  20. CAUSE THEY HAVE JOSH GORDON. Tyrod, Baker, doesn't matter. Team's gonna eat. Hue gonna suck, Tyrod gonna be a game manager, Baker a wildcard, don't matter. Josh Gordon will make that offense chug. And if the defense is elite as you say. They're gonna be good.
  21. hehehe, yes receivers love that lofted short ball to catch tenderly like a feather while Ray Lewis is barreling down at you full speed. I'm falling for Josh Allen.. it's too early, but he looks better than any camp quarterback I've seen. What I love most is he seems to be leveraging his experience from being a good player on a bad team, to being a good player on a disastrous NFL offense, OL, WR and all, and taking it on the chin. He's making scrambling plays, moving around a tight pocket, doesn't give a **** about drops: makes the same throw again (leadership unless it's stupidity throwing to a player that causes interceptions more often than not). I like that we picked a quarterback that does not appear dependent on stud WRs, a rock O-Line, and doesn't make excuses for himself. All we need in an offense devoid of talent, loaded on defense.. if he carries this >= Tyrod capability. We gon be good.
  22. yep, this isn't anything different from the past 50 years. It's terrible, but it's getting better I suppose.
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