nope tickets were dirt cheap for that one too, especially since it was moved to MLK Jr. Day because of the snowstorm on Saturday/Sunday.
I grabbed a single in 114 Row 3 for like $130.
just imagine if the game were on SNF:
((Jackson completes a routine 15-yard pass to a “college-open” Mark Andrews))
Tirico: “Lamar… DOES IT AGAIN!!! Oh my goodness!”
Collinsworth: “Well, the Lamar Jackson poster on my bedroom wall might have to move a little closer to my Pat Mahomes poster, I tell you what! Ha ha gurgle gurgle”
well, FOX has the Super Bowl this season, so….
But seriously, congrats to Jim Nantz! Great PBP guy… nothing too remarkable or over-the-top about him, but that’s why he’s so good to be honest.