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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. I'll always remember Tyrod as that QB that lead the offense to 3 points in his first playoff opportunity with the Bills. The same year he was benched for a rookie. That is how it reads in my history book.
  2. At a certain point in time I'm sure the rule was made to give people an opportunity that they wouldn't get. Times have changed. I won't say everything is perfect. I don't think a rule like that serves it's purpose as much as it once did. It opened a door and now the doors open. So it's a redundant thing possibly. What I am saying if you were to eliminate the rule I don't think it would cause a backslide into hiring only white coaches. Truthfully I am a white guy. I've never experienced a discrimination of a racial kind. I guess you could say I feel a different kind of discrimination. As in people accept just about everything except if I want to smoke a plant.
  3. This is actually more of an argument to make when you want to convince yourself to sell now. Get what you can now because some how your backup won the SB. Eagles can make a lil coin from some one they thought of as a back up. If dude didn't win the SB I don't think this discussion is a hot topic.
  4. I would have to agree with people that say selling now would obtain the most value. Not that I disagree that keeping him on the team is a bad idea. I would think in a QB starved league that teams would attempt to aquire him. The real question is what is the Eagles selling price. Everything is for sale at the right price. A few bad games and the interest could die fast.
  5. I wonder what peoples plan of action would be to eliminate Bills Mafia from being used. List me the details of how your gonna change it. If you can't then I can't take your conviction seriously.
  6. Actually your correct. With a whole lot of nothing going on and having no answer yet, I would say I get excited over potential. That is the only option besides not caring at all. Everyone talking about drafting a QB high is speaking of potential. Anybody talking bringing in a vet like Kirk, Nick or Teddy is talking potential. I don't know what the correct answer is but until I see an actual plan of action that transforms into a success, then all anybody is doing is talking potential. So until we have that name at QB it doesn't matter the guy you put in there to QB because it's just another potential until it finally pays off. I don't even know if half the ideas thrown around have a potential to happen let alone actually work and bring the Bills to the promise land. Our offense was so bad last year I don't care who they get at QB because I'll be skeptical until I see it work.
  7. I don't think you will change any minds on Peterman. It's just easy to say Peterman sucks. Chances are they are probably gonna be right because the NFL is hard. It's not unreasonable to think that with another shot the rookie can progress. A few on here would not give him that shot. I respect thier opinion. Although on the off chance Peterman is good I'll be reminding a few people that were so adamant that he sucks giving him no shadow of a doubt.
  8. Reality is he was traded to the Bills. So it doesn't matter if he holds an emotional attachment for the Eagles. Don't forget they traded Shady away so they didn't value him as much as he might value them. Eagles are that pretty girl that sent him packing, time to let her go or he will look pathetic. Eagles won the Superbowl. He doesn't get to attach himself to that because he played for them at one time. So if he has some sort of emotional issue I don't know what to tell the guy. Quit living in the past your not an Eagle anymore they didn't want you. Your a Buffalo Bill go kiss our logo midfield and bring us to the big show. I have to assume he is a solid pro and doesn't get all bent up emotionally over it. Like it would be a thing that could bother him but not cause him sleepless nights crying in his pillow cursing the Bills for ruining his life.
  9. Why even toy with the idea and get my hopes up? That is cruel and unfair. I just can't see it happening. I would think they both try to milk the game till it's dry.
  10. I'm surprised so many people voted no.
  11. I put this subject in the background. It's on Nate Peterman to prove if he's worthy. Just like any Bills QB I would hope for the best. I ultimately decided I can't judge any QB in Buffalo. It's like judging a chef with no kitchen to cook in. I even think you could of thrown an elite QB in that mess and they would look mediocre. I even decided to stop being critical of Tyrod. The offense as a whole was completely broken and I can't allow myself the fantasy that one man will turn the entire unit around. Them firing Dennison gives me a little confidence that they are throwing whatever offensive philosophy and game plan in the trash heap and taking it more seriously next season. At least I don't have mayjor question marks about defense going into next seasons. I have strong feelings it's gonna be an elite unit.
  12. Wrong: I said Nate Peterman couldn't be worse then Tyrod. Possibly Right: I said that the Jimmy Garopplo trade would come back to haunt the Patriots as soon as the trade went down.
  13. I was gonna talk Peterman into making a deal with the devil but we can do your idea.
  14. Isn't the mistakes the Colts made was not building up on offence and getting Luck killed? I think the defense wouldn't be a priority going into next season.
  15. In the end it doesn't matter how I feel because the Bills are gonna do what they want. Will it make you feel better if people quit advocating for Kirk? I'll take any QB if it means I won't see the offense tripping over itself all season.
  16. Basically you covered everything I would have said. I agree with you completely. Making your kid kiss you on the lips at 11 years old while your getting a massage is not normal in my book. I think people forget that it probably made that kid feel ultra uncomfortable that's why he just tried to get away with a peck on the cheek. I myself don't have kids but if I did I wouldn't kiss them on the lips at any age. That is just me because I like to kiss hot lady's on the lips and that's the only way I know how to kiss on the lips. A kiss on the cheek or forehead is as far as I would go and at 11 I'm fine with a high 5, a hug or a verbal expression of family love. Fast forward 10 years later and I bet that kid has some issues.
  17. I think saying the best in 15 to 20 years is a bold statement. Like going overkill on saying that he thinks it's an amazing group. Well if he's right and it's the best one we seen in 15 years then a few teams should get franchise QBs out of it. Not saying he's wrong. Just saying it's hard to take seriously when said so strongly.
  18. If you don't like them just nickname them Slop & Bullcrap. I actually don't mind them. Just planting seeds to see if it grows.
  19. pepperidge farm remembers
  20. Bad Omen. Patriots lose the Superbowl.
  21. If Tyrod is back next year then really all I want is the guy to spend his time off Sky Diving and Thrill Riding. I want him to ride a bike without a helmet. Do some base jumping. Be dangerous. Then I hope some of that wild and crazy comes back with him on to the field and he becomes an unpredictable psycho that yells at you for looking at his girlfriend when she's not even there. I never wanna see the dude settle because it's safe. If he's married get a divorce man. Mix it up. Take some strange home and raw dog. Take some risks man. You will never see me say another bad thing about him if he gets ignorant and unpredictable. Even if it doesn't turn out good. Ditch the nice suits get a hoody and ride or die. I don't want that calm professional look to him. I want him to look like he just rolled out of prison and he gives you the evil eye all day like at any moment he's gonna gonna fly off the handle. I don't want professional president Tyrod. I want murder capital of the world Thug life Tyrod Taylor. Throw it at a guy and miss him by a mile then go over and jump in his face for not catching the ball because Tyrod says he threw it right on target.
  22. I wouldn't bet he's not on the roster. Even if I bet he was not the starter my nerves would still be on edge. I think I'd be just about at your percentage. Except I'm 50% on starter maybe 40%. If you can't land an upgrade and your gonna bridge screw it do it with Tyrod. It makes sense economic way. Get that dude an o-line and wr or I'll freak out.
  23. When I say what I do it sounds harsh. I respect Tyrod a lot. I've listed a few times specific things he's done on and off the field that I love. I would also agree that he is better then Nate Peterman. He should be better. It's a sad day for a guy if he's beat out by a first year rookie when he's had more time to strengthen his craft. When they pulled Nate Peterman I didn't question it. It was as brutal as you can get. So yes I have higher expectations of Tyrod then I ever would Nate Peterman. I would hold him more accountable. If Tyrod is the starting QB next year then I'll shut up with my criticism and root for him just like I did this year. My doubt was there but I have not voiced my opinion this strongly at all until the year was over. I think Tyrod can get better. I think Peterman could get better. I wouldn't just shut down any possibility. I think Tyrod made some mistakes and I think Peterman made mistakes. Ones a rookie and ones a solidified 3 year starter. Honestly I think if you took them both and blended them together you might have something. Either give me a Tyrod that takes more risks. I'll understand the interceptions if it comes with more passing TDs. Give me a Peterman who doesn't take so many risks. I'll deal with it looking a bit boring and managed without the crazy interceptions. I was at a point I would rather see Tyrod just force it man. Quit playing so safe because it isn't winning games. If your behind and the clocks ticking force that ball in there then I'll respect the outcome even if it's bad. I got tired of him dropping his posture and throwing it away. That's just giving up. Peterman sucked but I don't think you ever see his body language just say screw it I give up. Even after interception #4 he was still keeping his posture up. I saw the Jags read his body language. They knew Tyrod wasn't gonna make any risky moves so they went in for the kill and took him out of the game. Even they felt disrespected by the lack of effort and put dude on his head. They wanted the next man up because they were getting bored and so was I.
  24. Then your biased. You will make every excuse to for Tyrod but then when it comes to Peterman it's all his fault and the rookie isn't allowed to have a bad start because Dennison only made Tyrod suck and not Peterman. Did all those guys put up average numbers when the defense they played for took the ball away from opponents 13% of the time they touched the ball offensively?
  25. Well I can't argue that some people just have natural talents for things. I wouldn't doubt in some situations a naturally gifted person could become better in a shorter time then a person who practiced and just wasn't gonna be a Mozart. I'm just saying I would have a lot higher expectations from a guy that says he's been practicing piano for 6 or 7 more years then a guy that just started yesterday. I get what your saying but your not seeing my point. First I agreed that chances are he won't be special. I actually did say that. I just said people have strict expectations of him while defending a vet that puts up multiple 3 point games. Just saying. If your not a big Tyrod excuse maker then it wasn't meant for you if you just don't like Peterman. Also I gave the dude credit for acknowledging something others won't.
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