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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. If we are being honest the defense is mostly responsible for the wins. Look at the Carolina Panthers game for an example of an offence that can't produce enough to win when the defense has. I won't make it all about Tyrod. I'm no expert and won't claim to know, but it's easy for me to say the offense has been below keeping us competitive. Chance are the offense can not come back down two or three scores. We don't have an offence thar the Bills are walking away up by two or 3 touchdowns. The offense has been the Bills weak link in the chain for most games this year. I don't care what moves they make but they have serious problems on offense. I don't want another year if Bills hanging around in games hoping the defense can keep holding the game. If I was the HC the offensive production in games would concern me and be a focus of mine anyway. Taylor may be a good QB. I respect him. I don't forget he's the general on the side of the ball that hasn't been very special at all this year. They have moments it shines but it's not even consistent enough to be happy about. The offence might shine and have two really good drives. Then the rest of the game it stalls and your either praying on the offence waking up or the defense holding the game till the end. That isn't good.
  2. I'm not very demanding. All I want is a competitive game. I feed off the plays that are made. Give me an interception or a quarter back sack. The offense has not been very entertaining this year for me but sprinkled in some plays. The defense was fun to watch for me this year. The turnover feast was amazing, sadly it went to waste. In the end it isn't the Browns so I figure it could be worse. It could definitely be worse so I enjoy the wins and amazing plays they will give me. Honorable mention to dillers and streakers. Also throw in Nate Peterman, that was special.
  3. I'd say I am a casual fan. I'm not an expert on everything Bills. I learn a lot from this board and posters. I wasn't around for the Superbowls so I wasn't spoiled or tainted by them. They have always been the underdog to me. The reason I started following the Bills was because it was something me and my father could have in common and talk about. The Bills are about the only thing we can share interest in. What started as a tool for bonding turned into a love for the team. This happened around the St. Doug hire. I am actually emotionally impacted by the games and movements of the Bills. I check on the latest news and view every game. I feel a pride when I wear the gear. I jump off the couch yelling when a great play is made. I feel an ache when they lose games badly. When I see anyone in Bills gear I say let's go Buffalo. Although I'm not a long time fan or very knowledgeable like most here I think I feel the same connection to the team as they do now. If I'm critical I try to keep it constructive. I don't want to just negatively bash my team. I stay hopeful every year but I love them win or lose. If wins we're all that mattered I wouldn't be a Bills fan.
  4. Tre White dashes through the snow using his elbow. Oh what fun to see him dive with an elbow drive. Ohhhh jingle Gronk's bell jingle Gronk's bell.
  5. If the Bills beat the Patriots on Sunday I am going to build a Tyrod Taylor snowman. Then I'm gonna walk around New England for a week all decked out in Bills gear dragging an effigy of Gronk behind me. Then every time I see a Pat's fan I'm going do drop an elbow on the back of the head of the effigy I'm dragging behind me.
  6. I though Clay was a tight end? Ok I just checked to be sure. Google says he's a tight end not a wide receiver. I like Benjamin big target but him being hurt early was concerning.
  7. I had an idea of the truth after the Carolina Panthers game. I had a bad feeling about the offensive side. They had a potential to not be productive even when turnovers rained the offence would not feast. I knew the truth after the Jets game. That it was gonna be a struggle and a miracle to make it to the playoffs. The Miami game didn't change my perception. Good first half but right back into the shell as the game was in danger of slipping away. The truth is the offense was not very good this year and the team would have to depend on the defense and Shady. Hopefully the offensive woes get addressed next year. Even with all that they still have a slim chance to blow it so we will see if they can limp into the playoffs on a prayer. It's ok to keep that hope. It's a big part of being a fan. Yea the Patriots will most likely demolish the Bills like usual but I don't wanna throw that in the face of other fans. Sometimes you just have to understand that people come to truth in different ways and at different times. At the end of the day I put all the blame on the offence except for Shady. I can't expect him to run past an entire defense fully focused on him. If the bills go defense in early draft rounds I'll know the truth about next year early.
  8. Nate Peterman. Sorry I had to lol.
  9. If I was a fan of the Patriots I wouldn't have liked trading him. You need a guy to pass on the torch. As a Bills fan I applaud it. Realistically you have to be thinking about grooming his successor and Jimmy G has the look and feel of it.
  10. No offence but I hope it turns out to be a huge mistake. I fear they will just plug in another no name guy after sprinkling whatever magic dust they got on him and I have to wait another 100 years waiting for that guy to get tired of winning.
  11. Honestly I couldn't believe they traded him. I was sad thinking they have the answer sitting on the bench when Tom Brady decided he has to many rings to fit on his fingers and toes.
  12. Quarterback is a touchy subject around here. Eggshells bro... Eggshells.
  13. Don't tell me it won't hurt a little when the goat retires when he's 100. Don't be in denial you will wish they kept him at some point!!!
  14. I don't mind being a run heavy offence. I don't think it's by choice. I think we should have some sort of passing game before setting goals on how many yards that passing game can aquire. Baby steps.
  15. I agree with people that say just win. Although I wouldn't feel bad for Gronk if something dirty happened to him. You reap what you sow. I'd take a win over seeing Gronk get taken out if I could choose.
  16. My opinion of Tyrod is he is average. In some games he dips below average. In some games he rises above average. I do feel like his downs are a little more frequent then his ups but the team still floats around 500 record. I think people don't give him enough respect sometimes. I think others work way to hard defending him sometimes. He isn't trash because he can take the ball and get a first down by himself. He also isn't that great because he can't always lead a consistent air attack and it's a weakness that forces the Bills to lean on the running game. We preach run first but at least they have to be able to lean on the passing game and they can't for whatever reason. Some of the reason is Tyrod. I have a lot of respect for him. I respect anyone that will work hard to accomplish dreams. Not everybody will make it into the NFL so I tip my hat in respect he made it this far. I don't think his chances to stay a starter in Buffalo look good. He will definitely have competition for the starting position next year.
  17. Well like you and some one else mentioned it's based on a lot of factors. Power might not of been one of those if that's the reason he walked because the money was already available. Have to respect he chose his way over sitting put in a situation he felt he couldn't trust. I don't think it would be 100% guarantee at all. I just always wondered myself what could of been the day he left. Now that he's actually doing decently I can't help but question it sometimes. Now I just hope our shiny new coach is gonna do what it takes. I have some faith in him as well.
  18. Serious hypothetical question. If he stayed in Buffalo would he have broken the drought by this year? I myself think he would have. I also think that's the real question to ask.
  19. He walked out of a HC job. He is in another HC job. I read people thought he would never be a head coach again. Mocked him for not getting a head coaching job. Then they doubted he would not work well with Coughlin when he did and said he would fail. I always viewed him as a lesser Bill Belicheck. A serious dude just not proven. I wonder how many regrets people feel about not taking a serious dude seriously.
  20. Well I wouldn't say it was a good idea. In fact it turned out to be a bad idea. I wouldn't even say that Taylor loses that Chargers game. I know Taylor doesn't throw 5 interceptions. Starting Nate Peterman got as bad as it could get. I think the head coach had the same feeling I did after the Jets and Saints game. The hot 5-2 start was fading away. It's hard to defend starting Nate Peterman now after the fact. I just can't bring myself to hate it because of reguardless of how it turned out he made a move to shake things up instead of sitting on his hands. It was a calculated risk to get better on offence and it failed. I still think the HC made the move in an attempt to make the team better and he even called it a risk so I am sure he was aware it could fail. I want a head coach like that. A guy that worries about winning more then reputation. A Captain that will run to scoop water out of the sinking ship instead of running for the lifeboats to be safe. The ship was sinking and he ran for a bucket. If everyone is being honest then you have to admit it had a possibility to work. I applaud anyone who predicted Nate Peterman was gonna play poorly. I don't blame anyone for thinking it was a bad move. History proves it. We won't ever know if Taylor would of won. We won't ever have to wonder if Nate Peterman would. The coach left no stone unturned and it cost a game but it was trending that way anyway. That's why I ultimately wouldn't hold it against the coach. It's not the criticism of it that would bother me, it's that I think he deserves a little credit for putting his reputation on the line to make a bold move.
  21. I never once said a win was a loss. I was only saying that those wins could of been more dominant and that wasn't an attempt to discredit those wins, just an observation. My point was that even though it was a bad move to start Nate Peterman I though that it was justified at the time at least in my opinion because the season was slipping away. I also pointed out that the Bills beat KC and Colts in a similar fashion to back up my point that we beat two teams that also were struggling, in the same fashion with different quarterbacks so maybe the benching didn't make the kind of difference that would merit holding it over the HC head forever. I wouldn't expect a rookie to be better then a guy that is established and had more reps and experience at professional football. Then again when I just compare the KC game and Colts game in a vacuum the games looked very similar to me. That's just how I look at it as a fan. Just for the record I respect Tyrod Taylor a lot and can list all the things I admire about him instantly. I want him to take the Bills to the playoffs. I want the dudes dreams to come true. It just wasn't looking like it was a strong possibility going into L.A.
  22. A lot of offensive possessions leading to no first downs isn't gonna win you a game either. Not 5 interception bad but not good either. Even when the defence was a turnover machine the team the Bills would barely win when it should of been total destruction. The Miami game should of been total destruction and it wasn't. You can say it was a bad move after the fact but don't be afraid to acknowledge that the team was spanked two games in a row before the benching. Not exactly any easy sell to say it would of been a win if not for the benching of Tyrod. We barely beat KC in the same fashion that we barely beat the Colts with a rookie and his backup.
  23. I think another poster said it best that the message was sent when they benched him. That's a clear indication of what the people in charge think of his ability. I like Tyrod. The experiment was almost good enough. How much of the offensive struggles is directly on him I don't know but the chatter is out there and the negatives people say about him are starting to define him. If Tyrod breaks the drought by some miracle then of course perceptions change. If not then I think that experiment is over.
  24. I think starting Nate Peterman was a desperate move. The team looked like it was on a serious down trend. Nate Peterman was an unknown and instead of sitting on his hands the HC took the risk and it backfired. It could of been a good move if Nate put on a great performance. It was a bad move because he threw 5 interceptions. You wouldn't know if it was worth the risk until you take it. People look like geniuses when they take risks and it works. People look like fools when those risks backfire. The point is before you take a risk you can't know if it will pay off. It might of made a difference or it might not have. The Bills could of still lost with Tyrod or they might of won. The world will never know. The thing that no one could deny is the team was losing and that respective 5-2 was fading away into Oblivion. I applaud the HC for at least trying to shake things up and fix the season. It answered questions I had at the time. I never will have to wonder if Nate could of saved the season. I know now that the Bills will just have to live with what Tyrod can do. I think the HC admitting it was a calculated risk should be respected. That everything was falling apart anyway so what did he have to lose when the team was losing badly anyway. It's not like he benched a guy that was lighting it up all year.
  25. I think your team wins so much it has become boring to you as a fan. It's just like being a kid living in a candy shop. None of the candy taste the same. I think secretly your a closet Bills fan and just defend the Pats stuff as a defensive mechanism because of denial. You put on the Pats gear but you don't get that feeling of hope at the start of the season anymore because it's the same every year for you. Top of the division and Superbowl. Then you pull out a Bills uniform and put it on and you feel that hope you don't get from the Pats anymore. You want the Bills to take the Patriots out so you can experience loss again.
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