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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. I'm still on record that he actually is the real Nate Peterman.
  2. I was under the impression this thread was gonna be a rant to rally the world against him.
  3. I wanted Tyrod and Shady to be the faces of this franchise. I respect Tyrod a lot as well. Spending his own money on players and spending on extra training time with wide receivers. Going to the new coaches press conferences. He played hurt. He took a pay cut. He could of ran out of town like St. Doug. I know something was very wrong with the offense this year. I'm no expert and I wouldn't say it was all Tyrod. I do think that some of the negative people present about his play is starting to catch up to him and define him. Yes he got us close. I mean it when I said I wish he made us an instant contender. I will definitely keep track of how he does if he leaves the Bills and I'm assuming he is. I'm neutral on him for the most part. I have alot of respect but I also have some negative thoughts on him as well. I hope he doesn't play these last 3 games in safe mode. Even if he throws interceptions. If I could talk to him I'd say to much time was already wasted. Don't waste these last games go for 5 passing touch downs. I dedicate the song "The Saftey Dance" by Men Without Hats to Tyrod.
  4. I like Beane. I'm not sold on McDermott all the way. Just seems rattled by the crash and burn after the hot start. I think Beane will out last McDermott if all goes haywire. Obviously i have to believe that this combo is the best for the team and taking it in the right direction until it's painfully clear it's not. I have no choice as a fan. If true it's interesting that they not necessarily joined at the hip and Beane will not just bend over. I'm surprised at the resistance your received. I'm not sold your the real deal but I won't try to shut you down and wait to see if you are correct or not.
  5. I think the problem you guys are having in here is having a limited capacity to use your minds. You cannot possibly fathom anything beyond the standard status quo of thought. When ideas or situations present themselves instead of pondering the possibility you have to turn defensive and shut down any possibility your mind having to work beyond it's capacity of your limited thinking. I never leave myself so closed off that I won't at least entertain viewpoints that contradict mine. It's increased my intelligence by far. Even when people point out politely that you need to chill you will rant on with drool hanging defending your very minimal train of thought. Who cares if the guys a fake really. It doesn't effect you. You can say you don't believe without being a clown shoe about it. You reserve the right to be skeptical. Even a little critical. You don't even present viewpoints you just throw tantrums. Real talk. You don't need to prance around freaking out, I think we all are skeptical but some in here managed to make it fun and some are being a real killjoy.
  6. I don't know very much about Kirk Cousins. I see some excitement from some posters and a lack of enthusiasm from other posters. It's the divide that leaves me wary of getting excited over the idea of it happening. If there was more consensus of opinion I might feel better. I like the idea of saving draft picks and getting a guy you know over spending draft picks on something you don't know for sure. You would think that fans of a QB desperate team like the Bills would rally at the idea but I have not seen that. That leads me to believe this guy might not be elite? You don't break out the wallet for anything less. So I am in favor of bringing in Kirk if Kirk is considered an elite QB. Knowing how the Bills skimp on the offense he's gonna need to be elite to survive in Buffalo. Basing everything on the premise that Buffalo hasn't produced anything elite at the position on thier own through the draft maybe it's just them admitting to themselves they can't get it done themselves. Interesting takes. If this insiders right and we the team is looking outside itself because the inability within I can understand that. I much prefer we create our own option but with that dark cloud over the dream of playoffs I would be willing to look anywhere for an answer.
  7. Be sure to drink your Ovaltine
  8. You earn credibility when your "source" is correct. If his source is correct it won't be questioned. You can't expect to be believed until you hit a prediction. I'm all for giving anybody a shot.
  9. We beat the Colts with around the same score as we beat KC with a rookie QB and his backup. I see no difference. A better chance to barely win with a monster defence that rains turnovers. Tyrods lead the offence to the incredible score of 3 vs the Pats and Panthers.
  10. Keep going. I like the specifics. Your not just being vague in hopes to get lucky like a fake psychic. Your laying it all out there.
  11. I think everything rides on the offense being productive. It's possible and would be a dream come true. I think we gonna need 21+ point games for that to happen. That's my struggle right there. It's time for Tyrod to throw for 3 touchdowns and march for a few field goals. That absolutely needs to happen. If they lean on the run game with no passing threat I imagine it won't be long before the speculation is over.
  12. I can understand that. Just have to wait and see what he does with the next team. I won't be to happy if we couldn't make him a success in Buffalo but the next team can.
  13. If the Bills offence can score 21+ points I think they can win....
  14. I heard the Bills would be drafting a QB as well and will need a bridge.
  15. I wish he made the Bills an instant contender.
  16. I've chosen to reserve my opinions about our Head Coach untill middle of the season next year. Moves were made that have not come to fruition yet so I'd like to see how that plays out. All I can be is hopeful because if this guy can't figure it out then the team I root for will be bad and I don't want that. I'm pretending he's the next great HC until it's obvious he isn't. Then I'll grab my pitchfork like everyone else. I do believe he has the ammunition and should be able to have a better record next year so that's when I'd like to see results. If it's the same boring offence next year then I think mistakes were made and this isn't the guy to be the face of the new era. His only mistake so far was getting the Bills to 5-2 creating high expectations from everyone.
  17. I won't argue that Tyrod gives you a better chance to win then a 5th round rookie that threw 5 interceptions and pulled his first game. Then gets KO his second start. That's not much to be better than. I just wouldn't get over confident in that argument. He should be light years beyond a 5th round rookie. That I expect but don't see. I've seen the offence get handed 3 turnovers in a game and not score a touchdown even when it was past the 50. We barely beat KC who lost to the Giants a weak before. We still beat the Colts without Tyrod with that 5 interception rookie and his back up and with Tyrod the score is the same just because nobody was kicking field goals. We couldn't beat Carolina and all we needed was a touchdown all game. I won't delve into the Jets and Saints games because Tyrod balling out wasn't gonna win those games. Sure Tyrod starts and I want the better chance to win but I wouldn't bang the drum on how much better of a chance that is....
  18. Wrong like saying they would never bench Tyrod Taylor for Nate Peterman?
  19. I'm in the 1-2 crowd. I don't think the team has enough offensive power to go 3-0. Your not going 3-0 playing keep up.
  20. I'm all for whatever would work. It is my opinion that we need to be able to develop our own QB. I'm open minded and will give the benefit of the doubt until it doesn't work. I want this organization to learn how to draft and develop a QB. I'm skeptical of taking some one else's cast off and making it a success. In the end I am neutral and just say do whatever it takes.
  21. If the QB starved league thinks hes an unturned stone then we might walk away with something. I don't think people are trading for a borderline starter Fitz type back up that you think you can get more out of then the last guy. I like Tyrod but I'm really starting to doubt he's anything but a back up next year. Desperation and over confidence in coaching ability is what we are hoping to bank on here. I think he's been exposed this year. With statements like "make him be a QB to beat him" can't look good on your resume. It doesn't look good around the league when that's what multiple people say about you.
  22. We beat the Colts with a rookie 5th rounder and a 3rd string. In the same fashion we usually win games. Just barely with a solid defence. I get that Tyrod is the better chance to win but it's by a hair bro. Let me point you to the Panthers game that all we needed was an offence. Even the Patriots we're beatable with an offence. We barely beat Kc and your talking playoffs and ball washing. Something in not right when you have to defend a 7 year pro against a first year 5th round rookie!!! This team has problems. It's not a playoff team.
  23. I worked with girl I would of loved to be with. I made my move and got rejected. She didn't complain because after I knew she wasn't interested I left her alone.
  24. I am exactly like that. Still they follow me around and get into my business even though they have no power over me.
  25. I'd take the rare chance after a Patriots loss to soak it up. Let me drink your tears of pain Billy. Just enjoy it don't be bothered by it.
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