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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. As much as I'd be interested in him because of his name recognition and prior production, he's too similar to Benjamin in my opinion.
  2. Yea... so let's post random tweets from a kid in Cheektowaga that are never going to happen. Where is the logic in that?
  3. I understand and agree with your point on the draft as a concept. However, legally speaking, it has no basis. Playing in the NFL is joining a union, it's collectively bargained and part of joining the union can include being drafted. They can choose to work where they want, they just won't make as much playing football as they would in the NFL. No one is forcing them to play football, the draft is something they sign up for.
  4. The league is in more of a power position in my opinion than in 83 and I think they want to keep that monopoly. The one thing more important than winning is money. If a guy would refuse to sign somewhere and their was no fair compensation the rest of the league could offer that team, I think they'd blackball that individual. The teams protect each other at the end of the day when it comes down to issues of player vs team.
  5. Giving you **** for your team is not bullying... To be fair to the Pats fan, this stupid point has been trotted out every week since the 08 Superbowl. I might want to fight you for making this point. This Bills absolutely created no blueprint on how to beat the Pats that year.
  6. Wow... this explains so much... First of all, getting **** because your team lost a game is not bullying. That word is thrown around way too much now. Secondly, no, I don't get into physical confrontations over my team and I won't ever. It's childish, immature, and you're defining it as great. You should be embarrassed by it. I love the Bills, but I'm not defined by them, they aren't my wife or child. It's completely stupid to physically fight someone over them. Whenever someone has insulted me for liking them, I just laugh, not because they're funny, but I find anyone who defines themselves and others by a football team to be utterly stupid and not worth the time. It's hilarious. I can't believe you're proud of this. You're right... People used to needle you when they were going to superbowls every year and going to the playoffs... Now, the kids have it easy... I mean, what could they say to those soft ass millenials who went to school from 2000 onward. You're still a child, it's a football team. I'm borderline figuring you're a complete moron given your posts. That or a loser... I should be careful, you might challenge me to a fight in the gym and I know all your teachers will wish you luck. This whole thread is fan fiction, I mean, you wanted to fight Randy for the Bills you said. That's delusions of grandeur and fan fiction wrapped up in one.
  7. I have no reservations about making the assumption the OP is an **** How can you say that after making this thread? You're a douche bag.
  8. You do realize their is FA next year? And that they don't trade away all first rounders for eternity? Rome wasn't built in a day. By dismissing that point you're essentially saying your draft would win now. It wouldn't. They aren't winning next year. So go get the best guy at the most important position and hope he pans out for 10 years. Not mason rudolph.
  9. I don't understand these people who say things like it'd be a devastating cost to trade up. You trade up, and try to build around the guy. It doesn't work, then we're back in the top 5 in 2020. I watched for the better part of 16 years an awful team, and you guys can't gamble away 2 years? Grow a pair. Outside of shady who on this roster do you care about winning for in the short term. Or who has talent that you think they must capitalize on or you'd feel like they missed a window. Draft a QB. There is no winning now by filling holes, and 2019 hasn't appeared to be a big qb year. Sure it could turn out differently but this has been the year of the qb for 2 or 3 years now. I was going to go on about how nothing in that post was pragmatic, but I was lazy and I just assumed it'd go over his head. The point about Luck is just beyond... I'm going to refrain from being any more rude.
  10. Why are white people so sensitive? Who the !@#$ cares? What is even the point in making up this hypothetical?
  11. I think anyone who believes he'll be a FA shouldn't be able to start threads.
  12. I would love that if the Browns would take it.
  13. If they believe in the guy that much, I'm still Ok with them trading away 2019's first. The only thing this off season has done has made me think that next years pick is going to be a high one, and I'll miss that. But if you hit on the QB and he shows he probably belongs, I can deal with the inevitable **** storm that will follow when we don't have our top ten pick next year.
  14. If the QB is there you believe in, you take him. A retiring Guard, and a one year cap situation don't make you pass on the chance at a talent that can be around for 15 years. Stop panicking.
  15. I wouldn't judge any coach, or front office personnel off of what Incognito does. He played good for a couple years, but he's never been a pillar of stability and rational judgment.
  16. Why? I just don't understand any of the line of thinking, or the feeling of the need to post this...
  17. Braveheart has nothing to do with the draft. Neither does the art of war, I actually read sun tzu. It's just the draft. No matter what they do, it'll be right to some and wrong to others.
  18. I agree NFL teams don't tank, yet. The point about Murray doing it right is that he finished last in the last NIL draft where that mattered. You saying that NHL and NFL drafts are different really doesn't support any point. If it made sense to tank in any league, it's be the NFL considering it isn't a lottery. In my opinion, a team will try tanking seriously in the NFL and it'll be sooner rather than later. I also don't think it's a ridiculous opinion to have that the bills were tanking given their off season moves. The NFL is different though in the lack of guaranteed contracts so new regimes have more freedom in turnover. They can get rid of big names for pennies on the dollar unlike other league's. So what might look like a tank move in the NFL could genuinely be a personnel move.
  19. The weirdest thing about this thread is the fact no one has pointed out, that when it came to tanking, Murray absolutely nailed it. Other things, he got wrong. Beane middled it, which I think is the wrong move, but who knows what pressures he had placed on him by taking the position. The Pegulas are proven bad owners by this point. Thankful they kept the teams here, but they've done nothing to show they are good owners or have a clue what they're doing.
  20. The child is delusional. No one cares about these threads, it's just another WGR caller rambling on with an opinion on a subject that means nothing. The hell does it matter if Butler drafted better now retired players than the now retired players donahoe drafted?
  21. If anything this is more of that than what the OP posted... It is a bit much on the speculative side, but I don't think it's like that at all. He's taking something publicly posted and commenting on it. It's actually what she'd probably want. He's not claiming to have a source or make up weird details. Unless I'm mistaken and you're referring to her writing as LAMP, which that's a more fair reaction in my opinion
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