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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. I'm choosing to ignore this. I've defended brown but from here out, eff him, unless he somehow ends up on the bills. Then I reserve the right to reverse my judgment.
  2. Is this true or hearsay? Great player, but can we cut him. I'm tired of his marriage. Beane lay down the ultimatum, it's the bills or her Jordan. Who's the one who paid you millions when even Cleveland didn't want you?
  3. When is poyer getting a reality show. He's a great player, but I'm getting tired of hearing about this. Did it actually happen? Also would she bang him with that weird moustache? It looks like he's a teen who wants a moustache but can't grow it. So he murdered a homeless man, bleached the whiskers and glued them to his face. Great receiver, but makes some bad decisions.
  4. You're right it is entertainment. Maybe I'm different in how I react. If the Bills have a tough last second loss or blow a game, I'll turn off football, buffalo radio or whatever and move onto something else. So in my response I look at it as being optimistic. In regards to free agency, this is like a bad loss. I don't wanna hear anything about football. I'll probably check out for a bit after today. If I liked a show, but don't like it, I'll stop watching it. The beauty about sports is you'll always come back.
  5. You used a bad analogy... don't shoot me, shoot the messenger... oh wait... maybe you can do it in your foot? Or did you do that a few posts ago?
  6. You're showing you don't understand it again. Why do people eat grass fed meat, free range, raised without steroids or growth hormones. Because they are ingesting what the animal ate before they ate it. I mean really... I don't think you could have used a worse analogy to make your point. You don't get it, at all.
  7. I mean yea, I'll root against him forever but I'm not gonna walk around being rude to people or whatever... I'm not really sure what Joe in Winslows point was
  8. I mean as a bills fan I'm disappointed... I was excited hoping he'd land here. I didn't expect it at all, then it seemed possible. I'm not gonna walk around fuming about it all day... I see a trend in these posts... also what's with the caps?
  9. Exactly, a=b, Bills don't get brown, he's embarrassed by them. B=C he's embarrassed by the by Bills and so forth you're embarrassed by him being embarrassed by the Bills. A=C...
  10. I've never been punched in the gut. Maybe I used the analogy wrong, maybe sucked the wind out of the building is more comparable? Rapaport reported it, then doubled down on it on live national television as soon as possible, then on the next segment said the Bills were out of it. I'm not sure where testicles come into any of this...
  11. I don't think you get the transitive property. He's embarrassed by the Bills for some reason. You're embarrassed by him being embarrassed by the bills. Therefore you're embarrassed by the Bills. He's a fan. You're a fan. It's not that serious. If you like the receiver it's a gut punch.
  12. I agree with the latter. I'm trying not to be rude, but I wonder what's going on with the first poster to make them feel like that. Eternal optimism, it's a good thing, I'm jealous.
  13. I'm not insecure. What do I have to be insecure about on here? You just made a lame old lady joke, after using snowflake and diva. It's pretty par for the course. It's not sarcasm or a play on words. You called me an old lady lol If that's your sense of humor, I'm only offended about how lame it is. You can do better.
  14. Because it's generally used by low information people. Because someone is liberal or conservative doesn't change me asking, "who talks like that?" It was in response to him saying trumpers do and trying to avoid the inevitable swarm that comes with that, I'd try to be fair and say, it happens on both sides. Yet whenever I see it, i think "who talks like that?". I've never heard someone say it in person.
  15. You left out that he's in NYC. The Pittsburgh to buffalo thing I thought was overblown, and maybe I'm biased because I've got a real short list of places my unimportant ass would go to work outside of WNY, and NYC is on it. Huge difference in maybe the greatest city in the world and Buffalo if you're a city person. I know it's not for everyone, but if you like NYC, buffalo is a downgrade. But Pittsburgh, ***** Pittsburgh
  16. I agree but what's crazy is I hear liberals using it now, not trying to get political. It's generally a term for the uncreative unintelligent types who don't know what they're actually saying.
  17. I mean... what does this even mean? Are you calling me an old lady now with that old bird comment? Lol that'd be great, you must be insecure... because you went snowflake, diva and topped it off with old bird. Again, who talks like this?
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