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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. That is where we have been. Our punter is a silver lining? I don't mean this to be rude to you, but it's gross reading it. Remember when he was on the tickets? Morman was great, I just wish I saw his greatness a little less.
  2. That's too long.
  3. It's great for a laugh, troopz was the other guy I was drawing a blank on. I do love their passion, Robbie seems like a decent guy. I'm an evertonian and a bills fan so I have that weird complex where I enjoy others suffering when it comes to sports
  4. He also was credited with a sack or at least half of one on Jackson in the second half. I was kinda pissed when I saw that because he doesn't deserve it. What they have brought in this year is atrocious
  5. You've never responded when I've asked. I enjoy it and understand both sides of it, but do you watch arsenal fan tv? I'm not a gunner but love it, I could only imagine dt or whoever if they were a bills fan today
  6. I'm just going to stop. We're bills fans, but I can't follow what you are saying now. Are you crediting beane for bringing in McDermott, or McDermott for bringing in McDermott? Benjamin? I want nothing to do with him, can we trade him for Sammy?
  7. I'm not a fan of McDermott and Beane and my posting history will support that, but idk about that. I can't speak for the guys who were at the rockpile and saw the crap teams of the 70s and 80s. But I can say the days of Russ Brandon being GM, the Toronto series and the immediate uncertainty after Ralph passed (despite my criticism of him as well) were all much bleaker. And that's just in my lifetime as a fan who has been able to really consciously follow since 96.
  8. Yea I'm not following him at all. For the most part people wanted Allen and haven't been too hard on him. Maybe a few too many drinks? Not giving him a hard time for it, I've been guilty of that too lol. Today is a good day for it if you're a bills fan
  9. Not to the Bills sub because I found it to be ridiculous. Maybe it changed, as down as I am on them, no one's getting fired. Firing someone now is stupid. But when I went on that Reddit I found it to be incredibly blind to all criticism regarding the Bills.
  10. I've been getting killed for missing Whaley. They say he couldn't find a qb, these fool's have trotted out Peterman 3 times.
  11. That's because they're all homers like you on there.
  12. We traded up for 7, where we were was way too far back to do that.
  13. I wouldn't consider that feedback brah.
  14. He's on. And saying nothing as usual.
  15. Peterman isn't good. He's never been "set up". If he was Tyrod you'd be killing him. You have some weird agenda
  16. Money can't buy intelligence. It amazes me they are as rich as they are because all I hear is stupid when anyone of them opens their mouth. I'm happy and thankful they kept the teams here. But they are awful at what they have gotten into.
  17. Oh no, it's going to be exactly what you don't want. I have no doubt in my mind. This guy has the charisma of a door knob and the sincerity when it comes to pc's of a wooden plank. It'll be process, have to look at the tape, can't evaluate that. This guy never takes responsibility for his decisions or failures.
  18. I'm not wrong. You just credited beane with two guys who were drafted while he was in Carolina and two guys who haven't done **** yet. I am hopeful on all of them, but I'm not giving them credit for two rookies who played 1 game and did nothing.
  19. The 2014 team was better than last year's, as was 04.
  20. Allen and Edmunds have proven nothing. White and Dawkins were here before beane. This regime has done nothing. If you want to credit McDermott with them, fine. But beane and McDermott have looked atrocious so far. The lead up to that draft where Whaley was fired the day after would have made a great reality tv show or documentary because I'm not sure who to credit with what. If it was all McDermott like a lot of people think, and I'm not big on McDermott, then whay the !@#$ is beane here for?
  21. More posts like this are needed. I say this and I get a !@#$in essay response from tom takes it up the ass in Tonawanda lecturing me about how I'm not a real fan. Guess what, whether you consider me a real fan or not, or by whatever metric you do this by doesn't !@#$ing matter. I'll watch the games from home or I'll go to the games, and sit in better seats than you and cheer or boo whenever the !@#$ I feel like it. This real fan **** needs to go.
  22. You've gotta be more specific, just saying personnel moves doesn't give you a pass despite how many time you've heard it on talk radio. The personnel moves have been a !@#$ing disaster. Show where they are good
  23. Meanwhile Kaelin who this front office kept giving chance after chance even though he's garbage, just showed why he's garbage.
  24. I hated seeing him go more than any other of the wrs we watched leave.
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