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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. Fair point. I can't argue with that. The sample sizes, and the population tend to lead towards the conclusions being drawn from these studies.
  2. And how would Mack make that trade void? This should be entertaining. Wow you're sensitive.
  3. Not so sure where you are going with this, or know enough details to make any kind of assertion. But who cares, let pointless posts rip.
  4. Well she is a victim of something. We just don't know if McCoy is involved.
  5. I really messed mine up in high school in a soccer game. I think I did ligament damage and heard some popping. I think the trainer misdiagnosed it. My younger brother had the same trainer tell him his knee was fine for 2 years. He'd always be hurting when he ran. Finally got a second opinion, turns out the cartilage wore out and he was scraping bone on bone. Anyways, I played through college on it, getting it taped once it went all the time. I play pick up basketball, and it seems I tweak it cutting all the time. It'll go so it's perpendicular to the floor. I've been told once it goes it goes. Just something I deal with. Not complaining just explaining my point of view on it.
  6. You're wrong on this, just stop. I figured that would be your response. Why do you know so many 12 yr old boys? I think that's the real question.
  7. I was there, the McCarron play happened right in front of me. He was stepped on, I couldn't tell if it was an offensive or defensive lineman because the oline was pushed right back into him upon the snap. He definitely jumped up and looked like he was hurting, but I don't think it was anything serious. I sprain my ankle all the time and the initial pain like that, I'm sure you've all felt, shoots through you. Or like a burn when you're cooking. It stings at first and then it's just annoying. I'm arm chairing it but that's what I read from his body language. A shock, then just annoyed by it. He should be fine. Don't know anything about Peterman.
  8. I don't see the problem with standing. I'll say that's the one complaint that has always annoyed me. I can be completely sober and courteous and some one wants to yell at me to sit down. I never do, if you can't stand for 3 hours and you're not in a wheel chair, don't go to the game. The other stuff I can see why someone wouldn't want to deal with, but standing? Anyone who complains needs to get over that and I hope they sit behind me. Because I'm not sitting for them. Those chairs suck anyways
  9. The bathrooms leak sewage... I like the field, but only because I grew up with it. It's an absolute dump. Will I survive with out a new one, of course, but I'm not going to sit here and lie about it.
  10. No one knows who the best QB in the draft yet. Analyzing it after one pre season game is absolute madness. I don't know how many 6'4 12 year olds you know. But please, continue with the fake narratives. They clearly help you cope with some insecurities And others are incredibly stupid.
  11. That TD throw was great and he showed he can throw the ball like few others can from a purely physical stand point. However, you cherry picked positive points and some of these guys aren't national at all. Dan Fetes? Catalana?
  12. I like it. Since the retort was so good, I'll take the L on this one.
  13. Sorry then I misunderstood you. When you brought up Whaley I thought you were blaming him for cutting Fred. Which is what Fred believes despite what I have read that was actually rex. I like how Murphy runs, and I agree he reminded me of Fred also. I hope he continues that path, because Fred was amazing to watch. I couldn't compliment him enough.
  14. It's pretty simple you cripple. They traded up to draft Allen in the top 10. So, no, I don't want him taking hits and playing with guys who are going to get cut in meaningless games. If the excuse is his footwork and you have no plans on playing him, then just have him focus on footwork. I wasn't hating on Allen at all, it's the opposite of a hot take, it's pragmatic simple boy, I mean cripple boy.
  15. You make all fair points. I can't disagree, I don't think he should have put in that position but that wasn't his decision. But besides the Dimarco interception, which I think is more on Dennison, all the others were on him. If you can't figure it out I have no time for you. It was appearant. Peterman at that point was not better than Tyrod, maybe he will be. But last year, it's not debatable, Tyrod was better.
  16. Won't care at all. Because you sound like some dumb 40 or 50 something who played high school ball and thinks he knows what having command of a huddle means. Save it for someone dumber than me. Lol you're ignore list. Oh for the life of me, what will I do now
  17. I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I think Lovie was screwed.
  18. It's basic statistics brah
  19. Love for you to explain this quote, because I'm quite sure the assertion you're making is wrong. Despite what Fred believes. I will say though, I was very impressed with Murphy tonight. You like false starts? Or do I have the wrong guy.
  20. Jesus Christ, how much stupid sports talk radio do you listen to? To make an observation like that, it's laughable. What a dumb cliche. But according to the other poster I quoted, he needs to command that huddle.
  21. I didn't really have an opinion before tonight's game. But now I'm definitely not a fan of how they are managing Allen. You invest all this draft capital in him, say you might red shirt him, he's the future. Then you play him behind an oline of all guys you're going to cut. If you're going to red shirt him, red shirt him. I don't want him out their behind a bunch of bums taking hits for no reason. It's pointless. He had little to no help tonight, I'm not even sure how you can evaluate a lot of what he did tonight given what he's working with. Remember when Rex was ridiculed for playing Sanchez behind a bunch of bums and got hurt? How about that going for it on 4th down play? That had that bs written all over it. But whatever, it's McDermott, not Ryan. So it can't be the same.
  22. He played good tonight, if I'm wrong. I'll be fine with it. It has nothing to do with that, it's more so that I don't believe in him. If you do, go for it. That's your perogatove to believe in a guy with one of the worst halves in history. It has nothing to do with me being right. I didn't start hating on him when he was picked. I started hating on him when clowns, which you were probably part of ICP, started believing he was better than Tyrod because of preseason. Then when he was mistakingly given a start, the ICP, nor the coaching staff could admit they were wrong. I see this as doubling down on it. I hope I'm wrong. He played great vs what he faced tonight, but I'm not really believing in that. He's not better than Tyrod. Last season served as accurate of an experiment as you could have to test that theory.
  23. Aren't the Panthers weak in the secondary and CB especially after Cockrell went down? Smells like giving him an opportunity to succeed in preseason and feed their Peterman delusions. Man I hope he plays awful. Get him away from the ones and cut the ****.
  24. I think he got a raw deal but I think they fired him because they thought the OC was going a good job with Jameis, while Lovie, a defensive minded coach presided over a bad defense. So they figured what's the point of Lovie? Canned him and promoted the OC. If I remember correctly.
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