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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. Stephen Jackson is hilarious. I missed this, great link He doesn't really fit well their offense in my opinion. You already have Simmons to handle the ball, and he can't shoot. Embiid can but he's a big man and he's still in the lane. Fultz can't shoot, Butler can't also. It would be a cluster !@#$ in the lane with no spacing. Chicago tried this already and it didn't work, granted not as talented players, but with Butler, Rose, or Butler, Wade, Rondo, with Noah and whoever, the European has been an upgrade. But they still lacked shooters to space the floor. Just my opinion. Butler could help them defensively, but he seems too expensive given his skillset. I wouldn't want my team wasting a max contract slot on a guy who is only excellent at defense and limited offensively. I hope he goes to Miami so we can completely see the rerun disaster that was Chicago a couple years ago.
  2. I thought the raiders issue was the lack of cash flow. Between contracts, Gruden's contract, and relocation costs. I thought they weren't sure if the cash flow was their to put away for all the guaranteed money Mack would cost.
  3. So you were holding up Jordan and Bird as examples of this organizational culture, but you dont follow the NBA. Got it.
  4. Lol I'm not we're good. I was just hoping for a response to my lame Muslim post
  5. Really? We disagree on the team but I was just starting to not mind your posts. Meh... whatever.
  6. These people dont know what they are talking about. They just say you dont get winning culture or business or organizations for some reason. Yet they never mention details or accountability. But we're the ones who don't know what we're talking about
  7. Haha, pegulas hiring a muslim. Sorry that's a troll post I just wanted to make the joke
  8. I can see why you like McDermott. You say nothing in your posts The !@#$ did I just read? Sorry, I like details. Kodak failed because they relied on old technology and liked their film profit margin and decided digital photography would ruin that. They had digital photography in the 80s. They also over spent on offices, a floor at the Marriott in Rochester, upgraded most to first class when they flew to essentially burn money. Why dont you answer my question about Jordan as an owner? If he knows a "winning culture" why can't he instill it in a team he owns? I was going to say it in my last post but I bit my tongue. You're wandering off into waters where you dont know what you're talking about. My posts mention details and specifics. You sound like a 70 something repeating stuff he heard at his community college night school class.
  9. That post is way too thoughtful, sentimental, and filled with correct perspective for how callus the Bills have made me approach them. I usually hate stuff like this, but great post.
  10. So what do you think about Jordan as an NBA owner? I mean if he gets this "winning culture" stuff, why hasn't he ever been able to instill it into a team that he owns? You're wandering off and talking about stuff you don't know anymore. I'd just stop and save face if I were you. Just saying you don't get it only makes it look like I don't know what I'm talking about to the idiots. There is no one size fits all thing with this culture ****. Every business is different. Did you run Kodak into the ground? I've come across those people and you sound like one of them. I've seen it all over this thread. I kind of agree with you, I don't particularly like listening to McDermott speak because it's all vague and cliches. It just allows people to twist his words into what they want. I find what he said yesterday conflicting, because I agree with you, they have retained or brought in guys they identify as talented who have question marks. Their analysis of those players has been questionable though. What concerns me is this winning culture bs. It doesn't trump anything, schemes, game plans, and being better prepared trump winning culture. Then those who beat the culture guys are labelled for having a winning culture. Their is no such thing as a winning culture. What about the Eagles last year? Culture has nothing to do with this. Winning culture is for losers. First time he drags this **** out is after a shut out. I don't want to hear about winning culture from a guy who just got shut out. Winning culture is some stupid phrase you bring out when you don't have any answers. Like all of his other tired lame cliches.
  11. He's clueless. He thinks you can press a cookie cutter called successful culture on organizations. He also named Jordan, Brady, and Bird. Some of the best ever to do what they do which is counter to the point completely. Jordan punched Kerr in the face during practice. But I'm sure that goes right along with whatever culture narrative this clueless oldman is spewing. Go talk to your CEO, you're a tool. Lol
  12. And you do? Lol I like how if you agree with McDermott you all of the sudden know how to run a business or organization, but if you disagree you're dismissed.
  13. You mean the Urban Meyer that routinely has top 5 classes, or the Bill Belichick that has brought in the Dillons, the moss's, the Chad johnsons, Aaron Hernandez's, Revis's, Coleman's, and Gordon's. Countless others. I don't know why this is becoming a talent vs character thing, I'm more concerned about schemes. Culture is for losers. But ramble on about organizations and ****. I feel like I'm back in college in a business administration class with people throwing out terms and theories they know nothing about.
  14. I'm sorry but what you do has nothing to do with running a successful football team. That post was a huge waste of time.
  15. What's your plan besides asking what's your plan? I think you wish you could be 26CB, for real. It's kind of sad.
  16. Anyone talking about winning culture and stuff like that just doesn't know what they are talking about. If anyone knew how to create a winning culture, everyone would just replicate it. It is complete bull ****. No one wants to lose, none of these guys are losers. Everyone on the 53 is an elite athlete who probably had a ton of success all through their childhood growing up, through high school, and probably some collegiate success. They're all competitive, it's all bull **** to me. Strategy, and tactics absolutely trump that, every time. If the other team is smarter, has a better game plan, better prepared. I don't care how many times you have guys yelling on the sideline never say die. Look at Josh Allen going over to the defense after they scored in the chargers game and yelling. Yea that was really !@#$ing cute, but they were never in that game. That image and moment alone proves McDermott wrong. No one has ever given LA credit for their winning culture. Send this !@#$ing gym teacher packing. I can't stand listening to him talk.
  17. Are you delusional? I wasn't criticizing the trade, your boy Whaley traded for him. And also the guy your username is named after, I think you owe dude an apology for all that hating. And don't waste my time anymore.
  18. These McDermott fans are the worst. They have no consistency, you can't pin them down on any opinion. It is consistently changing, and it always goes back to whatley when they run out of excuses.
  19. Thanks, if I wanted to listen to whatever crap McDermott would say I'd just replay any of his comments to the media after the Baltimore loss. Lol at you. I can't believe people are going to fall for these excuses again. As an example of your ridiculousness I'll point out that Darby never even played a game in this scheme, yet if anyone criticizes the offense they throw out it has only been 4 games.
  20. Like I said... you have an agenda, not even worth it. When he was hired it was looking like they wouldn't keep Tyrod. He had no bearing on McDermott saying they want to play defense and run the ball. The guy is another coach stuck in the 70s mentality that we have hired. It's cold, windy, run the ball. It's stupid antiquated nonsense. Well the team has gotten even older, actually like way older under their watch. They weren't really in cap hell until they created all the dead money. But by all means, go along with the narrative these arrogant clowns sell you. It's insulting to our intelligence when they say **** like this, but some people believe them. So I guess I don't blame them.
  21. I'd support them, but then again I'm an NBA fan. WNY doesn't have a lot of NBA fans as evidenced by this thread. I'd watch an NBA game over a hockey game any day of the week. Just my preference. Hockey is a bunch of guys flying around until someone accidentally scores.
  22. Better response than I expected I just didn't think this was the angle you were taking. I don't agree with it, I don't find mahomes or him being a black qb to be noteworthy but I see where you are coming from.
  23. What the hell are you rambling on about with point 2?
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