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Bing Bong

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Everything posted by Bing Bong

  1. This is the first lead of the year baby!
  2. It does. And when it doesn't, I understand BWS defense sounds horrible for people in the Innocent. I'm just saying studying boring as all get out case law.. you defend the character of the defendant and not attack the prosecution. Because BWS is precedent and relatively recently at that, so if your only defense is "your honor she's a bad parent. Other people would have acted differently" the prosecution has a field day saying "your honor, BWS, we believe the plaintiff believed she was doing whatever she could to survive and was afraid to seek alternatives..." Literally just cite BWS and you win. I'm just saying this from a legal perspective. A bunch of juries, lawyers, and judges admitted BWS beats "she didn't do what she didn't know she could do for her and her child's safety and is therefore in the wrong" Honestly I'd feel the same way as you (and I did feel that way) if I didn't read a ton of cases where BWS clearly happened.
  3. Because in your own reply to the quote "it's pretty well known by now that victims of abuse often cover for & defend their abuser, as they fear retaliation and are afraid to leave them." It's a fact. A legal term. Because it happens. All the time. You can't say you'd do xyz in someone's psychological state. That's the definition of Battered Woman Syndrome. Not saying Shady did anything but we CAN acknowledge we've never been a beaten up woman afraid of retaliation for our selves and our child, and can't determine what state of mind that would put us in. It's such a royal **** up for a lawyer to say "she has no right to hide child abuse because I sure as heck wouldn’t" because the prosecution cites BWS and you lose. Don't be Shady's lawyer pls. ^ yep...
  4. Lol that was my implication in parentheses (not about everything). Chip sucked tho. And he said that. And he was correct.
  5. It already sucks being at the end of his career like this. He's been pretty stoic about it. As a teammate I never recall him complaining ever, except when he called out Chip Kelly. But he's an all pro running back and Chip Kelly is garbage. So he was probably completely right (not about everything, mostly Chip being a bad coach, he got pretty far out on his dogging IIRC) This needs to be said more. Whatever happened, I get frustrated when people don't understand "battered woman syndrome" is literally a widely recognized legal term for women in this situation. When people were criticizing Ray Rice's wife for staying with Ray Rice as if it was an indication he was generally a swell guy I was banging my head against the wall.
  6. Too far man. You know what Inigo does.
  7. Yeah that's like pretty much on the money. The justice system is horrible and we like to imagine it's not just a bunch of lawyers inventing rules as they go. IN TEXAS JUDGES ARE ELECTED. THEY DON'T EVEN NEED TO KNOW THE LAW THEY'RE JUST POLITICIANS. And they get abused by lawyers I figured.. I couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or what but I got the vibe everybody thought he was done for or something. Pretty sure he's fine, just like the whole offseason saga. People just don't care cause it ain't affecting our win column anymore!
  8. I'm really surprised this didn't blow up like the off-season thread did. Like shocked.. this board is dead. I don't normally see it on a Friday but a Shady story would still blow up How about tire fire I did say IF he got suspended.. would be nice to have it this year and have him fresh for his last year and 2nd year Josh Allen and a few tools. but obvs Goodell is gonna **** us and suspend him next year if it were to ever happen anyway. I figured he was safe though and it turned out to be a nonstory
  9. I guess I meant to say stiff. But yes I said too poised.. doesn't make sense. He looks great in the pocket, but also stiff, static. To the reply I was talking to. He mentioned Allen doesn't move to the right places, he steps up in the pocket, stands like a towering leader of men, unflinching, unafraid, and just keeps standing and turns into a statue and gets sacked.. that happened a lot more in preseason week 3 though. I was just thinking about the critique another poster gave. He LOOKS good. But in reality actually isn't super consistent in the pocket. and i second guessed my original statement: "He looks like a 10 year vet in the pocket. It's awesome. Stands tall, eyes upfield, shuffles to the safe spot. Gets sacked a lot but he passes the eye test, he's clearly looking down field and buying time. That's a great instinct for a rookie to start with. It's a giant hurdle for a typical rookie we can skip past and find other things to improve forward a much faster paced development." What's on your mind Starr?
  10. Yep pretty much. He looks confident... And that might be kinda weird if any part of his thought process during a play is just "stand tall, look poised, look at receivers, can't move to that spot.. might look awkward shuffling at that angle" Like he seriously could be thinking that haha that's how poised he is, and that's pretty scary if true and he's not just 100% tuned into football. Aaron Rodgers looks goofy all the time in the pocket. Ya gotta trip over a lineman and bunny hop sometimes to get to the right spot.. duck every now and then. Play football. Just an observation. Not likely he's going out of his way to look poised, but he's so big and looks more poised/confident what have you than most quarbacks I watch in the league.
  11. My threads gone. Surprised it lasted as long as it did. "This thread is no longer contributing positively to the community" oh ya think? That thread killed brain cells. So this has regained status the dumbest thread on the board.. but to be fair, ya could sit your hurt-not-injured RB that you want to get healthy, and this is the team to do it. I just wanted Dalvin to feast for my fantasy team.. now I gotta get waiver wire scraps. Thanks for sucking TOO much Bills. So bad my running back has the best fantasy matchup for the season but gets rested cause his backup is going to feast instead.
  12. I'm putting the Ravens coaching staff at second dumbest in the league so far. They play Lamar Jackson trick plays a LOT more often than I would have imagined.. and both quarterbacks Iook miserable. They both know it's a waste of a down. And Lamar Jackson has to trot on the field pretending to look super pumped for one play, Flacco lines out wide or at the HB position, or takes the snap... And stands. And then Lamar jogs back after a -1 yard play pretending to look determined and focused to do better. And Flacco goes back to the huddle on 3rd and long. This all happens at LEAST once every possession. And it's just the wildcat... with 2 crappy blockers.. because the wildcat's success is predicated on having 11 great blockers on the field. And we got blown out by these geniuses
  13. I've just posted dumb. Like really dumb. Just to see people get on to complain how busy they are //as they click on the post. It's that dumb
  14. I'd name myself "MikeZimmerLostToaPracticeSquad"
  15. You guys seem super busy. Don't let my post get in the way of your important Friday night involving clicking on posts about planning a post on another poster. What is irony boys? Busy people don't post how busy they are on the dumbest thread ever made.
  16. Yes it is legitimately McD's Achilles heel. He was so good at getting the squad to buy in last year. I think he's a great defensive mind that is beyond moronic with his quarterback starts. Also.. how do you link someone's name in a post so they are notified they're being referenced? I see a few people do it. Can't figure it out.
  17. This guy and I are on the same page. I mean he got really into. Maybe a little overboard.. but it was a good time. EmotionallyUnstable Get him up to speed Bleeding Green. I pretty much said exactly who he is and what he does in my OP. So maybe you can shed more light You mind salvaging those negative confused emoji rep points with a hearty laugh? Also.. how do you link a poster's name to let him know he was referenced?
  18. Saying i'ma help him out because he's got a sweet name. Sorry to throw you under the bus. I said it to make the thread more popular. Didn't mean it. Glad your here, got any IceBowl 69 stories?
  19. Who knows. But he's got a great screen name and that goes a long way. I'd look in the mirror before judging (your profile page.. specifically your screen name) Awe man don't make me feel bad like that. What if he's a crazy rich Scrooge monster that sickly enjoys dashing everybody's hopes with a boldfaced lie? That's all the signs of a psychopath. I made this thread on a Friday night. I think I need more pity then him.
  20. Thanks bud. I'll post about Tyrod soon for the hell of it. Should be an entertaining 30 page hell hole.
  21. The Bills sucking is highly correlated to the forum sucking. As is the inverse. When we're good we're talking about every player on the roster.. every. Day. It's great.
  22. That's why his appeal to win our hearts on similarities is so out of bounds. "I love rooting for a small City team just like you!" IceBowl.. we ARE small market. Packers are the biggest market fanbase in the NFL. Because nobody is posting right now, and I can't think of anything to talk about. It is DEAD. And I'm trying to take the heat away from poor Inigo
  23. I want to see if we can game plan for a post better than the Bills game plan for Sunday Are you talking about the TV show? This OP is the easiest target to rip on lol gimme something better. Right. If IceBowl is doing this to the Dolphins he's doing it to everybody for... A very good reason. I haven't figured out what it is yet.
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