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Chadwick Bay Chad

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Everything posted by Chadwick Bay Chad

  1. I am giving this board facts not just some fans conjecture and you make fun of me. Please read my previous posts and tell me what I have posted have not come true? Prove me wrong please. It is so disappointing. At some point one bills drive will figure out the leak but until then I will share what I know. If you think this is bs, why do you read my posts and spend time saying they are bs without any facts. Again, what have I posted to date that has not been 100% accurate?
  2. They do like white but way down the contingency list according to internal document
  3. Still is well connected. Last Monday source told us this: peterman out, Glenn damaged good will be tough to trade-placed on ir and needs surgery, and chiefs and bills discussing high profile player. All this before any news story Check, check, and check. No fake news here
  4. Trust the process. McDermott is not going anywhere. Has more power at one bills drive since marv
  5. Smith is a contigency plan if cousins is franchised. Cousins is still our top choice but we do not control. If cousins is available we will break the bank. McDermott loves him. See sports illustrated article on cousins. Think process. McDermott loves his preparation. My source believes we will not trade draft picks to move up in draft for qb. Brass feels we are a few drafts away to go deep in playoffs with a ready now qb
  6. As my source reported last Monday, the Bills and Chiefs have discussed trade for major player. The chiefs want a second round pick and the Bills are not willing to part with a second for Alex Smith. ( this is being predicted by espn and this story came out after I reported here) Bills are willing to part with a third and seventh for Smith. This is why Beane was upset for not cutting marginal players for a compensatory third round pick for Gilmore ( again my source told us last week). The big debate at one bills drive is how to obtain quarterback. My source says one camp wants to trade up in first round to obtain one the other camp want to make trade for Smith. The thought is why mortgage the future for an unproved commodity. Many at at one bills drive believe with an above average quarterback we would be at 9-4. Would have won jets and bengals game. The front office believes the only qb worth spending a first round pick, is Sam Darnold and he will not be available. The brass believes they can get Josh Allen in the second round without mortgaging the future. We have too many holes to fill to trade away draft picks. On running backs, don’t fear, Shady is not going anywhere next year but bills will draft running back high next year ( first three rounds). They really like cadet as a change of pace back. He is on the list to resign but they do not see him as a true second back if McCoy misses any time.
  7. Here is your logic. A billionaire who made his money investing money into his business to make more money recently makes a small investment into an assest and because of this he will not make a future investment in a new stadium that will generate millions of dollars in revenue because he made a small investment six years ago. He would not be a billionaire today with your thinking would he. The stadium information I have shared is accurate period Make fun all you want I would buy land in Lancaster
  8. It is a few million dollars no big deal. Relax I posted the memo last night I posted the memo last night
  9. The improvements change nothing regarding the new stadium
  10. R u guys that simple minded. The new stadium construction will begin in 2022 and ready for play in 2024 so for the next six years there will be no improvements in the stadium. Are you that naive. U want want to prove me wrong u don’t think Before you deep thinkers go off the ledge the playin field g is going to be re done as well so if they invest in th playing. Field Dunkirk don has to be wrong. They would improve the playing field if they r building a new stadium. You guys are so foolish They are debating whether it should be real grass or not me and my source stand by the new stadium the land has been bought. The improvements are to generate revenue u guys sell pegula so short. This is a smart business man. U do knowa few years back we invested 130 million dollars in this stadium. With your logic we then would never build a new stadium. Read the transaction when pegula bought the team. It was a condition in the bid process the new owner had to build new stadium when lease is up. Time will prove me really right
  11. It has been shared with two members that have supported me from day one and it blew their minds. They have the information after this posting. I am going dark but will appear when the stadium announcement come out this spring. I will be much richer. When cousins or smith are our next qb and the two or three long term employees retire, remember Dunkirk don said it first. Tell Chris Brown, Matthews is not coming back (fan Friday article)we have zero interest and Glenn will be dealt Dunkirk don signing off
  12. I know people will say I could have predicted this or that but the difference is you didn’t and I did. Everything my source has told me and I have posted have been spot on but yet you guys make fun of me. I don’t understand the hate. On Monday when I posted this stuff if it didn’t come true, yes roast me and I will shut up. It it has all been true.
  13. Forgot to mention. On Monday my source reported Glenn was damaged goods and would be out for the season. Glenn on injured reserve. Two for two this week. Make fun all you want. But he told me about peterman, Webb and Thomas plus the surprise Webb package for this Sunday. It is not a memo but an email. And FYI I have shared the email with others on the board Check out my earlier posts and tell me which is not true
  14. Watch the Joe Webb package this week. I know when he accounts for a scoring play on Sunday, anyone could have guess that but you didn’t and I did because their is a special package for him. I am going dark and I will leave you people alone. Get your information from jerry Sullivan. So long. Look for freaky fredonia
  15. No memo, really. Erin Brocowich didn’t have any memo either. Email systems have never been hacked either. I have it. Also have their draft board ratings. We had Patrick mahomes listed as second round pick that is why we traded pick to kc.
  16. I share what I have been told
  17. All crap will hit the fan
  18. I have an internal memo with the names of potential targets in free agency if anyone wants to see it.
  19. Taylor will go for a fifth or six
  20. Thanks I am quite normal. A pillar of my community
  21. Johnny must be a miserable person that u have to eat your words because I am right on. Wait until the kc trades comes through
  22. Yeah right. Now you share I will stop sharing anytime the majority people tell me stop sharing the truth I am sharing this stuff because they fired my friend.
  23. The thurominator just bought more land the other day
  24. Webb is back up on Sunday and peterman will not play period. That has been decided.
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