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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. The only play I remember from Edmunds is when he almost took his team mates head off.
  2. Change it up, bring in a daredevil or circus performance. No rule that says it has to be a music performance is there?
  3. Way to early for a review.
  4. When your team is good but have a bad game and fickle fans give up on the season.
  5. Even if you think it's rigged you can still enjoy it. Wrestling was fake and people still liked it.
  6. You live by the sword and you die by the sword and that sword is Josh Allen. Wish the team had a run game. Wondering if another OC could be an answer. I'm not over reacting yet. This team has put up a few stinkers and been fine. This game was laid out for the Bills taking. All Jete hopes and dreams crushed in 4 plays and the Bills still couldn't make it happen.
  7. He's not hurt just mad getting no protection.
  8. I plan to hop around until/unless I find a game that keeps my attention.
  9. I was just throwing out a theory on the people who seem to lean more twords the extreme negativity. I know for sure that some fans are very thirsty for a SB win and anything less is failure. My observation is that they seem to be more negative than what is normal. It could be the sting of those 4 SB losses the team is known for. As fans of the sport I expect we all have our praises and criticisms of our team. I always respect a fair and balanced approach and for this forum that seems to be the norm and the hot takes are more of an outlier. I think we have a good team. I would rather be slotted a notch below the Chiefs and Bengals compared to what it used to be. I feel like there is enough to be positive about so sometimes I don't understand why people sometimes so angry.
  10. I think they had so many below average years as fans that they are stuck in their ways of just being negative.
  11. I picture Allen sitting in a pool of money wiping the tears away with hundred dollar bills.
  12. Well 3 to 10 years isn't as long as I would sentence a person for this situation but I know it's not a walk in the park either. People drive thier car fast and under the influence that's a gamble I myself wouldn't make. You would think it would be something a person wouldn't want to do. I could care less if people do things that put their own life at risk but it's unfortunate this dude survived and an innocent person died. The wrong person is buried in the ground. Well hopefully some one claimes dude and turns him into his boy.
  13. I sometimes wonder why people bring up Tyrod. People must like reading posts about how he was average. I know you can't have loved his time in Buffalo that much. Now we have more Dynamic versions of him around to say he was the broke mans Lamar Jackson. He was alright until he wasn't. It was cool at first, you hope for the guy then you get bored with how he plays. I'm glad he got a shot and did decent but after while it was time to move on. I've seen back ups come along and have a nice little run to the point people talk about them being the starter. Then they fizzle out for one reason or another. You can't be a hater if your not thinking about or talking about Tyrod. It's not hard to understand he was not that memorable. I've seen a backup win the Superbowl and the fans probably don't give him the love that some of you feel for Tyrod. He had some haters at the end of his run but that was more people hating on when people still talking about him being good making excuses for him. It's fandom. People hate on McDermott for getting us in the Playoffs every year since his arrival and he's done more than Tyrod did.
  14. I love that Diggs is so passionate about winning and it would be best if everyone shared that same energy. If he turned toxic to the point it's going to be a distraction for him and others then I would be open to trading him if somebody wanted to over pay. I don't think that will happen so even if he did turn very toxic he is going to have to deal with being stuck where he is at. You don't take contracts and get the convenience of jumping ship when you stop believing. Hopefully Diggs can channel that anger and put it into staying focused and be comfortable knowing he tried his best to get a ring and you still got phat stacks of cash to make you feel better.
  15. I need some one to turn to now for counseling now.
  16. I'm ok if the Bills don't win a Super Bowl because at least they don't suck.
  17. If by pressure you mean the same kind of pressure every team faces then sure I agree. If we are talking hot seats I would say your full of it. This team was to good to be thinking of firing the people at the top.
  18. Why not try, I don't blame him. The team ran his contact out it's also on them for waiting around and it just so happens another guy got a crazy payday. I don't care if he is worth it or not and we will know his real value when some one pays him. If he shoots for the stars and has to settle back down because no one will pay him that much so be it. If he gets that bag then good on him and momma.
  19. I hope this happens, Denver has just been that team embarrassing themselves and this should help cement that for the future. It won't be as entertaining if they actually make good choices and turn it around.
  20. It's entertainment for me. It doesn't change my life at all if the team does well or sucks. It's a lot more fun now than it has been for me to follow the team. I understand people are more invested than I am. People probably know a lot more about the game and the team than I do. I just don't understand if something that is supposed to be fun can make a person so negative then why do it? I'm not talking about the ups and downs wins and loses people go through. I'm just saying I read comments on this board that make me wonder if the person needs to step away from this as I don't think it's entertainment to them. I've noticed there is some toxicity as well. I've been told before not to feed the trolls.
  21. He might as well just change to a WR.
  22. You can also be critical without over exaggerating the actual criticism. The people who are reasonable don't have problems giving critical thoughts so if what you are saying isn't being taken seriously then maybe consider it might be a you problem. Try crying less when upset and see how that works.
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