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Chadwick Bay Chad

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Everything posted by Chadwick Bay Chad

  1. The investment banker has been part of many of the deals
  2. I did when I am wrong, I am man enough to say it.
  3. I said if the game was palyed today, he would not play. If you are going to post, please make sure it is accurate
  4. I know. If we sign him to a long term contract the fifth year away goes away, replaced with a signing bonus that will lower the cap space for next year. We want to lower the 8.5 million dollar hit. That’s what I meant about not wanting to pick up,the fifth year option. It would go away. We want more space to sign free agents. Did not explain it in the detail required I thought you would understand how that works and the benefits of taking the signing bonus over the length of the contract
  5. I know. Long term. He is signed until 2018. I think it calls for 8.5 million. We don’t want to have to worry about franchising him after next year. We consider him a number one receiver and want to lock him down now so we can build around. One less worry.
  6. There are more sand boxes on this site but in this sand box we don’t throw sand any more.
  7. I think it is cost I don’t speak for terry. I am sure he doesn’t need investors. He is not in our group. I do know former bills have bought land to build new restaurant
  8. Getting back to football. I know this is obvious but this is significant to our future. Again, I know this is obvious but it is significant. Following the season, our number one priority is to sign Kelvin Benjamin to a long term contract. I quote you, “it is essential we get this deal done”. We don’t want to pick up Fifth year option or have to franchise him. We need his signature on a long term deal to be able to implement our long term plan. Again, I know this is obvious but I find it interesting how important getting him signed ASAP
  9. I didn’t like that he said the cousins information was not true, it was. But u are right sorry Meade, Dunkirk don was wrong. Please accept sincere apology
  10. Right next to the stadium will be the practice field , field house etc. they are going to make it an experience year found for the fans. Family and kid friendly. It is going to be a big deal
  11. I love the fact the new field will natural turf. Not sure if you heard our current stadium will be natural turf next year. Getting us prepared to play on our new field. More and more dots are being connected Okay. Then a lot of prominent people will be losing money then
  12. Not worried at all. The cool thing is once. The land is bought. , it is easy money. Our investment has an initial cost to build then no upkeep and brings in money everyday of the year. It is brilliant. Chance are many people here will be a customer of ours
  13. Jerry crafts, thank you. That man can drink we hung out for week in Green Bay. He didn’t make it there either. Felt bad for him.
  14. Remember Howard the house Ballard, they had a guy can Jerry the condo, cannot remember his last name but anyways, I was on plane with him to Green Bay we had cut him and they picked him up. Very nice fellow. Shared some funny stuff about the bills Thanks for hanging in there with the thread.
  15. Now I remember you posting that, thanks for clearing that up. Yoloohio gets the credit
  16. Guys, let’s call a truce, we are all the Bills, we want a new stadium, we want a quarterback and we want to go to the playoffs. Let focus what we have in common not the insults. I cannot comfrm at this time the player we want to desperately sign to a long term deal at this time. Our rule is we must have two confirmation or I don’t post. how many people plan on buying season tickets at the new stadium. Smaller seating capacity. I wonder if it ever gets like Green Bay where people will their tickets to their kids That is correct
  17. You do know what inside trading is correct?
  18. We are done with cousins for now could pick up if he hits the market
  19. The other two guys they are targeting are much bettering
  20. I am not a West fan
  21. Kc wants to include him in a package with sm ith
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