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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. Just a heads up to any interested. I've brought liquor into the stadium multiple times. Did it as an accident the first time, had a bunch of pockets for a december game 4 years ago and forgot I had a shot in it. Went to grab my wallet in the stadium  and there it was.


    If it's all plastic it's no problem to bring in. I mean I just had airplane bottles, but I don't mind the move.

  2. 6 hours ago, 3rdand12 said:

    under rated perspective right here. McBeanes were thinking this out.
    Brown and Foster will make running and screens and Beasley something to fear.


    Love having a whole kitchen sink to throw at defenses !

     lets show some Daboll love here. He certainly influenced what Bills went after this off season for Offense.

    3 cheers ! ! !


    Foster isn't looking like he's going to see the field. McBeane's definitely playing next level checkers. Foster is playing a decoy on the sideline, or possibly not even on the team.


    What's it like to just make things up?

  3. 1 hour ago, T master said:

    This guy is the biggest prima donna ####### i have ever seen !! 


    First he screws the Steelers for all the money in his contract because he has a hissy fit about what ever he cry baby ass was complaining about & now because he thinks he's above the rules & got his guaranteed moneys from the Raiders & doesn't want to abide by the rules he's whining again !


    I wish this ASS BAG would just go the frig away take his stolen money & his kids & family and go to Gilligans Island & let us enjoy football with out his prima donna BS talk about a cancer this guy brings a entire new meaning to the term !


    I think he's more like a plague !! First class POS ? Prima donna cry baby !! Just GO AWAY AB !! 


    You seem way too annoyed by this lol. Who cares? It's funny.

    52 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    I became an AB fan for a while from having him in fantasy football for a few years in a row.  Just loved watching him play, he is just unreal when he is at his best.  


    I gave him the benefit of the doubt last year given he didn’t have a lot of baggage prior to that.  But as the offseason wore on, he just got worse and worse and now it’s at the point where I can’t stand him and he’s entering T.O. (At his worst) type territory.  


    He went from a guy who worked harder than everyone to get to where he’s at, to a monstrous entitled diva who thinks he’s bigger than everything and everyone.  


    Now I got my popcorn ready to sit back and laugh as I watch this s**t show go down as I hate the Raiders too (mostly because Raider fans are the absolute worse out here in Cali).


    Now I secretly sit here praying that somehow, someway, Peterman ends up starting and watching AB deal with that Hahahaha!!!!


    Go Bills!!!!




    He's 1000x worse than T.O.

    1 hour ago, T master said:


    Sir you have a sick sense of humor but i guess if you drink enough beer you could find humor in it some where ? 


  4. 9 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    It’s weird that we are all sold on Alle (67.9 QB rating) and claim Rosen is a giant bust (66.7).  I don’t feel confident saying any of these guys are a lock to be good minus Mayfield, who might get arrested again.  Long way to go.  It would be awesome to see the AFC East as good division instead of the one that gives NE 5 bye weeks a year.


    I'm not claiming Rosen is a bust, or Allen will make it. I just find it odd to single out Jackson. That was my point. I think some people have had some odd vendetta against him on this board eversince he chose to have his mom as an agent.


    I don't think he can throw the ball, maybe that's what Gugny was referring to. But some people have a problem with his personality that strikes me as odd.

  5. 4 hours ago, TigerJ said:

    He was a good, not a legendary RB for the Bills.  I don't know that he was ever really happy as a Bill.  I don't know that he could leave fast enough.  It's always interesting to me that Frank Gore was his predecessor at Miami.


    4 hours ago, Rocket94 said:

    McGahee never wanted to be here. Didn't he say that Buffalo was boring? He couldn't find enough to do at night?

    Here is Gore still going at it!


    Uh... Frank Gore was after McGahee.

  6. 14 hours ago, matter2003 said:

    Those players were either players who didn't fit the profile of what they wanted, didn't fit the system or both. They decided to actively fix these issues instead of waiting til conracts expired etc, and created loads of dead cap space in the process.

    The defense was #2 in the league last year and in the top 5-10 in most metrics...thats more than just solid. And they improved it across the board from a talent and depth perspective...we have the deepest secondary in the NFL by a country mile.


    Kelvin was such a better fit than Sammy.


    They also blamed the dead cap stuff on Whaley. Which I kind of find annoying. They have this year and next year and if they don't win they should be out of here. The both of them


    That said I disagreed with some of the departures i think they have done good in some regards. However, depleting your WR and Oline should not be forgotten. And the Peterman crap is another level of stuff that they somehow get a pass on.

  7. 16 hours ago, MacGyver said:


    You're quite the idiot, congratulations. Landing rockets when everyone is saying no way is not seeing things through?  What?


    And to start a new car company to compete with the big 3 is not seeing something through?


    Yeah, idiot you are...


    Again, I think you have no clue what you're talking about.


    Your first defense was to label me a democrat, and I'm not. I also don't really take that as insult. I like to think most people believe what they believe in because they think that is their solution. I have no problem with disagreeing with someone. Now if you called me a Cortez or a Warren supporter i might be annoyed. Bernie too. 


    Trust me I'll run circles around you in this debate. 

  8. 11 hours ago, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    Not to make too fine a point of it, but you cannot simply gloss over the fact that Tesla/Musk have received significant subsidies (per vehicle) from US and European taxpayers through their respective governmental handouts, without which it's difficult to make the argument that Tesla would still be a viable company by any traditional measure. Even today, Tesla continues on its roller-coaster ride of 'will they or won't they' be profitable this time around...and before starting down the road of so many other companies also receive tax credits, etc., the point is simply that to paint Musk with the broad brush of self-made by the bootstraps type genius with the Midas touch, is misleading. Not to put words in @Ol Dirty B's mouth, but my guess is that's why he took issue with your characterization. Is he a smart guy still? Sure, no question. 






    Nope didn't put words in my mouth at all. You just put in more effort than I did to explain the point. 


    Thank you 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 10 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    It's not really complicated.


    They got rid of guys they had no attachment to creating a ***** ton of dead cap space.


    They now have a roster of guys they want and aren't cutting players who were paid from the previous regime, hence not a lot of dead cap space.... whether that roster is actually good or not is yet to be determined.





    You're going way over people's heads with this post.

  10. 4 minutes ago, eball said:

    Hey just checking in to see if sea biscuit has stopped by to tell us why we shouldn’t mock the Giants because, well, you know, they have won 3 Super Bowls and it’s pretty much a sure thing that Daniel Jones is likely to be better than Josh Allen and, oh my god, the Bills are going to hurt me again and I can’t take it...


    Man, I thought I knew how to hold a grudge.

    3 hours ago, WideNine said:

    Nothing beats NYC folks when it comes to colorfully inventive invective. Most of that string would look like this on TBD:


    What the XXXX, when your XXXhat XXXXXXX GM trades OBJ for a bag of deflated footballs and a XXX XXXX box of donuts.

    The XXX XXXX Giants are run by an XXX who needs to be XXXXXX with a vibrating porcupine.



    "Daniel Jones is the future of our franchise: a guy I personally witnessed lose 59-7 on his own Senior Night to WAKE FOREST.


    Our completely inaccessible stadium was the most expensive in the history of the world when it was built and looks like a cement truck took a big dump in a parking lot."




    Man, that did the trick - I needed a good laugh today.


    To be fair they pick out creative comments like that to share. I'm sure Magary received a lot of the former.

  11. 1 minute ago, GoBills808 said:

    Don’t tell me how to argue!


    Fair enough lol. It just sounds like a bad miami sports talk show, fitz vs tannehill.


    Right now they're debating fitz or rosen, which sounds like a no brainer to me. You see what you got in Rosen and if he sucks enough hopefully you'll draft 1.

    • Like (+1) 2
  12. 35 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:


    I should have said it's not a meaningful debate. Tannehill is statistically superior in every category. 


    Why are you guys arguing so hard over which ***** stinks more?


    They both don't get it done as a starter. I'm glad it's not the Bills problem.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    Better understanding based on what? They started Peterman? They traded for KB. They signed a CB that quit at half time. McD passed on MVP QB. Beane and McD have proven nothing except they can cut guys. They have made plenty of good moves and I'm as hopeful as anyone. I wanted QB Allen over Darnold and Rosen. I would have made a move up for DE Allen this year but they landed a possible great interior DL without giving up anything.  Please be realistic in your assessments.  This year will tell us alot.


    I thought about this too. For every move that is touted as great they have made a bad one. I don't have enough time to track every GM. I just know they've made more mistakes than a lot on this board like to let on.

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  14. The guy is an athletic freak, I was so excited about him coming out of HS but knew something was up when he went to Ole Miss.


    I hate being that guy, because I usually shoot it down. But I'd love to kick the tires on him and give him until next TC to prove himself as a professional.


    I know he's a disaster, I think we all pick players that we think have that upside that we back with a bias. That's what I'm doing here.


    I'm saying this knowing I'll probably be wrong and won't be mad if he turns it around somewhere else. I wouldn't blame any team for not touching him. He reminds me of Justin Blackmon. The spice thing bothered me, but he's just someone who you watch at times and he looks legit. So far in the NFL he hasn't.

  15. 7 hours ago, LabattBlue said:

    I don't know which is worse...admitting that you would recognize Allen's mom and gf at some establishment, or recognizing them, and then going over and striking up a conversation with them.




    I agree... had to be a bit weird for them. I'm sure they think it comes with the territorty to some extent, but I wouldn't recognize one Bills player's mom, gf, or wife.


    I'm normal though.

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