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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. I would rather have given up a second round pick when I could of bought low with the risk of not knowing then pay somebody else a Kings ransom for getting it right. It just gives me a feeling like I'm savvy. So I probably wouldn't just because of that. Plus I would like to see a full season. I'm not saying he isn't good. I think he will be. Not saying he isn't worth it, probably would take more now. I just wouldn't want to buy something from you for $20 right after you payed $5.
  2. The Panthers still for sale? Just go buy them.
  3. Oh MCD is convinced. Did he not bench Tyrod this season? Just because Peterman sucked doesn't all the sudden change the reason Tyrod got benched. Please spare me it was Dennison or anyone else because the HC made the call and had the authority to. So please assume he was complicit. Tyrod wasn't benched for any other reason besides he wasn't getting it done. I think the 5 fans Tyrod has left will have to do the convincing. I want you to change your name to TyrodThrew0Touchdowns. I know you don't care what I think but I'm saying it anyway because it's funny.
  4. If I were to step back and throw it on a scale I would say the Bills defense is a lot better then the offence. We have a defensive minded HC so I assume that is gonna be a strength. So I can appreciate your suggestion I just don't think defense should be priority. Definitely not to a degree of trading up. The weak link on the team is the offense. I think that should be the priority in my opinion. I'm kind of surprised that more people don't feel the way I do. I would want to work on my weakness not my strength.
  5. You know I will show. When they say you blow. I've said it all before. I'll say it all some more. Till my throat is sore. Till my keyboard doesn't work no more. Oh why can't they see it's because of the OC and next year you likely will be starting. You know my fool heart breaks from every sack you take.
  6. I took the bait. Then I jumped off the hook. At this point the season has played out. I don't want to butt heads with people over Tyrod. I've given my opinion and my prediction on his future and now its just gonna sound like a broken record. Part of me wants you to understand that it doesn't look good for Taylor. Part of me admires you defending a Buffalo Bill when people trash him. Tyrod let me down in Jacksonville. All he had to do was drive down the field for two touchdowns and I'd be on here praising Tyrod like I was the founder of the COT.
  7. It's to a point the Patriots diminish thier own SB wins. The Pats win the Superbowl *yawn. I don't think even thier own fans feel special anymore about a Pats SB win.
  8. Kinda harsh for a guy that hasn't had much of a chance to prove himself. I agree he has to prove himself. I wouldn't dump on him this early. Anquan Boldin retired didn't he? I don't know how he would aquire stats for a team he's not even playing for when he's out saving the world. You gonna hold that against him? Sorry you said zero catches for him all year like he played for the team this year. Kelvin Benjamin came in late and Peterman was the only guy that seemed to want to throw to him. Plus he got rocked in the leg. So didn't expect crazy stats. At least that was an attempt to give the struggling QBs a big target.
  9. Definitely a very sad story. The sad part is I've read similar stories as twisted as this. I can think of two right off the top of my head. It kind of makes me wonder how many people I walked by in my life randomly that have dark stuff going on. I'll see some somebody that gives me an odd feeling and just wonder sometimes. You got some kid in your basement dude??!!?
  10. Very convincing argument but he lost me at Patriots should win the Superbowl.
  11. With Dareus it always seems to be about the past and the future. Forget the Bills that is the past. Forget that future fantasy of what he says he's going to be. Look at the present day and operate yourself within reality.
  12. I understand that. Honestly he should just be focused into being the force for Jacksonville. He is with a Coach that does believe in him and wants him. Not like he was traded to the Browns, he's not in a bad situation. If he really wants to prove a point then play lights out and make everybody in Buffalo regret trading him away. Actions speak louder then words.
  13. No one owes him anything either. That's why maybe he should be a big boy about getting shipped out. He doesn't owe me that but he owes it to himself. Consequences is a thing people don't understand
  14. If you take for example Buddhist Swastika has a different meaning then the Nazi Swastika. Basically the same exact symbol but holding different meaning. Pepe the frog went though the same transition as the Buddhist Swastika.
  15. I remember reading on this forum long ago that Doug would never be a HC again. Then they laughed at him for ending up as a offensive line coach. Then I read in here that he would never get along with Tom Coughlin because they both had big egos. Now all his success is strictly because of Tom Coughlin and he's just a yes man. Some of you have been haters so long your becoming fans. I wouldn't rather have Doug man but you can give him a slice of credit.
  16. "I respect the choice made in moving on from me. I will do everything I can to prove it was the incorrect choice" - what could of been said.
  17. Thanks for a some deeper insight. I didn't get a chance to see this in the main thread. I read this and thought we are rolling out with a rookie QB next year. I don't know why.
  18. I think it can be a good conversation if you actually had the potential to move into the 1 and 2 spots. I would rather trade to move into the 1 or 2 spots next year then settle for less this year. Rushing things is how you make mistakes. You drive fast you get to your destination faster. You also potentially wreck. I'd rather them make the smart move over a desperate gamble for something not in that 1 or 2 sweet spot. I'm sorry I just think it's go big or go home. I'm not in favor in making a splash and throwing around picks for scraps after everyone else got to pick off the plate first.
  19. I think it depends on the opportunities and options that he has. If he has a chance to be a guaranteed starter someplace, I think he would jump on that opportunity because I believe he isn't a guaranteed starter in Buffalo anymore in my opinion. I think if there is no interest for him elsewhere he absolutely would stick around and contend for the position with any competition brought in. I don't see him as a guy that lets hurt feelings decide his actions. He makes the safe play in the end. Tyrod wants to be a starter. I think he would jump at the best opportunity to be a starter even if it was in a competition for the starting role in Buffalo. I'm not sure if another team would be very interested in him honestly. In the end I think he ends up in the same situation he was in when he first came to Buffalo. Brought in to fight it out with other maybe guys and he might beat them out if he's the better of the maybe guys. That is my best case scenario for him. I think the benching was a huge clue. That is a nail in the coffin for sure. I think the final nail should be walking out of a playoff game with 3 points. If the other 3 point games didn't convince anybody.
  20. This is amazing. Words can not express how awesome that is. Great entertainment. Thanks man I needed the laughs.
  21. Also don't forget Dennison got his share of threads and trashing to. Even our new OC is getting his share of getting dumped on and the dude hasn't even unpacked.
  22. No I get what your saying. I was just having a little fun. People are going hard on trashing Tyrod. I know Tyrod tried his best for the Bills. He took a benching and a real beating in a few games and dude is tough and keeps ticking. He's resilient so I have not counted him out even when I still kinda feel let down. I believed in him too. People are mostly venting because playoffs and end of the year feelings. I think the hate will die down. It's just still in it's 15 mins of Fame stage.
  23. I think you can be supportive of Tyrod. I just hope you understand that the offense was kind of a joke this year. So naturally Tyrod is gonna shoulder the blame. I understand that the delivery of peoples thoughts on Tyrod can be harsh. I know you want to defend a guy you support. I have reasons why I would want Tyrod to not be the QB next year. It's because I don't believe his side of the ball earned the right to go to the Playoffs with the defense. Even when they got to tag along riding on the backs of the defense they put up 3 points in another game the defence handed to them so they could drop out. The offense has had a tendency to not score points. I don't feel I'm a bad guy for feeling that way. It could be I am blaming Taylor for everything but bros I never seen him light it up this year enough to interested in another try. Even with all the excuses you could afford him. I could be wrong. It might be possible every excuse is the reason and Tyrod is the man. I just seen enough personally to not give it another try. If you believe Tyrod is the man and a 10-3 exit from the Playoffs is excusable then we just disagree and that is fine. Look Tyrod is a fine back up. He's proven he can come in and manage a few games enough to win. He's the elite of back up quarter backs even in my view.
  24. That's all I could ask. Not like you have to be elite QB. Just make enough plays to score more then 10 points. Especially when your in the Playoffs and you had time and games to find a groove.
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