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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. I understand your point. I definitely don't want people getting into trouble over bringing up cooking recipes as an example as something off topic I've seen in the past. Side conversations like that bring a connection between people and I don't think bothers anyone. I think my thought process is more people dragging the topic out of bounds into the territories the subjects/topics of #1 in the original post and it usually takes two or more people to jump into a heated debate about hot button issues like that.
  2. I'm enjoying the MVP talk and I am enjoying the 3-0 record so far. I've stayed a fan through many bad seasons and some people have been fans for a lot longer. Some fans didn't get to live long enough to enjoy what is going on now. I think a post like this probably isn't the best to make when so many fans have been waiting a long time for a Bills QB to even be in MVP talks.
  3. In my opinion, off topic post/responses and abusive behavior is what I would treat the harshest. I'm not as bothered by a lot of the other stuff listed but that's just me. I think sometimes you really have to just look at things on a case to case basis and factor in a persons history of behavior. I can only say that I think moderation is already good.
  4. It could just be a bad habit of the team getting too comfortable when they are destroying another team. I don't know why but this team this year puts teams away early and let's them claw back into the game. This game was just about over at halftime before things went haywire.
  5. Josh gets into trouble sometimes when he tries to extend a broken play.
  6. A game of very intense highs and lows.
  7. The Bills deserve the W.
  8. It's unfortunate but I'm not that down on this team. It was an epic collapse but hopefully it's a learning experience.
  9. Need something big but Bills looking done.
  10. Thanks. Definitely gonna be rewatching.
  11. Can't remember the name of this movie.
  12. Casters always mention no flag for some reason.
  13. Wow I feel bad for hating on Levi today. Eating crow.
  14. Scored about 4 times in a row.
  15. I could agree that running Josh around has it's risks and it also brings a lot of production.
  16. Bills used to let bad teams hang around. Looks very different to me.
  17. Run up that score.
  18. Bills are legitimate.
  19. You need to have dated a really beautiful girl that you love very deeply that has a bit of an attitude to understand why other people would put up with a lot. It's easy to tell a girl your not that attracted too and don't love that much to take a walk.
  20. I don't really have a strong opinion about Josh right now. I just hope all the best for him. I can't really think franchise or failure. It's a prove it kind of season.
  21. They should check the history of everyone on the planet for good measure. I doubt very few come out clean.
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