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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. I don't know if I would call three 3 point games serviceable. If your defence can get you the ball back 13% of the time you punt it back to the opponent you shouldn't have 3 point games. I guess we have different opinions on what a 7 year guy should be capable of. Especially when your defence was a turnover machine all year.
  2. I explained my reasoning. One should be held to higher expectations because of time invested in the game. If I practice Piano for 7 years and you for one I should be a lot better correct?
  3. Well if we talking roster it would be different. I think he is a good back up. If we were talking Tyrod Taylor as the starter game one I would take that action hypothetically. Since I am a man of honor I would only bet what I could afford to pay, so I would say $100. If I was a rich man I would go a lot higher on that amount. In good fun, if non money bets we're allowed if I lost I would PM a picture of myself dressed in a way of the winners choosing holding a sign that said what the winner chose. The picture could be used for whatever the winner deemed necessary. I would also want the same if I was the winner. Now keep mind I'm not a complete Tyrod hater this is actually because I don't think he has any chance to be a starter next year.
  4. You seem very confident about Tyrod and so do a few others. So let me ask you a hypothetical question. What kind of money would you put on Tyrod being the Bills starting QB next year if it was a bet in Vegas?
  5. Honestly thank you for acknowledging this. People will pile on the Peterman for his 5 interception game then excuse Taylor and his 3 point games. I think we can agree the two QBs are at very different stages of the game. One is a rookie and the other has been starting a few years. The anti Peterman crowd is most likely right. He most likely will not be anything special in the future. Does he get three years as a starter after learning behind the scenes for multiple years? Probably not. He was thrown right in. Then had to play back up even if he wasn't ready. I'll give you credit though because I've seen most anti Peterman people crap on him for one game and not say a peep and even defend Tyrod and his multiple embarrassments. It's one way or the other. They both suck or they should both get a grace year because the entire scheme sucked. There is a difference between the two QBs and regardless if anyone wants to admit it or not, we should all have much higher expectations of Tyrod then we should Peterman. Tyrod has had time behind the scenes and on the field and Peterman has not. So in my book Tyrod and his 3 point games is a way bigger embarrassment to the team than Peterman and his one 5 interception game. Except Peterman hasn't had repeat 5 interception games. Tyrod had had multiple 3 point games this season. Who has a bigger chance to learn and grow from the game? A guy who's been several years in the league on and off the field or the guy who has been in it one year and not even a full game played. *Drops mic
  6. I wouldn't give you a free cup of water for that.
  7. I'd throw Tyrod in the trash heap for his 3 point games against the Jaguars, Panthers and The Patriots. I'm not sure about Nate yet. If he sucks as as bad as Tyrod given as much time to find a groove then I'd say toss him. One bad game isn't enough. I sat through a lot of bad Tyrod before I was really done. Although I will have to agree with a few people on this post that he has some work to do to prove he can be viable and it's not looking good.
  8. Truthfully I really never looked into him. I saw you saying he was a process guy. Out of curiosity I figured I'd ask Google and that popped up. I'm definitely sold after reading that. You adding in more about him having a desk puts even more emphasis. I would have to agree with you. He sounds like a guy that would fit right in. I'm late to the party but count me in as being on board.
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/www.nbcsports.com/washington/redskins/kirk-cousins-and-maybe-redskins-fans-its-time-trust-process%3famp "I walk away saying, ‘I’m getting better, I’m doing really good things, I’m about the process, and my process was really good today. I can’t control the outcome but the process was really good. Shaw66 you inspired me to search Kirk Cousins and process in Google. Tyrod never talked like that. I'm $old.
  10. We will sign him to a huge contract and then he will suffer a career ending injury in game 2 or 3 of the season. Then we all get to argue over if the move was stupid or not.
  11. Honestly until it is the Bills in the Superbowl I have about the same level of excitement I usually would have. I haven't even really seen the last few honestly. When I do watch it's because I was invited someplace for the Superbowl party atmosphere. I usually get a laugh from some of the commercials. I'm saying I haven't really been excited for a Superbowl in a long time. It's not me really hating on it. When it's a good match up it's worth checking it out. Yes I think it sucks the Patriots seem to be in it every year and that would be a reason I wouldn't go out of my way to catch the game but I wouldn't avoid it either.
  12. Money is the root of all evil. Sometimes I wish I was a Billionaire just so I can see what kind of messed up stuff people would do for money. Then I would make my own YouTube game show and not only would people participate, people would watch.
  13. "Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy @#$& on the wall and the mozzarella sticks?"
  14. So he want to be offered a future career in the Bills organization at a reasonable level and he is open to talks about the money involved? I like going out on limbs.
  15. I talked to the Devil and he told me part of the deal was Tom Brady had to lose his last Superbowl. I think this might be the year.
  16. Look I've been supportive of Nate. I've stood up for the rook when people have written him off. I hope your right because I don't wanna look stupid for trying to stay a Petermaniac. If he doesn't start and show some promise I'm done. Even after the 5 interceptions I had the rooks back. Defended the choice to start him. He better be Tom Brady 2.0 or I'm joining your group of haters. I don't like you cheating on him thinking of other Saviors.
  17. I thought this year there was a quote when asked the game plan the opponent said "Make Tyrod be a QB". I must of been mistaken.
  18. I never understood this logic. If it was true the Bills would be undefeated. I think throwing the ball away and taking sacks for a loss of 10 yards and contributing to 3 point games and 3 and outs is losing the game. Having defences stacking the box because there is no passing game is losing the game. Having people say in public to beat the Bills the game plan was make Tyrod be a QB is his part in losing the game. Its people taking advantage of him specifically to win the game is him losing game. It is his name being spoken specifically out loud by more then one opponent using him as a weakness is him losing the game. He doesn't throw interceptions would mean a heck of a lot more if he had two or three passing TDs every game. That's another one thrown around I don't really value. Yes Tyrod can win some games too. I added that just so people don't think I won't acknowledge it.
  19. Yea it's true both Peterman and Tyrod have a few extremist. I can agree it can be over the top when people jump at every chance to trash a player or defend them. I would take either one at QB if it meant the offense didn't suck next year. Tyrod had 3 point games. Peterman threw 5 interceptions. They both have warts man. One had a lot longer to get gud.
  20. How does some one support of Peterman effect you at all? Does people support of Tyrod after getting benched and his 3 point performances effect you as well? It's just people and opinions.
  21. Look I think 3 point games are pathetic. It doesn't even matter we made the playoffs if that was the outcome realistically. It's not like it was all locked up. Not like we stroll into the playoffs comfortable. I remember being on the edge of my seat hoping for a miracle for a little bragging rights. Then we score 3 points and I don't feel like bragging about that. If not for a miracle play by Andy Dalton you can't even say what your saying. The Miami game almost slipped away. Anyway I respect Tyrod but man come to Jesus on this one.
  22. 3PointGameManager Sir Miss-a-Lot 3rdDownandOut Big Bench Holder of Balls Lord Backup Restructure Mayjor Boring The Safety Dance Sideline Superhero Bubble Boy Maxi Padded Stats Complete Mouthwash Playoff Pretender Potato Sack
  23. I agree with any argument here that makes the #2 pick available.
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