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Sandhill Mike

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Posts posted by Sandhill Mike

  1. 4 minutes ago, OrtonHearsaWho said:

    I get that Aaron Rodgers is a little weird but there aren’t too many players that I have ever enjoyed watching play more than him so I’d be okay with them Packers winning.


    I’d also be very okay with KC winning it all. Tyreek Hill and Frank Clark can be shot into the sun but Mahomes is a remarkable player and Andy Reid is a heck of a coach that has gone through a lot on and off the field. I’d be very happy to see him get a ring. 


    While I have no love for Aaron Rodgers, I do have respect.  I will begrudgingly concede that I've never seen a more accurate passer when it matters most.


    I also have a hard time pulling for KC but have to admit that it's mainly because we traded them the Mahommes pick and he's playing great.  It's totally petty.  The kid plays at a phenomenal level and seems to be a total class act on and off the field.  As Josh wins more games with his arm, I expect my jealously to fade.  I do need to appreciate the fact that we wouldn't have Tre White had we not made the moves we made and I LOVE Tre White!

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Boy said:

        I don’t like Wentz and have no affinity for the Eagles but that hit by Clowney was as text book egregiously foul as they come. 
       I watched that in real time and absolutely couldn’t wrap my head around that not being called.


    I feel exactly the same way you do.  I can't pull for the Eagles, no way, no how.


    But that shot Clowney put on Wentz was textbook targeting.  If someone wants to defend the refs not calling it, okay... we can agree to disagree.  But the league choosing not to fine him?!? 


    The refs sitting on their flags in the playoffs isn't any better than deciding games with crap calls during the season.  The league office is doubling down to save face with these reviews.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 9 hours ago, chongli said:

    SF should be Bills fans' second favorite team. Between 1988-1994, either SF or Buffalo went to the SB, but never both at the same time. It was Chris Berman's dream that these two teams would play each other, but it never happened. The Bills, then the 49ers, were Berman's favorite teams. No team circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!


    If the Giants' Leonard Marshall hadn't knocked Montana out of the Championship game, it would have been the 49'ers the Bills met in Super Bowl XXV.


    I'm betting on a GB/KC super bowl but really don't have a preference on who plays this year.  I've moved on and can't wait until next year starts.

    4 minutes ago, snafu said:


    I find it difficult still.




    I can't pull for Vrabel either.  I'll tip my hat to him though... he's doing a great job in Tennessee.

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 1 hour ago, stevewin said:

    I was down so I went to patsfan.com to get cheered up.  What really did it for me was a post someone made asking what they should do - their 9 year old was so devestated by the loss they cried themselves to sleep.  The thought of this sad little sniveling chowderhead cheater fan brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart. 


    I love it!  Thanks for sharing.  :D 

  5. 1 minute ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Hope not. 49ers/ Chiefs please. Green Bay is just dull. 


    That would be a pretty exciting matchup! 


    I am not a Packers fan and really don't want to see them there but I think they'll handle injury-riddled PHI/SEA and just have to get past the Championship Game.


    As the wife and I were talking about NFL "narratives" (like New England winning the Super Bowl in 2001, when the country needed it most) and it just hit me.  Why not get the two teams back together that played in the first Super Bowl?


    As good as the Ravens and Chiefs are, I'll be disappointed if they don't play in the Championship Game.  I feel the Texans won't advance again but I'm not so sure about the Titans... they could surprise.



    • Sad 1
  6. That series there was gut-wrenching.  After the failed fourth down, I just knew it was over.  The Texans had the ball on our side of the field and I didn't see how we'd get it back and if we did, without the score changing.  You've got to give credit to the Bills for even making it to overtime.

    • Like (+1) 4
  7. 8 minutes ago, BaaadThingsMan said:

    Playoffs are crazy right now


    It just came clear to me... what better Super Bowl matchup for the NFL's 100th anniversary than Green Bay and Kansas City?  Brady is out, Brees is out... I'm thinking Mahommes vs. Rodgers... I can see the NFL marketing folks salivating now.


    I had the Saints to rep the NFC but there goes that.

  8. If they aren't feeling sorry for the Texans (at the time, the Houston offense had no pulse and that score would have made it 20-0), who knows how they rule it. 


    I honestly thought they didn't want that call to determine the game so they just "fixed" it.  A TD there at that time would have been a backbreaker for the Texans.


    Well now both the Titans (Oilers) and Houston have gotten some measure of revenge for the 92 comeback game.  Enjoy your ten penalties next week in KC, Texans.  I hope they're all ticky-tack drive killers!  :D

  9. I can't say I've ever seen a fair catch on a kickoff (though I see it is allowed) and even so, I didn't notice their guy signal anything... he just fielded the ball and tossed it towards the ref.  I was shouting live ball... he never took a knee or stepped out of bounds.  He was a live runner from what I remember of the rules.


    I think the rules committee will address two plays from this game in the offseason.  They will define this giving oneself up to include what we saw yesterday and I think they should address the Cody Ford "blindside" block...  Those guys could see each other.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:

    Patriots fans are so spoiled and obnoxious


    I will SO enjoy watching their fanbase take turns roasting their "failed" hero.  If ever a team deserved to get stuck in the purgatory of a continual rebuild, it is the New England Patriots of today. 


    Their current fans would throw themselves off of the tallest buildings around if they had to pull for some of the teams we've had over the last twenty years.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  11. I expected the Jacksonville loss a couple of years ago and didn't have my hopes too high on this one... home field in the playoffs and all that.


    Then the Bills jumped out to that lead and if felt like the early nineties again.  I am bummed out... it was there for the taking.  I don't think it would bother me nearly as bad if the Texans had controlled the game from start to finish.  At halftime, our guys had me believing they would be playing next weekend.


    I feel better than last night but I'm still salty about it.


    • Like (+1) 3
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  12. Just checked out the video and I'm thrilled that so many top notch folks got out in last night's freezing cold to welcome the boys home.  You can see that the team is dejected, just as we have been.  After reading some of the Internet vitriol while making it back home (like the horrible comment made to Ford), it had to help to see that crowd at the airport.


    I've been letting the loss get the better of me but it's starting to fade.  I'm glad that there were so many fans that put their own heartbreak and frustration aside to support the team in this most visible way.  If you were there, big thumbs up to you... you made the rest of us look good and I'm sure the players appreciated it.


    Bills fans are typically good to our guys, win or lose.  I still recall the crowd that met the team after Super Bowl XXV.  Not what Scott Norwood and the crew was expecting.

  13. I'll bet we see the rule get updated this offseason.  They just didn't want it to determine the game, which looking back, it would have.


    I feel like Walter... "Am I the only one who cares about the rules?!?  Mark it zero!"


    I wish they had felt that lax with the rules when calling Ford for the "blindside" block.

  14. Just now, The 9 Isles said:

    Outside of the constant ball washing Brady gets from the newtworks I'm hard pressed to remember a broadcast rooting harder for a player than ESPN did today for JJ Watt. It was disgusting. 


    I had to turn off the sound halfway through the 2nd half. 


    Refs knew Watt is the NFL'S golden boy on D. 


    Ugh... they really wanted good things for him.  After he made that sack, they couldn't keep the camera off him.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 1 minute ago, schoolhouserock said:

    At the beginning of the 2nd half... I understand that the ultimate ruling was “in the spirit of the game”, but by the rules of the game, was that not a fumble-TD? That’s something that needs to be addressed by the NFL and officials - it was so awkward.


    The announcers kept harping that "common sense prevailed" but what's the point of a damn rule if you're going to enforce it when you want to?  The dude fielded it and never took a knee.

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