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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. no. I’d say 10-7 rock bottom, 13-4 / 14-3 “pie in the sky but also could feasibly still happen”.
  2. Rousseau Coleman The Refs - just giving the love and attention that they so desperately crave!!!
  3. you mean, the best team in the AFC????
  4. that’s some drought-era Bills shizz right there
  5. Brady liked flags when he was a player? I’m shocked. Can’t imagine why…
  6. should be backups all the way, don’t want to see any more of our starting D get injured…
  7. even the Black-Jackets couldn’t think of anything there, much to the chagrin of the Seattle fans
  8. great road half. Don’t do anything overly stupid in the 2nd half plz
  9. That was a nice closeup, wasn’t it
  10. Brady with a very graphic description of rubbing balls. Sweet.
  11. holy s***… Burkhardt sounded like he was going to have a bonafide stroke calling that interception runback.
  12. lol, you absolutely do NOT go for that in your own territory in the road up 7.
  13. refs letting the pencil-necks in the stands make the calls for them.
  14. ugh, should have declined…
  15. he’ll have the game of his life in a couple weeks, I’m sure!
  16. would be awesome if Philly and Cleveland held on
  17. hey, the Nazis DID have a rally at MSG about 90 years ago… 🤣
  18. “We already have Cooper Kupp at home, sweetie” (the Cooper Kupp at home):
  19. not a snowball’s chance in hell 57% of fans in attendance at tomorrow’s game are rooting for the Bills. How are they getting these numbers, exactly?
  20. oh no… that TEARS it for real!!!
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