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Chadwick Bay Chad

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Posts posted by Chadwick Bay Chad

  1. 22 minutes ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:


    I say you DID call that play bud, hats off to you!


    What is with the name change?

    Can you help me with shady and the gang. I have apologize and promised not to share anymore inside information. I am done with that.  People hate it here so I will stop

    1 minute ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    The deal was to stop lying 


    you failed 

    When, really please explain.  I am not going to post anymore inside information or what you call lies just want to get along with people. We are all bills fans and we should be celebrating 

  2. 7 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    I told you if you want a truce stop lying to us


    Truce.  I really just post things I hear Shady. I heard about the special play with Kyle and trust me I never thought McDermott would call it.  He is so conservative and when I saw Kyle  in the backfield I was going crazy. My kids and I were going crazy becuase I told them before the game, it was possible. When he score, it was crazy. It was amazing. We never had Kyle ever in the backfield   I never wanted to cause a stir like this so we are good. Truce going forward 

    7 minutes ago, WotAGuy said:

    It will be like the last time we played Jacksonville in the playoffs - when Natrone Means ran all over us. Hope the defense can play some run D. Humber looked great today. 

    It was bad. Bruce got schooled by a rookie

    5 minutes ago, H2o said:

    Sorry for what? The fact you are a clueless, lying, douche nozzle? You don't have inside info. You say vague sh*t and then act like you specifically noted something that "came true". You're like Dion Warwick only you're not getting $1 a minute. You're just a dumb*$$. A delusional one at that. 

    Enough dude. You are mad because you stole my draft board. I am okay with it. Please be nice  Shady and I are cool now

  3. Just now, H2o said:

    Your f*cking dumb*$$. Complete, total. You should have changed you name to Summer's Eve. :thumbsup:

    I said I was sorry, let’s get back to football okay.  I won’t share anymore inside stuff

    Just now, ShadyBillsFan said:

    Shady has an ankle sprain 

    Good, I heard it was severe.  Sometimes a sprain is worse than a break.  Shady how about a truce

    If Shady can play, that will be huge.  I am not counting on it but it is possible.  Glad we play on Sunday. Another day of rest

  4. Just now, Best Player Available said:

    A troll is a troll. Gets your rocks off and leave.

    Quit gloating man. It is very childish. The entertainment value was great. no doubt. Anyone with an ounce of sense figured that out early. 

    Because no matter what your name is. You and your wife are grade A douchbags. Seek help

    Let that sink in losers. 

    But it is okay for you guys to hammer me relentlessly for what.?  For sharing information.  When I push back, you guys don’t like it. All I hear is fraud and when I prove that I am not that I should shut up, please tell the haters that. I just post stuff I think is interesting and people would like to know. I caused no harm to anyone to receive the abuse  so I am pushing back now. You can believe it or not.  I do not ask anyone to read so why does it bother you just stop reading so you must enjoy it somewhat of you would have stop 150 pages ago 

    1 minute ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    Shame, embarrassment, guilt , remorse...




    3 minutes ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:


    I say you DID call that play bud, hats off to you!


    What is with the name change?

    Thank you.  My wife is mad becuas I spend so much time doing this I told her if the bills made the playoff Dunkirk don will retire. Had to keep my word.  Thank you for your honesty.  

    2 minutes ago, H2o said:

    Seriously Donnie Boy? You didn't call jack sh*t. 

    Did you post the Williams play on your thread and take credit for it.  I am okay with that.  I am so happy for the Bills. 

    If I have offended anyone I am sorry.  I am just an average dude that shares some interesting stuff never meant to cause the hate. Truce okay


    so what do we have to we have to do to win next win

  5. Just now, DC Tom said:


    Because you don't know.


    That's okay...I can make up a story just as easily as you can.  Shady...has Ebola, and is day-do-day, according to my source at the CDC.

    Enough. Make a prediction now and then I will. Let’s see who is right. Go

    Just now, LabattBlue said:

    LOL.  Still entertaining.  

    Did you see the Williams play, I called it

  6. Here is my prediction for next week.  Buffalo 10 Jacksonville 24

    1 minute ago, PetermanThrew5Picks said:

    I want him back because of his salary. Folks, there's worse out there.

    Your right and I think there are few people at obd Drive that think the same.  Let’s fill our holes through the draft and get our quarterback next year.

  7. Just now, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    I'd did see a sign at the stadium that said from Dunkirk, made me think of Don, er Chad.



    I did too.  So cool.  Please call me chad, it is my real name, I think

    Just now, nucci said:

    Can you just leave? You are an embarrassment

    This is Dunkirk dons thread not yours, if he wants me to leave I will

  8. It is great that we won but I guarantee people on this board will do,plain becuase it caused us to drop in the draft.  We will have football one more week.  If would thought enough to beat the jags with Shady but now... I don’t know 

  9. Every one wants it to end, let’s end it tonight

    Just now, PetermanThrew5Picks said:

    I heard if Tyor wins the super bowl they will make moves to trade him to the Broncos for a 3rd.



    He will go to the broncos or jags.  But there is a camp that wants him back becuase of his salary

  10. If you guys admit I called the Williams play, I will let you know everything behind the scenes and leave the board 

    Just now, Chadwick Bay Chad said:

    If you guys admit I called the Williams play, I will let you know everything behind the scenes and leave the board 

    Deal.  We can end it today and not wait until February 1.

  11. 2 minutes ago, RobH063 said:

    I understand that some have more than one name on here but when he used another one of his names to praise himself in the same thread....it stopped being fun or funny. A very bizarre individual to say the least. Not going to feed his behavior any more.

    I do appreciate that and I am sure I speak for many people here. Thank you.  I will see you on February 1

  12. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:



    Ya I take thing's whatever how it is. If does not happen unless it is something to someone or to me move on. If true yay. lol 


    But going to give you credit for that Dun. 


    1 hour ago, PIZ said:

    Way to go Don!!!


  13. On 12/30/2017 at 7:09 PM, Chadwick Bay Chad said:

    Tomorrow if McDermott has the guts, you might see the finest moment in Bills history.  It will be amazing 

    I checked the record, I think Don did call it.  Seeing that Kyle was never in the backfield one time this year, and he scored the winning touchdown to break the playoff drought that is one of the finest moments in our history.  McDermott has been conservative all year, had to have the guts, he did. Kyle one of the best bills of all time. I think that is pretty amazing. You cannot make this stuff up.  Do you really think it wa luck

    1 hour ago, HappyDays said:


    I'll give you credit for that prediction

    Thanks again

  14. 1 minute ago, JMF2006 said:

    We got to see Meatballs package before Webbs ;) 

     I thinks. Dd called the Williams touchdown. He did say it would be a great moment in Bills history, in a game that bills break drought he did score the winning touchdown pretty big moment.

    2 minutes ago, RobH063 said:

    If you can't ride out a thread using one name on here then you need to be banned.

    I thought at 200the thread ends

    I heard on Tuesday big news coming. See you then

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