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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. Nope you can respond here if you care, if not it's cool. Just a difference of opinion... I've been there I just get attacked. I think most people who aren't big fans of Trump have learned it's futile to venture there.
  2. He won't be. The growth is suspect, it's no better than it was under Obama. The only way he gets re-elected is through the election turning out the exact same way it did in 2016. I find it hard to believe that he has won anyone over, and believe it more likely he has lost voters. I was a border line trump supporter for the entertainment value and I'm not a big Hillary fan. I know almost all of my family voted for Trump, none will next year, but we're all New Yorkers, so it doesn't matter. However, I will say despite my day to day interactions, Trump has a few historical precedents working for him. Incumbency, Republicans have a more reliable turn out rate, old people and white people have a higher turn out rate, and he has a base that is to the point of frightening that stands besides him no matter what. If he is reelected, it isn't because of the economy. His lower middle class to lower class white base knows nothing of that. Also, his tax plan effin blows. But again, that really only impacted blue states. Well I mean I live fairly well either way. I do think it's annoying though when things could be better. And this declaring a state of emergency to get a wall built is possibly the most damaging thing ever to the Constitution if it gets done. What is your opinion on that?
  3. I mean the name, the post. It all goes together perfectly.
  4. I doubt this guy had much to do with Gase alienating their best RB, WR, and getting rid of Suh. And that great run they had in bringing in Cutler. Gase had a ton to do with the lack of talent down there and personnel decisions. That's why he is gone.
  5. And what have you done for her besides post about it on a messageboard? You're either a liar or just as complicit in it all as those you villanize. I'm not quite sure I understand the point of view being espoused that equates grandma's getting their nails done, or someone getting food from a Chinese buffet with a guy paying 60 bucks for sex. It's not even remotely close. Even if Robert Kraft has no clue what those girls are dealing with.
  6. That's a bit different. That was well documented. It didnt take being in the air force to know that story
  7. They did give out the Mario Williams contract during this period of time... The cheap Ralph stuff is a joke. After that gets proven wrong, it goes to Russ. Pegulas buy the team but will never take the blame and it's shifted to Whaley and Rex. I'm not excusing any of the former. It doesn't look like a money issue, a scheme to get you to buy tickets, both owners have been idiots for most of their tenures. They get involved... and they are mostly wrong. The pegulas are awful at owning sports teams. It's as clear as day to me.
  8. Not really... Lol this post could have been made about the Sabres 8 years ago
  9. I agree, KB was one of the most frustrating players to ever watch. I hope you're right, and I hope they've learned from past mistakes in not really addressing concerns at position groups.
  10. Based on what? I'm expecting them to attempt to address it, but we have no reason at all at this point to believe it will be better. Everyone was talking about WR for a year now, and what did they do to address that last year?
  11. The love killing babies line was flat out dumb. Yea... dont really care
  12. Grow up man. You're politically illiterate.
  13. This thread reads like Allen has done something... Being better than Josh Rosen is not the standard. This city, fanbase, and ownership with this small time ***** has to stop. You were convinced the Bills wouldn't draft Allen? Why? It was him or Darnold. How can anyone can talk like they know this team after the past few years say they thought Allen was out of the question...
  14. I have no personal beef with your posts just a totally different opinion. Also, mentioning three other backs pretty much implies you're getting rid of Shady. You keep saying get a Tarik Cohen type back, that doesn't just happen. I don't have confidence that they'll draft that. It's not about Bell and Brown, you seem adverse to paying talent and keep bringing up Tarik Cohen like that's a given to draft.
  15. In your first post that I quoted you said you didnt even want the best running back on the team to still be on the team. It's not just a name thing, you made a list in another thread pretty much dismissing the importance of a #1 WR. In this thread you're talking about getting rid of Shady. Drafting elite talent and retaining it, did you want to keep Gilmore? I dont really care how you get talent, but the point is go get it. Outside of Gurley, Goff (who I'm not a fan of), and Donald... LA pretty much went about it in the way you dont like. The superbowl sucked, but I'd love to have that team.
  16. So you dont want a WR, and you want to have Murphy and ivory be the only veterans on the team. Are you adverse to talent at skill positions? I'm not saying go get Bell, but your posts read like you are happy with the skill positions. Which are just as bad as the Oline.
  17. You seem to be shooting from the hip a lot. How do you know they started with a lot of money? Why would anyone involved, including the future chairman of the league allow knowledge of a 250 million dollar investment? It's not a good look at all. This story has been on espn.com, bleacher report, si.com, ny daily news for a business day now and they haven't refuted it. Odds are you're the one who is wrong.
  18. I'm not even sure what to do with this post. Your last paragraph or whatever that is makes solid points I agree with. You start off rambling about Trump. The guy draws negative coverage in how he reacts. He behaves like a child, and is by far one of the worst presidents ever. This emergency declaration to build a dumb wall that won't work is far more threatening to the separation of power between branches than anything done by the executive branch in this country's history. That aside, this dude is a liar and it really is damaging when people behave like that. It creates a distrust that really is harmful. Someone will actually suffer from this crime and not be believed because of him And if he pulls it off, others will follow his lead. It's really disgusting. I hope he loses his role in that crap show.
  19. And who is at fault for that? I think you have a fair point, even though I don't think he's done a great job. I follow the Sabres from a far. The Skinner trade is great, but other than that what has he done that is good?
  20. I know it doesn't all fall on the current management, however, this team has been rebuilding forever. Fans frustration is pretty fair.
  21. Yea the anchor bar in Rochester was awful, that said, I think almost everything that has been in that building has been bad for years. I'd never order food there.
  22. I hope he ends up on the wall. What a crock of...
  23. I like this post a lot. Completely agree with everything.
  24. I mean that point is awful. You're discrediting teams that made the playoffs, and you're counting guys like Golloday, and Adam's as #1's. You leave out Cooks in the Superbowl. You lack any kind of context in that Pittsburgh, Cincinnat, and Tampa were messes. Evans, Thielen and Diggs, Julio, Odell have no QBs. WRs are definitely a position that is reliant upon the QB and QBs can make them better, but to dismiss the fact they can be game breakers and help QBs is living in the 50's. Why don't we go through the teams that didn't make the playoffs. Bills Jets Dolphins Jacksonville Cleveland 49ers Arizona Redskins Tennesse Denver Detroit Green Bay Carolina 13 out of 18 teams that didnt make the playoffs dont have a true #1. The point when made as simply can go both ways.
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