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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. And Peterman threw 5 picks, and got a concussion in his second game... So their goes your durability argument. So now you're arguing a point on the behalf of an argument you don't even believe in. I'll take my chances with Rosen, any game, any situation over Peterman. Peterman in LA getting hurt wouldn't have hurt the team. It wouldn't in any situation when you are throwing 5 picks. So was your point then that Peterman would be the better option in LA because Rosen might have gotten hurt? Despite the fact that his healthy half of football was potentially the worst half of QB play since the merger?
  2. Battle is more like Richardson in my opinion. I think Waiters was a step up above them, but he also had better players around him.
  3. So you're saying you like Peterman better than Rosen? I don't even understand the point of these arguments. Believe what you want, I'd take Rosen in any and every situation over Peterman, including that SD game. Continue if you want, but once people go down this far on excuses or frivolous reasons to support their points, it just becomes not even worth the time. You want to think something despite all common sense pointing to the contrary.
  4. They'd probably do better. Peterman was never considered in that level of a prospect for a reason. It's not just a sudden awakening by teams to the fact the position is important, and now it's highly coveted. He just isn't as good of a prospect, and probably won't be a better QB than any of them who go in the first this year.
  5. Exactly, no one is a lock until they prove it. That doesn't mean you dismiss all top prospects because of this.
  6. One of my favorite non bills players of all time. I keep debating getting a jersey. Actually he might just be one of my favorite football players of all time flat out
  7. That's not a slur. If he just said boyfriend then maybe he'd have a point, but even then. It's so benign. Maybe she/he was being progressive and inclusive. To make it out as an insult is more negative and trends towards a slur more so than that post.
  8. Wait, so these guys are essentially hypocrites and have double standards? Who would have thought? I actually like what they have done this off season after not agreeing with almost any move they made prior to it. I hope they are prepared for the inevitable criticisms that will happen when you preach faith, high character, process, and just bland bull. All that stuff makes it really ugly when you lose and leaves you wide open for shots. It's better to just leave religion, character and all of that out of it, like most businesses do. Just keep it to performance.
  9. And now we have a guy as president who can't even pay off a porn star properly. And we're trusting him with trade deficits and foreign policy? I'd take Hillary Rosen. Some of your reactions would be worth it alone. I didn't see any gay slurs.
  10. Wow to be so confident over something so unpredictable that you know so little about... I wonder what you are like in real life situations. I'm sorry but Bernard Pollard is not in your avatar. I don't mind jets fans, but we all have to give respect to the real patriot killer if you're going to have that name. Just my opinion.
  11. I wasn't pointing it out to criticize the thread. Was just mentioning that I know at least one other from the board will be there. This is more like a roll call thread Wasn't trying to dissuade you from making it at all.
  12. I know one member was pretty excited about it, a season ticket holder that was selected by the team to go. He had a thread about it, can't remember who.
  13. Ef it... go Kansas. I never root for duke. Also Grayson Allen is a psych major, and he looks like he tortured small animals as a child. A coincidence? I think not. He also looks like Ted Cruz, which politics aside, I think we can all unite on the fact that, that is rather unfortunate for any person. Anyways I'm fine with Mayfield, Darnold or Rosen. I'm not going to pretend I know enough to pick out of the 3. I'm also fine with Allen and Rudolph even though they make me nervous. Just take a shot.
  14. So are you going to defend any of your **** posts or are you just going to act as if you were right the whole time? When you have been nothing but clearly wrong this whole thread.
  15. Except for the police report... and the pictures of the broken window on the public balcony.... I'm sure they didn't get a lot of cooperation from his brother, his brothers girlfriend, and any friends if they had them there. My other posts show we believe the same thing I guess, a deal was worked out. I just didn't play dumb in my post and ask dumb questions. If they actually wanted to charge him, I think they definitely could, even without cooperation of the two witnesses we know about. But whatever, I had this debate already. As I said to the other poster, you said he didn't break any laws, he clearly did. And your fake theory doesn't even work out. If that's the case he would have been arrested and easily charged for public intoxication for spraying blood all over that hallway. A rich kid got let off easy. It's easy to say from a far, but if my neighbor is running around naked, yelling he wants to fight for Jesus, then comes back bloody after getting into something with his brother and trying to jump from your 30th story floor. I'd wonder if you'd consider him a real criminal then? I know I'd have no inclination to want to deal with that. !@#$ that. I don't care what sport he plays. If this wasn't a Bills player most of you wouldn't be making the points you are. ****, if this was Dareus last year, you'd all be losing your minds labelling him a thug and calling for his release.
  16. Everything that person said is flat out wrong. I'll be interested to see if they come back in this thread.
  17. I don't have any experience in this but I have a friend who had something slipped in his drink, and my dad also went through this too. Both, not surprisingly, were out of the country, they both were pretty much passed out and just puking all over from the accounts they got. That reasoning just seems like an excuse to absolve him of any real responsibility. I've done a lot of dumb things. And I will do plenty more. I guess I just feel uncomfortable with a professional athlete running around out of control to the point of harming themselves and causing thousands of dollars of property damage. I only bring up professional athlete in this instance because he would whoop my ass, or your ass, and whoever's ass when he's out of control. He's lucky his brother was there. He was a risk to himself and everyone else. The guy busted open a window on the 30th story of a building, I'm guessing with his bare hands or feet. Do you know how much strength that takes? The guy was out of control. I have a friend who got wasted and just walked down the street in Fredonia seeing if car doors were open. He found one, and it happened to have the keys in it and he started driving it. He was 21, he got a DWI, as he deserved, but arguments like yours make it seem as if Zay did it we should just chalk it up to "boys being boys". Thankfully, no one was hurt the night he did that. No one was hurt besides Zay when this happened, that doesn't mean you just throw the charges out in my opinion.
  18. I hope you're right. I never really followed him closely, I was actually going to A&M at the time he and manziel were the guys. So I definitely wasn't a fan of him in college. I have an admitted bias. Not in the sense of I just don't like him, I just thought he was carried by the rest of the team. But here's to me being wrong.
  19. That was supposed to say I don't include him... I'm editing it now lol. To me though, McCarron seems like a downgrade from Tyrod, I hope I'm wrong, but neither are where I want this team to be at QB.
  20. It was labeling him as a prospect that threw me off... my bad. I don't mind him as a FA signing, I just hope they can do something of note in the draft. When you call him a prospect I don't include FA guys, I think we just view that differently. That's all.
  21. You seem to be splitting hairs... You're calling him a prospect, and separating him from the "proven" guys. I'm not even sure what you mean by the best of all available QB prospects. All the guys in the draft are available QB prospects. He's not even remotely close to the best of all available QB prospects, that's why he went for so cheap.
  22. After the JPP trade, I'm giving up on the hope that the Giants would trade out. I think they should go QB, but now it looks like Chubbs either way, they did all this maneuvering in the hopes of moving up and getting your guy at QB (at least widely assumed, it could be inaccurate)... and here we are drafting at 7-9 territory again at 12. It just doesn't stop with this team. I know a lot of people disagree, and that's what makes the sport great. You can easily argue for building a team around a lesser QB, and hope it works out. Sometimes it does. The 2014 season was my favorite drought season, and I'd even say I liked that team more than last years team that made the playoffs. To me that is about what you're going to get going that route, again, I could be wrong, but it seems like an aberration to do much better than that without a great QB. So I'm in the camp that comes off as ridiculous where you just keep giving away picks every couple years to trade up and try it with one of the best prospects. I know some people hate it, and I understand it, it can kill your depth, you're missing out on other impact players. I just would like to see it explored. I think Cleveland did the opposite of it and they are 1-32. I guess it's hard for me to get mad about losing when that's what this team has done except for a stretch in the late 80's early 90's. I'm fine with taking chances.
  23. I agree with this to an extent... Like I said in my other post, it works out for all the parties involved to just move pass this. I don't think that just because you can afford it means you get to walk around destroying property, that's part of where I have a problem with him not being charged. Again, that's just an opinion. Sure he can pay for it all, but if you're a tenant in that building, or even Cayleb Jones's girlfriends neighbor (if i ever lie about a source, that'll be it), do you want him charged? After what they did to Seantrel nothing will surprise me. And on a completely different note, the whole Elliot thing last year. He wasn't charged with anything, and she appeared to be conspiring against him. But he had that video of him lifting the girl's shirt up. You never know what he's going to do.
  24. Because I don't think a football player should be treated any different than a homeless person off the street. You really don't see an issue in that? Just because he's bringing home 6 figures from the Bills doesn't mean he should be treated any differently in the legal system than you or me, or anyone else when it comes to pressing charges. He's just a football player. Nothing special.
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