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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. I'm it the twilight zone. First it was "All you need is a franchise quarter back!". Now I'm reading "You can win with average QBs look!" Any given Sunday anything can happen and unpredictable stuff can happen. Best not to live in extremes.
  2. I can hate the Jaguars over a coach that left the Bills or I can hate the team who is almost guaranteed to deal the Bills two losses and be top of the division for years while being scandalous with cheating. Easy choice for me. The Patriots rain on my parade more then the Jaguars ever could.
  3. I'm definitely no expert. In my opinion whatever the offense was this year was not acceptable. I do think investing heavily in the line would help in the development of a rookie QB. If your gonna tie up big money in a QB with a name then maybe you have to sacrifice what you could do with the line. Simple answer is yes I would love an upgraded elite o-line. I wouldn't mind some domination in the trenches. I'd rather build a brick wall then a wooden fence if I'm thinking protection. I also realize I can't always have what I want. I wouldn't find anything about this year's offense acceptable outside of running back and kicker.
  4. Honestly I don't think benching Tyrod is a good sign for the future. That's just my thought. It could be that Dennison was so bad he brought the entire offense down. I won't rule that out. They did fire him promptly. I still think that the Jacksonville game was a golden opportunity for Tyrod to change the narrative on himself. A touchdown and a field goal away from really helping his cause. That is where I would end the experiment but that's only my view and I'm not the coach. I'm not jumping out the window if Tyrod is the QB next year. My disappointment doesn't equal the level of disgust you might run into with others. I don't care what they do as long as we score more then 3 points in a game. The offense was a sad clown this year. I just want just a little better.
  5. I think he means Peterperson.
  6. Tyrod was a touchdown and a field goal away from proving his point. That's how you get the money!!!
  7. I like Tyrod Taylor a lot. I liked the idea of finding a diamond in the rough. I was intrigued by some of his natural ability. I would have given him a shot at becoming our starter. I was rooting for him. I wouldn't throw the blame all his way. I think every player is out there trying to give thier best for the most part and always trying to improve. Sadly not every girl will be queen of the prom. That is my position now. They plucked him from back up obscurity. Gave him a shot at being a starter. Tried to mold him into what the league wants in starting quarter backs. It all ended in Jacksonville for me. (Although you must know it did slightly for me in the Panthers game.) The opportunity was right there. The red carpet was rolled out. I don't think your gonna get a better chance then that to prove your the face of the franchise.
  8. Honestly you don't think him getting benched is a serious sign? I'm not saying anything is set in stone but if you follow the clues it doesn't look good. It leads me to ask why would they desperately bench him for a rookie if they had him in the future plans. That was as big of a white flag moving on to next season as you can get. I don't think walking away from a playoff game with 3 points would persuade those in charge to think differently.
  9. Honestly I like Doug. I thought the Bills had a shot with him at HC. I had a feeling when he left that he would rise up again. That being said we got McDroughtKiller and Bean Dip and they also did an admiral job with what they walked into. So I never wanted Doug to bounce but my loyalty is in this new staff. So instead of think about what could of been with Doug I am more into what will be with our guys. We made the Playoffs in a year the team dropped a lot of weight and made some trades. I seen "firesale" and "tank" thrown around and Coach still smashed the drought. Don't get caught thinking the grass is greener on the other side. I think McLegend is the result of learning from that mistake. They tried to make a splash with a big name Rex and drowned. Then they grabbed another potential up and coming and gave him all the power Doug wanted. I think they learned from that mistake.
  10. I mean the red carpet was rolled out for him. Even after all the disasters this season Tyrod had a golden opportunity to win a playoff game. When the defense would go fetch the ball back in the start of the year did Taylor ball out and obliterate teams? When the field position was good did Tyrod feast? In the playoff game was Tyrod able to lead the Bills to victory when the opponent can only score 10 points? As a QB you couldn't ask for more when having to hold up your side of the show. He had a chance to change the narrative about him. He can't ever say he didn't.
  11. I get the sentiment of wanting to build around Tyrod when we snuck into the playoffs. Then we lost 3 to 10. Doesn't matter anyway his time was over when he got benched. Tyrod was only out there because there was no other option. Even with a chance at redemption he choked away a playoff game. I'm not living in past. His time was this year and his moment was in Jax and he failed.
  12. I liked our defense this year. I know it wasn't perfect but I was confident that the defense would keep us in games. I didn't like the offense this year. Even when it was turnover heaven it seemed the offense never capitalized. I had more faith in defense production then offense production. The playoff we played against Jax gave me the exact feeling as the game against the Panthers. We can't score points. We held Jax to 10. If we won that game it would of been the same situation. The defense probably holds up for the offense to choke the game away. I think the offense needs some real attention. They rode on the backs if defense all year. Although I assume that it was not an option and they rolled with what they had. Excited for the future definitely.
  13. Daboll.... Daboll... Badoll? Badoll... Bad Doll!! Bad Doll!!!
  14. That was my point on how I see people gang up. Just that when your the loudest you get the most attention. Big targets easy to hit.
  15. You let people get in your head and stir you up man. You don't always have to defend your opinion. People disagree sometimes. I said Tyrod was a back up once and that's all I could see him as. I got a paragraph response in opposition I never responded too. I've seen you get targeted and grouped up on but you also have made yourself a big target by being the loudest. Like whoever is the loudest wins the argument.
  16. Thanks for the news and tidbits of information on the new OC hire. I have no choice but to drink kool-aid and hope for the best right now. I will formulate my opinions when I see how the moves this team makes translates to the field.
  17. I just came in for insider info. Left unsatisfied.
  18. Richie has a history and it makes him an easy target. So even if he didn't say anything racist he could of pissed the other guy off enough for him to use that history against him and claim he said something knowing the media would cover it. That is also a possibility. The real racism here is how quickly everyone jumps on sides. I realize that Richie could of said something or the other guy made it up to get a shot at Richie. Anything is possible especially when it's he said she said .
  19. I vote for the throwbacks.
  20. I don't think they make that trade if they can find common ground with Dareus. I don't think they traded him away without making an attempt to work with him. He could go on to be spectacular but that doesn't assure he would of done it here for these coaches or this team. It's not like Dareus didn't do anything to effect his situation.
  21. I didn't see the game he played in. If he turns out to be great it will make trading away that pick hurt. People talking trading up at a larger cost for a QB next draft when we could of just drafted him last year without any movement. That's my only slight interest in him because the Bills could of potentially drafted him.
  22. I think it comes down to trying to take a mobile back up QB and turning him into a pocket passer traditional starting QB. TT is a good guy and hard worker. I'd give him the chance to transition. He couldn't take the next step. He couldn't play that scramble around game forever. Defense put spies on him then sold out to stop the run game. Tyrod could of and should have made them pay through the air and couldn't. I understand people say scheme around him. If I'm Coach I say you can't stick around forever on gimmicks. You eventually are gonna have to transition into what I want. I love the way you can scramble on a broken play and avoid pressure but this the team needs more. I think Tyrod got plenty of opportunities and they ran out. He still had a shot to win a playoff game and it was like I was looking at the Panthers game all over again and having this feeling we can't win with him. Instead of thinking people should game plan around Tyrod, I think he should have learned to run the game plan. I'm not stepping down for you. Your stepping up for me.
  23. I'm trusting that the staff used what tools they had the best they could. They did exactly what they said they would. They made moves to win now and for future. They dumped players they didn't want and got the most for them they could. The offensive side was the weak link but I am confident they were aware of it when they brought in a wide receiver and benched Tyrod. I am actually satisfied with how the season played out. I don't know if Dennison is a problem but I give him the benefit of the doubt because he had a back up quarter back to run his offense all season.
  24. It can't be much worse can it?
  25. Dareus is always having some sort of an epiphany, good for him. It's really happening for him now.
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