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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. Schlemiel, Schlemozzle, Hassenpfeffer Incorporated!
  2. she doesn’t need to - she’s going to win regardless. As long as SHE’S happy, I’m happy!
  3. Stock market at record highs again - all is well.
  4. Van Dreesen, the teacher in Beavis and Butt-Head.
  5. Buffalo sports definitely have a curse on them… is that even in question???
  6. sounds like something Biden would say … “Child POVRACY…. growl growl, snarl”
  7. ohhhhh. Right. that sounds both racist and not very JOY-filled.
  8. yet another government handout that; if enacted; I’ll be saying “damn, I wish that was in place x years ago when it would have applied to me!” 😂 Also how we gonna pay for dat. Wait, I already know the answer…
  9. sounds like an idea for the next date night with my wife! Thank you
  10. I’ve only visited the latter once, but the Cajun Honey BBQ wings I had there were a solid “A” IMO. I still need to get to the East Aurora location.
  11. about a quadrillion bucks!
  12. I say yes. Dolphins have some serious holes, and the Jets won’t be as good as everyone thinks they’ll be. We’ll get in as the 4 seed.
  13. those are medium-large things
  14. all standard and totally reasonable stuff
  15. both playofff games were rough defense-wise though…. granted we had even more injuries compounding things by then (weren’t Bernard and Douglas both out for the Divisional Round game vs KC?)
  16. Rich Stadium should’ve never been built on ancient Indian burial grounds.
  17. season over; pack it in.
  18. git merge master; git push
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