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Chadwick Bay Chad

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Everything posted by Chadwick Bay Chad

  1. The sting; Act 1: the bait. This post is 100% accurate but will it attract followers. Look on page one and see the names. You have faithfully hammered me for 220 pages. Thank you. Shady will dress for the game, probably.
  2. not a good purschase right tackle they have to protect Wilson, he is getting hammered with no protection and no run game. mark it down for the finale, only believers please. I owe it to you. The Sting: Act 1: The bait.
  3. this is a great summary Just in... with the shady news expect to see a new series of Webb carrying the ball. We have to run the ball and we all know Tolbert is not the answer, please expect Webb to get some carries, just saying. Glenn being traded to seattle Darues trade netted us a fifth round as my source predicted. My friend works in security and he was telling me a story about a building he is I charge of. there is a maintenance room directly by the board room. The problem is the vent system. in the maintenance room you can hear everything from the board room. Not good for business. had to shut it down. Has this ever happened to you?
  4. Let the haters respond first. they say you are vague, this is a lie, fake news, etc. etc. then Dunkirk Don will update you so long for now. Remember the parking garage inference. It worked, there will be a five story parking garage built next to our establishment. Someone took the bait. This was critical. We had limited parking and did not want to pour any more money into parking (it is a poor investment, it generates zero income for the owner) thanks to shady and the gang. You guys were awesome. Will Shady play or not? What is the latest update from OBD Talk to you tomorrow night.
  5. I can just go away. I thought people would like to see the story behind the sting. Call me crazy but crazy like a fox. How many haters that want this thread closed will be on line Thursday night? my quess all of them. You guys are mad because you feel used. Maybe u were but you also got some inside information as well. I call it a win win
  6. This just in..... If we cannot sign Smith or Case K., we will keep Taylor for another year but the rebuild begins. Peterman will be our starting quarterback and Shady will be on the block this offseason. Shady's window is about two years and if Beane gets his way and rebuilds there is no reason to keep Shady. Get the max in return. Are you guys up to speed on his ankle yet?
  7. kinda. nobody likes to be got though that is why the hate. I am glad Shady is back. I could not have done this without you. Thank you.
  8. Time for bed. See ya Thursday Watch the sting and then big fish. I studied those movies
  9. Well what about Shady. I know do you
  10. We had the introduction, the body, and now how will it end? You have to admit the corn flakes story was funny and it was brilliant how I said I misspoke ( would increase my drive to the. Ew stadium, one hour from Dunkirk. Where is Dunkirk anyways)and my source got mad at me and then you guys really went to work on selling site on where the stadium was going. If I said those things, it is a lie, etc. but when you guys told each other, it was magic. We needed to expand the area and you guys did it. Thanks. now all the source stuff is true. Not made up. We had to drop as many real facts as possible. It was not easy . laugh all you wanted, we made a ton all legally done but needed your help. I just hope no one here bought land east of buffalo from us i love the post when someone posted a sucker is Born every minute referring to me. I think you got it backwards
  11. Kinda of. We had to recoup a bad investment
  12. It all ends in two days anyways We both know it don’t we He is number one on our board
  13. You will get in all on Thursday night fyi I am not from Dunkirk and have never been there. My source use to live there many years ago. We thought Dunkirk don was a cool name
  14. Thanks. You have been very helpful with my sting You said two days ago u were done with this thread. Did you hear the news on shady. Oh boy. This is a huge factor in the game You will really be mad on Thursday. The changing of the name was all part of the sting.
  15. I will be taking pre orders for my hats, if you are interested, please let me know Please let me know if you want one.
  16. Okay. I clearly said if McDermott has the guts to call it, it will go down in Bills history it will be amazing. I don’t care if you believe it or not This is exactly what we wanted so I do thank you. News just came in about the health of Shady from my source. Wow this is huge!!!
  17. Mark did you or rob catch my slip (wink, wink) on the stadium. Maybe it was Shady. We had to expand the area of speculation on the stadium location ( will explain Thursday) we had to think how it could be done. We decided the next time the stadium location came up, I would post it would add an hour to my travel from Dunkirk. Boom done. You guys did all our work for us. Lechworth park and every area. You helped us expand the area. I didn’t have to say another word. Goal accomplished. Thank you
  18. This is a long storyline. #1 rule of a sting, you need people that will unknowingly help you. The haters were needed. Make them feel superior to you. Misspelled words, grammar etc. My favorite part of this thread, the discussion on corn flakes. It was brilliantly played by me. Do you realize there is 3 pages on corn flakes. I never laughed so hard in my life. I know you won’t believe this but I have an advanced degree, published author, and motivational speaker. I have used the corn flakes story so many times in my seminars, I knew the answer. Just waited until all the haters commented on corn flakes before I revealed the answer. I have spoken in over 30 countries. I could take pictures of my passport but you would call it a fraud. I know many of you have never been out of the country but I am sure you can verify this on line. If you travel to Brasil (proper spelling) you also need a visa to get in. Same as China. Must have before you board plane in us. If you travel to Chile, you must buy a one time visa. You buy it at the airport. A red stamp that is put in your passport. It is a life time visa. To get out of Costa Rica, you must pay a destination fee. Check all this out if you do not believe me. Our goal was the land grab but we needed to keep the thread going so we know we needed inside information, we got a source and began to post here on line. The stadium is east of of the city, kinda of. The other stuff I posted has been directly from my source. The Smith trade is going through whether you believe me or not. More to come. 3. 2. 1 go haters. The heck with it. Guess on the stadium. The bills had something worked out with the skins but cousins agent wanted more than we could or should pay. shady probably will dress but doubtful to play Please keep it to football
  19. I love Kyle and didn’t know if anyone from the Finns were reading so I did not want to ruin it for him. They practiced all week so I knew it was possible. It was historic and amazing. People can deny it all they want but you just cannot pull that out of your butt. The reasonable people on this thread have recognized I called and the haters will never give me credit. you all should feel good. You made history on this thread and helped us with the largest land grab in wny. It could not have been done without this thread.
  20. The stuff I have posted is true and from a source but very source is not always 100% accurate
  21. Never said email hacking that is illegal. How do guys get their information on espn Adam schleter. Calling people No need is part of our record Trading for smith. Second and fourth. Hughes and west included. We will trade our two number ones to grab smith Connecting the dots. I am leaving bread crumbs Good news for all. My land deal has been moved up to Thursday so Thursday night I should be able tell you the exact location of the stadium and I will answer all your questions including how my source gets the information etc. at that point I will be officially done. We accomplished our goal and could not have been done without the haters. Mark, rob, Tom, Shady, you guys have help us so much. We had a goal but needed help and you guys pushed us over the goal line. Thank you so much. Every story needs an antagonist Getting our information was quite simple. Reminds me of the Sting. Remember the Paul Newman and rob Redford movie, the con they pulled off. It was a complex and brilliant plan
  22. No prediction. This is a fact. My source is dialed in Who has access to a building? You ever go to a meeting with a white board you forget to erase the board? Or a flip chart, I get so mad at my company when people forget the wipe the board off. Or leave things out. Just happened the other day. One of my pet peeves. Ever happen to you Is the playing field at the stadium changing to grass next year, of course it is I don’t have access to anyone of this stuff. We didn’t hack an email system so stupid. My source talks to people and we connect the dots.
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