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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. He was always a dominant run blocker. No one just becomes a dominant run blocker in their late 20s.
  2. Lol before them their was welker, moss, Corey dillon, Hernandez, troy brown. Child please. Did you just start watching last year? The common denominator is Brady. He has always made it work. Lol hogan... effin Chris Hogan. The dudes trash. Only this fanbase thought he was good.
  3. I really haven't paid attention I was just going off the bs you hear on wgr. I thought it was a human trafficking ring that they were busting. If it's not that then I agree.
  4. But if their are other convictions at the same spa, and they had a warrant for the filming. I'm not sure how he could argue an invasion of privacy. He'd be an unfortunate victim of circumstance at the center of a international human trafficking ring. I'm not saying the tapes will get released, but their won't be any blowback on the agencies involved because of the magnitude of the other convictions I'm assuming will come. Not necessarily in regards to the other John's, but to those who got them in the country and moved them around across state lines.
  5. A Bills fan saying at what point do you draw the line and go for the game... 70% of the crowd isn't their for the game, they're their for the tailgate. I'm there for the game, if I could put in a bet or two I don't see the harm to anyone outside of potentially themselves if they have an issue. If you're their for the game, why would things for other people bother you? None of those venues have sportsbooks...
  6. Happy for all the UB alums and fans. I was pulling for them. Got a be a pretty sweet feeling to be a mid major and beat your coach in the tournament who left you for a "better" job. Not only did they beat them, but they were the better team. The higher seed that played that way. Great win. Hope they get a sweet sixteen berth.
  7. Could you imagine the two of them in a room together where they actually have to talk to each other? It would be golden.
  8. A movie that's actually good. I heard Jerry is particularly fond of the miseducation of Lauryn Hill.
  9. I mean your timeline is way off. That's the issue with that post.
  10. I think it's more of a lack of talent issue with Kelly... Not saying Manziel has any, but he draws eyes unfortunately.
  11. I'm not sure what he has supposed to be positive about. This fanbase criticizes Murph but I really think that's all they can handle. Or listen to that thin skinned Sal Cappacio. I mean that's pretty much my point, I guess I should have been more specific to people who get paid to comment on sports are dumb and narrow minded. They really are for the most part. And saying who cares completely works for me. Because I don't care where he's from, I don't really care what he says. Some articles I think are good, some are bad, i never read it as patriot propaganda. I think someone who would say his articles as patriot propaganda probably know where he's from. And again, I say something like sports people are dumb and someone goes "hey I'm not dumb". Instead of thinking about all the dumb things people from this board never said.
  12. I mean just wow... that reads like a bold faced lie. How anyone can be on this board and now know rodak is from Boston just because of all of the whining posters do about him on here is beyond me. A segment of WNY has an inferiority complex and is sensitive. I honestly don't care what they think. Call it a dump, Siberia, the tundra... Who cares? It's just dumb sports. You think Jay Z and Beyonce are playing green bay? Sports people are dumb and narrow minded.
  13. Recently I feel like that's been the case. But in their history they have plenty of choke jobs 04-08 was a rough patch. I think was Akron that beat them recently. Vermont either has their only tournament win or the first one in forever against them. Maybe I just remember the ones that hurt more. But 2012 and forward has had mostly good runs.
  14. I'm excited for the tournament but they've over performed recently in tournaments. I'm feeling like they're due for an early exit. Not the greatest logic, just how I'm feeling about it.
  15. I agree, I don't like him to begin with but that's not a new move in my opinion. I've never seen it, but it looks like something he has done before. I get being chippy, before that he turned the ball over and he grabbed at Zion while he was on the ground. I'll give him credit, it was spectacular how he tried to trip him then reach out to stop him from falling. It was 100% intentional, I don't blame him as bad as it sounds. The game was getting away, he's gonna be playing in Croatia next year. He probably felt like he had to do something to win another game. This is it. I can get it.
  16. Thate how it works with my bball opinions. Always looking bad lol
  17. Physically, I agree. His potential is unreal. But the NBA has some lowkey guys outside of Kawhi Leonard's, Durant's, Thompson's who don't get recognition who are physically gifted and can match up with zion. Great prospect, but I just don't see the playmaking skill that lebron has in him. And I'm not a lebron fan, but I don't see Zion driving and creating his own shots. Those open threes, and back door cuts won't be there in the NBA. He could be amazing. I also think he has extraordinary bust potential because of his skill set. And for the record I was praying 3 years ago when I first saw him that cuse would find a way to get him.
  18. He routinely disrupts the offense. The only good thing I can say about him is that he is a competitor, and looks upset when he is getting out played, which is often. He is awful at passing, his 3 shot isn't good and he comes down and just pulls up far too often for his skill set. He's bad at driving. He's not good. He makes Brandon Triche look like a lottery pick. I couldn't stand Kooney and his crying mama and he makes me wish we had him back. Howard's bad. I won't move off that point. When you talk about Syracuse guards who could have been good louie mccroskey is where it is at. No one is going to miss Howard. He was never going to be good.
  19. Howard's bad. If that's going to be your response, I'm wasting my time. And you'll get the same kind of response. He is bad.
  20. That kid is going to need some parents like Lori Laughlin to get into college. She also probably has parents with a matching intellect to let her write and send that.
  21. You're right. I just find watching him so frustrating. His turnovers make me lose my mind. That run where cuse was up like 9-7, and no one scored but cuse was getting turn overs only for him to turn the ball over was killing me. I missed the first 5 minutes, I know from like the 15 to 10 or 9 minute mark he had 3 turnovers alone. They went from 9-7 or so in that time to like 23-11. He just pisses me off. I can't wait to never watch him again. I hope he go plays in effin Mongolia and gets stuck there. Edit- lol sorry being a little harsh there.
  22. A KR/PR is about the least important role ever on the team if you understand opportunity cost. You're better off getting players on both sides of the ball who are actually good than paying a player over the mininum and designating a roster spot for this. Worst comes to worse you sign an a MLB outfielder prospect or a defensive midfielder or a defender in soccer and tell them to just fair catch it everytime if it's touching the ground outside the 15
  23. How was he from the line? Great athlete and good player, I think he's kind of like one of those rbs you talk about from college who is great but relies on speed and will rarely turn the corner when everyone is a great athlete. I very well could be wrong, but idk how he'll translate in the NBA where he'll have another 6'8 or a lanky 3 covering him in a man to man scheme. I just don't see him getting seperation for shots, or having the skills lebron has who I'm not a fan of, with the ball. Howard is awful.
  24. If they moved him to guard, what a waste and misjudgment it was in thinking he'd be better than Cordy.
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