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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. He took away all the power from his GM and hired a guy who required a scheme change. What in the !@#$ did you watch transpire?
  2. It was a mistake and indefensible. Go edit your post again and delete everything besides "Okay, in hindsight it was a mistake" Some words you'll never hear the guy who thinks of himself as the second coming ever utter. I have a hard time liking him because of those two weeks. Then it's even worse that he'd let a retread pull the plug on Tyrod. A guy who imposed his scheme on Tyrod. I usually think you're spot on, but I have a hard time believing this. I think it went up to McDermott. He was non committal to Tyrod when he got the job, benched him, made the playoffs with him and shipped him out(granted a good trade on their part). But nothing he did showed he was ever invested in Tyrod.
  3. Can you explain to me why a Londoner has a Bills contact? Or are you a transplant living in Buffalo. I was gonna attempt to call you out on being Michael Davies and get my book signed because I know he pulls for the Bills, but then I remembered he's a Chelsea fan. BTW !@#$ Ozil. That might be unnecessary, but he betrayed me this summer. Seriously McDermott was your guy before rex was canned? I'm only doubting you because his defense, granted starting almost all new players in the secondary, took a deep decline after being dominant and gave up 300 yards to Julio. He was no where on my radar. Not saying he's bad, but overseeing a defense that regressed as bad as that one did, even considering the personnel drop off. They usually don't get the job.
  4. You just hated on Terrell Suggs, your opinion is void. The game is a toss up and they'll both probably finish 7-9. Any Bills fan chalking this up as a win is a complete moron, it's a toss up. We don't even know our starting qb, how could anyone definitively say we'll beat any team. This season could go great and be a surprise, or it could go worse than any of you homers imagined and be terrible. I don't think they will, but they could go 2-14 with some bad bounces and close losses. They could also go 10-6 with some luck. That post is absolutely ridicolous. The homers on this board make part of me want it to go down in flames to see how'd they react. Now I guess I can relate to the EJ haters. I always wanted him to do good, but some wanted him to fail. And they were right in their opinion, this is how I'm starting to feel. God damn it now I'm a stupid EJ hater.
  5. We just drafted Cardale Jones with our first pick this year. You forgot to mention Cardale is black and Allen is white. Therein lies the problem for the powers that be. Get mad. I don't care.
  6. I was actually surprised by how nice cincy was when I was there a few years ago. I heard the night life isn't great, but from what I saw I thought it was nice. Also not an NFL city, but I like Louisville too, I think that's a great city also. Doesn't the stadium have a pool? I thought the whole structure of that stadium was to take your attention off the football.
  7. It's Green Bay and I can't imagine any other city comes close.
  8. Because of Pegula. He is the one to blame for that. Nothing about this post is accurate. He was a 2nd round pick, not a first. He also never played a down for the Bills, and has barely played for KC. I'm big on Edmunds too but the way you are dismissing Ragland you would have thought he started for 2 years for the Bills.
  9. You're an idiot. I played college, and again you're saying stuff that makes no sense. I've played teams that were better in polls and supposed to be better, never bother or gave two thoughts about it because we thought we could beat them. Usually we did. The Bills have never had players that didn't believe they could beat the patriots. The patriots just out classed them. Outside perception has nothing to do with the team. You're the one who can't differentiate between the two and sounds like you've never played sports at a high level. I agree with what you're saying completely. He has found somewhat of a solution to that though with how quickly he gets the ball out over the last 3 years.
  10. Your post is so homerific, and just wrong. The attitude of a fan saying that about Brady and Rothlisberger has no impact on the team, and I've never seen a professional player on the Bills display it. Brady has just owned the Bills, like the rest of the league despite their best efforts. They've tried it all, blitzing, sitting back in zone, building a team to get pressure with just the front four. The organization has never displayed that attitude, and because of that McDermott hasn't done any of what you said. He also hasn't looked like he has any clue of how to beat them. Just an all round head in the clouds clueless post. My god your posts are dreadful. Do you think a poster on the message board expressing doubt that the Bills can beat Brady has anything with the team believing it?
  11. You're a nice guy, but don't humor us. I don't enjoy pity. You guys have Superbowls, we don't.
  12. Lol the south is average. I lived there. It's always the guy with the ugly girl or wife putting down the WNY women. It's the same for the most part. NYC, LA, a couple other areas have more attractive women because of entertainment, but the guy telling you the deep South has more attractive women has never been to Mobile or San Antonio.
  13. Did you see what Lance was doing for the testing? He knew he was getting tested. It's an awful comparison.
  14. His post was about airing it out, and having an offense that throws more than it runs. That's what I was referring to. I'd love an offense like that, and I'd love it even more with Shady on it. Just don't think Allen is that guy at this point.
  15. Josh Allen can't even beat out McCarron or Peterman. I hope I'm wrong but he won't be the guy. Those two guys are booty.
  16. They don't have to but I'm in the middle on it. I'm not surprised because it's wgr and they seem to do everything they can to keep the budget low and not put in much effort. Yet on the other side, I listen to the Dan Lebatard show, granted it's national, but they're known for editing out anything that's remotely controversial on the podcast. Doesn't even have to involve swear words, I'm definitely gonna check this out now though.
  17. The eagles couldn't make a Superbowl without him. What planet are you on? The guy was playing on a broken leg while a healthy McNabb was literally throwing up on himself. I don't mind what TO is doing at all. Some people just hate him and they'll never change, why waste the time. People praise kids for doing what they want instead of attending the draft, a personal accomplishment. Yet people are going to insult TO for doing what he wants to do during his personal accomplishment? Some people are so hypocritical and antiquated. He had his character assassinated by these people who vote on this, !@#$ doing what they think he should. The comments about his insecurities, you're certainly not someone I want judging people. You're writing psych profiles for what? If you know his childhood you conveniently left out the story about how he met his dad. You'd be awful at that line of work.
  18. I see I hit a button there... You brought it to Trump, not me. Idiot.
  19. Da !@#$ you on my dude?
  20. A thread like this should be an instant ban. So selfish.
  21. People make mistakes. Especially in sports talk radio. You won't get any better without XM. If this is bothering you I'd just cancel. The vinateri kicks did have a lot going on. I do believe they had people who weren't players originally helping clear the spot, then you also had white standing their trying to kick snow back on the spot they were clearing off. Honestly, at this point, anyone who says fake news comes across as an idiot. I also don't have XM and would never pay for it. But if little mistakes like this bother you enough then cancel it. You're not enjoying the product enough.
  22. Did you read the second sentence of my post? I'm not even sure why anyone would bring Richie into this thread.
  23. Didn't Richie have an incident involving a putter and a female employee at a golf course? I'm not even sure in the point of having the who is the bigger POS pissing contest. Neither are good guys.
  24. I'm not sure what your point is here? I don't want to put words in your mouth but you're on the wrong side of the argument here. And also you're making assumptions here, the exact thing you don't want people to do to Shady. It works both ways. That's what I didn't understand about the whole thing. They knew he was abusive towards beings that could not choose to remove themselves from the situation, his son and his dog. They looked the other way? But now they have an issue because of what took place? Again, I lean towards Shady not being involved but if what all they said is true, it's disgusting that they wouldn't get the child out of that situation. Her friends post makes me think less that he was involved with all that **** she said. Her just returning home getting jewelry lifted that he reportedly asked for is the only thing that makes me feel he might be involved at all. Even then it is a stretch.
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