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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. He's going to expose a number 1 going down with an extremely average WR, and Peterman throwing him the ball? It's not a mismatch it's just levelling the playing field.
  2. Someone from this board accusing others of drinking cool-aid? A board where I see people say the Bills can win 9 games easy, or people say they are closer to 2nd round of playoffs than last. Which I'm not even sure how you quantify that. This team has been getting killed by the national media, what would you expect from them? It's only going to get worse if they don't win games. They travelled west to east early in the season a few years ago and smoked us.
  3. Perhaps you're right. I just didn't read it that way, you're right. It is early lol.
  4. I didn't think I'd have to say it, but did you see the first 3 responses?
  5. It's a joke, and not really a funny one to me. But then again I'm not a Beatles fan. It's pretty obvious it's a joke, hence add your own.
  6. This board should be interesting in 4 weeks. If they don't beat Baltimore, it could easily be 0-4. But yada yada yada, idiots at ESPN. Do I fit in now?
  7. In their defense, that post was not worth reading.
  8. Are you a Bills fan? I'm totally lost by this logic. You either don't know his history or you're trolling. Bush league? That's the nature of that business. The guy is apart of the Alabama cult. I went to school down there, not Alabama but Texas. The quicker we can be done with him, the better. He's not a bills fan, he's a troll. Richie has been known to be off his rocker since his Nebraska days.
  9. The real question is if he's as good of a blocker as fitz. Only in Buffalo do we eat up our Qbs throwing blocks with his throwing shoulder.
  10. You're a funny ass dude. I'm sure you hate my posts if you notice them because I say some bs and I know it. But just wanted to give you props, I seen your posts for awhile and they are always hilarious This is a joke right? I'm not sold on milano... But? The !@#$?
  11. You are one of the most confounding posters to me on here. I'll say I generally have a negative outlook on the team this year, and perhaps the future. Yet I find you reasonable to some extent regarding extremely negative posters. Yet then you say 9 wins this year and I just... I wish to be wrong but idk how anyone sees that. I'm sure you have your reasons. I enjoy the segment. I find it self deprecating and enjoyable. Now if someone who doesn't follow the team says the same things, which they do, I get irritated. So I understand it. It's kind of like my family brothers can rip on my brother, but an acquaintance can't. If that makes any sense
  12. And yet you nor any of the other Bills fans who wrap themselves up in this fairy tale could define what the process is. If they start losing is he going to say that is part of the process. I'd advise him to stop using that term because if he doesn't win, it'll bury him. Fall short on sales, productivity or whatever you are measured by and trot out it's part of the process to your boss. You'll get torn a new one. I like the under. I'm also awful at gambling on anything other than soccer.
  13. Dawkins took his spot but who is the turnstile at RT now. It is great Dawkins looks good, but you stack talent. You don't ship it out because you found some somewhere else. You're making the case for not dumping proven talent like Cordy. He is the only one that anyone could have a gripe with. I will say I liked the return, but I'm not sure about the results. Their is a reason even with his injury history he commanded so much. But whatever he's not on our team any more so we can just say he's overrated. What happens if woods, Watkins, Goodwin, and him have great years? Are we just going to continue heap praise on these guys running the show? Add Tyrod in that. They won with another GMs team despite every attempt to tear it down. Which is fine. They just better win next year. This regime has groupthink written all over it. It's pretty obvious, how this isn't concerning to fans is beyond me
  14. People my age want to shot gun beers and do all this crazy drinking at 8 am. Fyi, and I'm not proud of it, we are all pushing 30 so I'm a bit tired of that scene. I enjoy the actual atmosphere at the stadium during the game, but at this point, I'd rather enjoy my Saturday night and sleep in. If you're being genuine I get it. It just didn't come across that way to me. My bad if I'm wrong, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
  15. Some of you call this doing there job? I didnt know that entailed stupidity or wasting time. The carbon foot print of bringing this bum to Buffalo is reason enough alone to not bother with it, regardless of your opinion on global warming. Does anyone remember when Jeremy White wanted to draft this clown? Lol
  16. Definitely be careful. I would advise anyone using a Chinese site to just get one of those prepaid cards. Don't use a debit or credit card. Solid advice.
  17. I can't believe anyone would be idiotic and childish enough to rate one fanbase over the other. They're all the same. I've never liked it when someone says best fans or bad fans. It's just moronic. When teams have followings as large as NFL teams they tend to reflect the population pretty well. They're all the same.
  18. I thought everyone knew about this. It wasn't a good look and he received more attention from the national media than any bum should, but his idiocy warranted it.
  19. Nope you'll be yelling just take the sack instead of hopelessly heaving a ball off his back foot when the line gets pushed into his face. That's only because your expectations are so low. Losing is a downside, you're just expecting it. In my opinion, am I wrong in my assessment of your views? I don't see how there is no downside.
  20. Nobody wants to be negative, but you're not really making a point here. People aren't being negative or critical of a team that just went 12-4 with a proven franchise qb.
  21. That's his ceiling. He hasn't even done anything near Fitz, but I do understand the comparison and think it's a fair one
  22. That's the !@#$ing truth. These people criticize those who criticize the Bills, then **** on the guys who they mindlessly followed. The only thing that has remained the same is that we're still here. No one else is. Not even the owner.
  23. I'm not quite sure he can. Maybe it depends on when the suspension comes down, but during the suspension I'm pretty sure you can't have any contact with the team or be at any team facilities. I also don't trust someone who has proven to be this unreliable to have the discipline to undertake that task. Also, he's looking at a year long suspension. I'm not sure I understand the point in signing him at all. Run off Dareus then sign a guy suspended for a year. The logic is amazing on here. I can see why you'd respond that way, however, he never singled you out and some people are saying sign him. Which is crazy to me. In the conservative NFL you can sign him in the spring anyways. No need to do it now for a guy who will be out for a year.
  24. I'd love to say I do, but it's tough to split the two. Agree on Magic as well. Both had great supporting casts but also willed them to another level. I think Michael tended to perform better in the finals but I don't have the numbers in front of me, so I'd probably give him the edge.
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