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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. Don't care if you played, and don't care that you can name some guys for a franchise that has been relevant since those guys played. Last years NBA draft was considered to be loaded at the top. Tatum was a one and done at Duke. He was ranked 3rd in his HS class. He wasn't a nobody. And yes I remember the Raiders 12 win season where most of the games were decided by one possession with an awful defense. They aren't loaded with talent, and they aren't an exceptional team. Maybe you do pay attention to these sports, just not to the details. Tatum came out of no where... lol But whatever, if that's the point you want to take, by all means go for it. Again, hate cross sports comparison, but Beane has nothing on Ainge. Why are you even trying to make this point? I don't understand it. You must listen to a lot of traditional sports talk radio. While you're at it, what's your all time starting 5? I'll hang up and listen..
  2. His list only includes guys that had decent NFL careers. The list of guys under 60% who didn't amount to anything or be even given an opportunity is even longer than that one. What a stupid point.
  3. Tatum was the 3rd overall pick last year... What the hell are you talking about? Just because you just started watching basketball didn't mean everyone just started. I'm generally not a fan of cross sports analogies, I find them to take a lot of stretching and twisting to make them of any value. I do see what you're going for here, but I disagree. Also the raiders sucked, not sure what you are going on about talent for.
  4. You know people buy the paper for other reasons than the sports section. I never buy the paper for sports.
  5. How so? That's such a convenient bull **** excuse. I'm not saying the tweets make him racist, but I just don't buy that ****. If your friends keep tweeting out racist stuff when they borrow your cell phone, when do you stop giving them your cell phone? He was young and dumb. Extremely dumb.
  6. I googled them after I posted that. Thanks for the response and link though. Will definitely listen
  7. Do you have a link for any of this? Maybe the tyler dunne interview? I usually like his stuff, not familiar with Shred and Ragan at all.
  8. So do you care to actually say anything? I think I've told you more than once now, put me on ignore. You know what, !@#$ it. I never do this, but since you won't do it I'm doing it. Peace G.E.D. From riverside. Also G.E.D., you probably couldn't grasp the point. I was saying I think the giants will be a disaster. I'm not sure which would give you more credit for having a semblance of intelligence. Thinking you're defending a team drafting an RB at 2, or thinking that my point clearly about the Giants is about the Bills. I think you thought I was talking about the Bills.
  9. I can't believe people still say this and don't think they sound utterly stupid. And lame also, the joke is old.
  10. You've got a weird obsession man. But anyways, they passed on both at the most important position. So what the he'll does this mean anyways? I also don't care what that team had anyone valued at. They're going to be a disaster for the next 5 years in my opinion. They have nothing invested. Allen can have a HOF career and all they'd say is no one did it with that college career. They have absolutely no investment in rooting for the guy to fail. The fan rag guy you all hate didn't like him before he was a Bill. I wish you'd all stop with this kind of nonsense, it makes us look pathetic. But to reiterate, they have absolutely nothing invested in him being a bust. It'll do Schopp and White nothing career wise for him to suck. You're clueless.
  11. Interesting. I respect that. He's the first guy with credentials that I've heard of coming forward and suggesting such a thing. If that's the case, then I believe some more details will trickle out. Good to know, thanks.
  12. The last paragraph here, because I respect your opinion I'm genuinely asking and would not be surprised if you knew more than me. The segments of people you are hearing suggest darker things, are they just people here or people you deal with in every day life, who are just fans? Or do you hear this from people whose opinion you really respect and think they might know details or know a direct source with some details? Be it just a Twitter source, reporter, or whatever. Because I've only read people insinuating or even just purporting something really heinous happened on here. And it's not from posters whom I would hold in an esteem of genuinely knowing anything. Just the typical Brandon haters that have existed for the last 15 years. Again, I only ask because I would not be surprised if you knew more than me or had an inkling something heinous happened.
  13. That makes sense. I took what I read was that he has some injury red flags, especially for a cold weather team. As though their is a link between cold weather and concussions. Which their could be, I don't know. Just if their was I'd like to see it.
  14. In my opinion, this is just in response to Sal, Roth, and Matthews all discussing it on their platforms. As well as I'm guessing the three local news programs dedicating a story to it outside of the sports block. I watched the wham broadcast on fox last night at 10, and that's what they did. Personally, I've liked having the camp here. I usually convince myself to go once a year only to realize it is boring as hell. Honestly, it's best for the kids in the area. So for them I hope it stays, but if it moves back to Buffalo, I hope the structure of it doesn't change and it's good for the kids there. Selfishly, I really don't care about this. Take the camp back so we can have our two days of outrage and then move on. Then they can take the Amerks too. Don't care about them either or hearing stories hear and there about them threatening to move or whatever it is. You know what isn't smart? Everything you wrote prior to your last two sentences.
  15. Why do you keep insisting on calling it second rate? It's pretty annoying, I don't know why you think you know anything about working in the media, especially sports media. People do it for free, as a hobby. To get paid to do it is a feat in itself and all I do is come on here and see you talking down about professionals. It's tiring. At this point it's fair to ask, what the !@#$ have you ever done in sports media to make you a worthy critic?
  16. What? Polian sounds like he has dementia when he speaks. He needs to retire. Rooting for him to bust? He went 1 overall and was rumored to be the next team in the QB market top choice at 3. Your post doesn't reflect reality
  17. You can do that at other positions. Won't work with an elite QB.
  18. Extremely annoying. Not a fan of her videos. I wasn't sure if it was the same girl just based off name.
  19. It's not worth making your point to these people. I don't even know why they are arguing it like they are offended. "Kids game? I don't watch a kids game, these are grown men. Tough and masculinity, earn every inch! I'm watching war out there in the trenches every Sunday" It's just a dumb game people, get a grip. Basketball, hockey, soccer, baseball, golf, are all just games at the end of the day. Comparing it to cops, and politicians because people played tag as a child or engaged in academic pursuits as a kid is just stupid. The point is the stadium and the game don't need to be treated with such sanctimony. It's a distorted view of reality and values of what's important. That's pretty sad.
  20. The guy is a delusional moron. He really has some sick **** wrong with him. He thinks he can control whether you respond to him or not. He simply doesn't understand free will. He has no choice but to respond to an NFL power rankings in May and I apparently don't have a choice in whether I choose to acknowledge him. Even though unlike him, I decided, I'm not dealing with his dumb posts any more. Dudes got some real issues or is a great troll. I hope for the latter, because his self grandizing and desire to control or seek affirmation. They're pretty !@#$ed up, like the kind of !@#$ed up that does really dumb ****.
  21. I'm not sure whether to be ashamed, or if I should love that you came up with point 3. I always liked your posts because of the avy, but I have a new found level of respect for you. Point 3, that's me. And let me tell you... that works. What you do is you look at your phone like you just got an annoying text or email, and just start muttering under your breath at first. Then you just come out and say whatever incompetence or personal fabrications you want. Maybe make it sound like you're constantly covering for him on accounts. Usually I like to do this when I feel like know the person receiving the information well enough to know what kind of faults would really damage their view of an individual. I've revealed too much, I'm a sociopath. Also, fish in the ceiling is another good one.
  22. You know what, never mind I don't wish you well. You're a nut job. You clearly don't even understand how notifications on phones work. You did seek it out you're simple. I'm letting it go now, but dude, you are 100% grade A stupid. The back pedal stuff and all that is cute. I'm only done because I feel like I'm picking on someone with a mental illness. Save your vague credentials for someone who will play that game. Whatever you do, color me unimpressed. I don't care. You're a good troll though, I'll give you that. You've got the button pushing down, and know when to hit them when the last one ran it's course perfectly.
  23. I'm doubtful, but whatever gets your rocks off buddy. You seem like you've got some real issues man, I wish you well. Truly I do, I'm done.
  24. I skimmed it. I consider it pragmatic to decide to not get as worked up as you over an nfl.com power ranking in May. You are that simple in that you don't get this. It's not lazy, it's that no one cares. It's a power ranking in May. You talk about you work with what you are presented, the !@#$ is going on in your head? You weren't presented this. You sought it out. You consumed it, and you chose to be angry. The only thing sane people care about less than NFL power rankings in May, is your vendetta against them. And how you consider them a form of cancer. You're delusional. Seriously, get a grip. I honestly hope you are retired and just have nothing better to do because I can't see how any of your world view is healthy otherwise. So no I didn't really read them or pay attention to you're diatribe. Because for the 5th time, it's May. Power rankings don't even matter in December. This whole thread is the embodiment of what you rail against, and I feel like I've wasted my time even responding. This is the opposite of pragmatism.
  25. So when does your quest end with you consuming yourself?
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