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Chadwick Bay Chad

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Everything posted by Chadwick Bay Chad

  1. I Said if McDermott had the guts we will see one of the greatest moments in Bills history and we did I will leave it at that. No need prove
  2. I called the Williams td You know I called the Williams touchdown at least be a good sport
  3. Yes thanks for asking We are at 200 bye
  4. If it is so easy, do it. You are done here. The best is yet to come. Kyle
  5. Remember he who laughs first doesn’t laugh second You know I nailed it. You just cannot admit. The post is at 200.there you go no need to stay now. You said it 200 now you can leave
  6. Thanks for acknowledging Go away now. You know the truth now
  7. If this is kyle’ s last game what a tribute to one of the true Bills. When I saw Kyle come on the field, I nearly fainted. I said here it is, and boom touchdown. It has to rank up there as one of the greatest moments in Bills history . They had practiced that play all week Thanks it wasn’t the trap but this is better. No one can deny this one. Call me whatever you want fraud, hack, you cannot predict that without a source. Now leave me alone. Finally, you guys cannot dispute this one Is that the best you got. Admit it, I call that play Maybe now the haters will go away. You cannot pull that play out of the air and post it 23hours ago
  8. Dunkirk don is back!!! Thank you I nailed it. Man that gets me excited. My source nailed it again
  9. There it is. Posted 23 hours again. Want to get away. I didn’t want to say what the play was in case the Finn read this thread. I love Kyle and didn’t want to ruin it for him or the surprise. Wanna get away. Boom boom out go the lights Now what, you want to say I didn’t call it
  10. I did. I told you they were working on a special package. I told you u if McDermott had the guts it might be the biggest moment in Bills history, read the post. What a great way to say thanks to Kyle. It will rank as one of the greatest moments in Bills history. I said it, and McDermott had the guts to call it. Yes, right again. Read the quote if McDermott had the guts to call the play he did. One of the greatest plays in Bills history
  11. The special play now be quiet. Finally
  12. Let me give you the back story on the Gaines situation. I got a question about Reilly if he was going to be inactive. I asked my source and he said yes and told me Gaines was out too. I said, are you sure, he said yes. Post it becuase the inactive report was coming out at 3. He knew Gaines was playing but he was still mad because I almost blew our cover on the stadium the other night. He knew you guys would hammer me. I added this may change becuase I didn’t get the other source. Should not have broke my rule, I learned my lesson. He laughed and said we are even. So I will let you have fun for the next two days but early next week we will break the big news. This is a small hiccup in the big picture. I deserved it. Make sense 58
  13. Pleas restrict posts to football please. Need to run see after the bills win Now maybe you guys will leave this thread to real football fans Go bills
  14. Next week when I release the big story, you will see the big picture this is small potatoes. Remember the corn flakes debate, my dad always sided he would laughs first doesn’t laugh last. Who laughed then. Have your fun. I clearly said it could change and it did. Get on with it. I am still technically 100% correct
  15. As we move into the new year, what will make buffalo great again. I say the biggest need is a quarterback
  16. I clearly said things could change. They did. Let’s move on what is the big deal My source got it wrong and he is sorry that is why I said things can change. I broke my rule, no second confirmation dang. It happens Dunkirk don was sorta of wrong. Won’t happen again. If if you guys are going to hang me on this little miscommunication then I will have to go dark. Good bye
  17. So long for now Wrong on both. I didn’t predict it and I am wrong at times
  18. My record speaks for itself, I said things may change and they did. They changed. Check the record Enough about Gaines. It is time to move on to more important things
  19. Things changed. What is the big deal. You guys are making way too big of a deal about this. No harm no foul Why are you still reading
  20. Now back to having some fun with the boys. Enjoy the game. See you on the other side. Either we are happy are sad.
  21. Things like this happen all the time. Changes are made. Information is flowing. I was off a little but I did say things change, things changed. All is good
  22. See I said it was possible
  23. I asked my source. The dude send him the wrong one. He sent last week. Mistakes happen
  24. I said things change they do. We got some faulty information we are still good. We were off a little bit. Doesn’t change a thing
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