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Chadwick Bay Chad

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Everything posted by Chadwick Bay Chad

  1. For those individuals that do not enjoy insider information please do not read. Let’s not fill this thread with 50 pages of hate. Who made you the police of what can and cannot be posted. We all have the right to freely express ourselves I have the right to post and you have the right to read or not read. I am not going to list everything my source got right, but we know our record Thank you. If you don’t agree with Shady you are wrong I hope not, it will be 67500 seats in a retractable dome. If I am not right, our investment group will lose a ton of money
  2. The stadium will be built downtown Buffalo. Construction will begin in 2022. All land has now been bought. Kim and terry have the bulk of the land but a few investment groups were lucky to secure land adjacent to the stadium
  3. According to my source, Rick Dennison will be terminated within the week and will be replaced by Mike MCoy. We are also in talks with MikeTice to join the staff as offensive line coach.
  4. Mike tice is being hired as our offensive line coach
  5. The deal for Smith is in the works. We will trade a third and fifth for him. We may have to include Hughes
  6. Yes we are. Dennison will be fired shortly
  7. We will trade a third , fifth and Hughes for Smith
  8. My source tells me, Taylor will be traded or released and we will be trading for Alex Smith
  9. My source tells me he is returning
  10. My source told me he will be fired shortly after the end of the season
  11. He will be fired that was already decided before this game
  12. Thought you would like to know, just done with closing. Off to the Chop house for a great steak and then to Shea's to watch the Lion King. I have decided to share the location of the stadium in the near future. Please say tuned. Now back to your regularly scheduled program. latest bit of information from my source, Shady is out.
  13. We will be trading for Alex Smith or signing Case Keeumum
  14. We all know in life, all good things need to come to end. This thread has served its purpose to our investment group and at 3:00 PM today, we sign on the dotted line and our goal has been accomplished. I know many people here will never understand the intentionality of each post or the rationale behind the need for this thread but it served a purpose to our target. I did not enjoy the constant ridicule but I had a role and a job to do so I did what was necessary. A good team requires individuals to forego their own personal ego for the betterment of the team. That was my role in the process. During the course of the last month, I have incurred thousands of insults and provided humor to many and probably served as an outlet for many of you that have a mundane life. I have never lived in Western New York but through my contacts and this board, I know understand the mentality of the population. Hard working people. I take my hat off to you. I know it made some people feel better about themselves to belittle someone else which is always beneficial to one's self esteem. (Please read Jack Canfield's book "The success Principles, a great read for people with low self esteem) If this thread allowed individuals to feel superiority and better about themselves, I am glad this thread increased and evaluated your self worth. Perhaps you have grown as a person. The passion of Bills fans is second to none. Although the intelligence level of some doesn't always match their enthusiasm, your passion is still admirable. My plan was to explain why this thread was created and how we obtained information to keep this thread relevant tonight. I know the vast majority of posters could not mentally grasp the possibility of someone having inside information as evidenced from our first posting. If you refer back to the initial posting, you will see the close - mindedness of the group from the on-set of this thread. I was willing to share how we acquire the information. We did have a source and I know you are going ballistic right now -bs, bs,bs. Without a source, we could not have told you what we shared. (And we did call the Williams play and there was a Webb offensive package. I added the name to the play to add some spice to the thread. I thought it was quite witty) I recognized early on it would not be hard to keep these people engaged for a month or so. I have decided to forego the closing tonight because it would serve no purpose other than fill another 10 pages of vile. We all should be above that type of behavior. I am still debating whether to share the exact location of the new stadium because that also will be followed with more nasty comments from the gang. I can tell you this, the stadium will not be east of Buffalo. We had land to sell out there, needed to float the idea. Rob or Mark thanks for helping us with that. I do feel bad for the individuals that were faithful to the site and encouraged me to continue. My recommendation would be to ask Shady. If you are on his good side you wont need google because he has the answer for everything. Sorry I digress. You may not have the faculties to understand your role in the process but you did have persistence and commitment. Just because we cannot clearly see the end of the road, there is no reason not to set out on the essential journey. We took a journey together I do appreciate more than you know Shady and the Gang. The journey was not possible without them. I know when this goes live, they will fill these pages with more hate and at some level I get it. Nobody wants to feel used and got the better of. I do apologize, my intention was not to use anyone that is why I we gave real facts pertaining to the Bills. The thread did have some humor especially with DC Tom and Corn Flakes. We all have to admit that was classic. At times, the thread receded into some dark areas but overall it was entertaining to most. As we part company today and I return to my life in a much warmer climate. I was able to turn a very good retirement into an excellent retirement with my investment. Thank you for the memories and the record. People tell me this was the longest thread in the history of this board. Over 170,000 views is quite impressive. My first time posting to any board and I won't try to break the record, I have officially retired. I will leave you with the wisdom of Bobby Kennedy, "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” Be a dreamer and dream big dreams! (The hats are coming by the way) I would say until we met again but I am sure we do not run in the same company. May all your dream come true, I bid you farewell. Be safe, always Dunkirk Don PS. Please keep the Smith and Case information, that came from my source and those other facts I posted yesterday, it will provide some interesting conversation for you guys when they come true. It is my way of living with you or awhile longer. If you have not heard, Shady will be playing on Sunday.
  15. Shady will not play on sumday
  16. There is a new hat coming out. Make the bills great again
  17. Keep your word, u said u would never post here again. Walk tall Didn’t we call that the bills wanted case keeum. No credit for being a week in front of the news Admit it, we got both the smith news and case news correct. This keeps my perfect record in place. Glad to get out of the north but Florida is not much warmer. Anyone else in town yet for the game
  18. Why don’t you guys just leave this thread. Why do you keep reading it. This is for serious posters only. You guys never post anything about football. You won’t ever admit when I am right. Why do you care so much if it all bs. You know it is factual or you would not come back. I mention case last week and You know it. I called the most historic play in bills history U hear about Milano
  19. He isnt. Smoke screen trust me.
  20. tom, there it is in writing. I posted this last week
  21. Dunkirk Don said Bills would love to sign Case if our deal falls through with acquiring Alex Smith falls through.
  22. NFL Draft Rumors by Erik Glako, just posted on obd Vikings would like to resign Keenum, Bills will be interested if he hits FA. We called this way last week. Just hitting the news. Dunkirk Don and source are spot on again. All of this according to Eric Galko, of optimum scouting who's usually pretty tuned in. Sorry dude, beat you to the punch. We got that news last week from our source at obd Dispute we didn't say that last week. I love it when I am right. Dunkirk Don strikes again Need to add to my list of accurate facts
  23. The Bills own additional picks in each of the first two rounds of the 2018 draft. They acquired the additional first-rounder from Kansas City in the trade to draft Mahomes. Why not send another pick back to the Chiefs for Smith? "Alex would be a good fit," an insider from the AFC East said. "It's a West Coast zone-blocking system and Alex is mobile enough to run the naked. [Sean] McDermott could promise him a decent defense. Alex fits that bill oops there it is. appeared on ESPN I told you about the potential trade two days before. I predicted the most historical play in bills history This is my thread he quoted me bye
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