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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 8 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    No, I don't agree with EJ's (deleted) comment about not getting chances based on race. But he does have a larger point: some guys get chances. And chances. And more chances. Some don't. And I dare you to find any objective explanation for why this happens.

    Which one is EJ? (And who are the others?). Note: these guys are ages 33, 30, 29, 29, 29, 28 (not in order); 4 are still on NFL rosters (and at least 3 are very good shots to make a final roster), 1 is unsigned as of today, and of course 1 is retired. No, composite stats like this aren't everything, but if you disagree, choose any other objective measure of success and tell me why one (or more) of these guys is better/worse than the others. EJ, you kinda sucked, but ...


    A. Career 77.1 QB rating, 4.95 ANY/A (adjusted net yards/attempt)

    B. Career 75.5 rating, 4.91 

    C. Career 79.9 rating, 5.34

    D. Career 78.0 rating, 4.99

    E. Career 74.9 rating, 4.27

    F. Career 68.3 rating, 4.84


    It was more about Peterman having a job while he didn't.


    You inserted race into this yourself. 


    You're as wrong as you can be.


    Edit: I see your point and agree. I think people insert race in things when it's not warranted now. I reread the tweet to make sure I didnt misremember.


    The media inserted race imo because how else do you get clicks out of EJ at that point. My bad, you're not completely wrong but I do disagree with the characterization of that tweet.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Gugny said:

    I prefaced by saying this isn't what I want, nor do I recommend.


    My purpose is to see what the Allen haters would think about it.  This isn't a troll thread.


    And I also DO believe that Knox is just a diva problem waiting to happen.  So there's that.


    If the guys a diva I don't think he has shown enough where he'll last in the league long.

  3. 1 hour ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    I don’t get all butthurt about Internet polls but think that the Bills secondary is elite. It’s one of the best in football. 


    Exactly how this article should be approached. 2019 hasn't been played yet. I think they are great but I'm not upset about someone's opinion. 


    Let them play it out on the field.

  4. 3 hours ago, K-9 said:

    If the worst thing that happens to you on a given day is waiting a bit longer in line at the store, you’re having a damn good day.


    Have you ever irked the person behind you for taking extra time? 


    I don’t think calling into question a list of top defensive secondaries compiled via half-assed research is irrational in the least. If consumers don’t hold content providers accountable, who does? 


    Anyway, we’ve tossed this around long enough. Feel free to avoid my takes in the future if it’s like the counting out 87 cents. 



    I usually pay with a card. My first priority is to be convenient for the employees and everyone else at the expense of myself. So if cash is the way to go, I'll do that. And I buy the same things all the time, so if I have the change it's ready. Otherwise I'm taking the 45 or 97 cents, whatever.


    Which is why I think people who have a low tolerance for laziness are generally worthless and irreedemable because I know you're all up in that counting out 87 cents with like 18 nickles and 7 pennies because "your change purse is heavy". Because that's thrifty and a good days work to find a way to spend the 87 cents. 


    Gross, count me out. I piss 87 cents.


    Like everyone is going to give you a clap behind you in line for that nasty ass penny the cashier doesn't want to touch because you dug it up out of God knows where.

  5. 2 hours ago, K-9 said:

    If the worst thing that happens to you on a given day is waiting a bit longer in line at the store, you’re having a damn good day.


    Have you ever irked the person behind you for taking extra time? 


    I don’t think calling into question a list of top defensive secondaries compiled via half-assed research is irrational in the least. If consumers don’t hold content providers accountable, who does? 


    Anyway, we’ve tossed this around long enough. Feel free to avoid my takes in the future if it’s like the counting out 87 cents. 



    You're a blast to talk to man. I see self-deprecation isn't a concept you understand much like media. 


    Have a good one.


    Edit: And btw I don't take extra time because I'm a considerate person. I take the employees consideration into mind and the others in line in mind. I usually have a good estimation of what I'm spending. 

  6. On 5/15/2019 at 9:24 PM, JohnBonhamRocks said:


    Not saying he took the league by storm, but his 6 yards per carry weren’t bad, and again my main reason for liking the idea is to force opposing defenses to take time out of their week to prepare for something we would likely run only 1-2x per game.



    As I said above, Brad Smith averaged 6 yards per carry while here. If (admittedly a big if) Jackson can do what Smith did, then I do consider 6 ypc something to cause worry.



    He wouldn’t. 


    Am I misremembering or didnt he have an awful interception or two. Are we going to put him at tight end for end arounds or is it the throwing threat we'd likely try to use at one point what we're going for?


    Brad Smith was a more natural runner. He could return, run routes and read blocks. Having some speed and making something happen on the fly is a completely different skill set in my opinion. I don't think Tyree is good enough to be a decoy in other areas where teams think he'd make a catch, throw a block, or any of that. It'd be the same uncreative attempts at being creative we've watched this team do for years.


    He'd trot out there, get motioned into the backfield and run a QB run read option time and time again. I could be wrong and I love creativity. I just don't think Tyree has the skillset that would allow for the unpredictability needed for it to really be effective.

  7. Just now, K-9 said:

    Nobody’s “worked up” about anything. Except, apparently, you.


    If people voicing voicing their opinion on a shoddily assembled list of top five secondaries in the NFL while providing superior information to back those opinions up is too “weird” for you, perhaps you should decline to participate. 


    This place must drive you nuts. 


    No it doesn't, just don't really buy your explanation. The whole low tolerance thing suggests otherwise, but it's cool. 


    I get annoyed being in line behind people at the store who take out the 87 cents to get back no change and take forever looking for it. Just take the 13 cents, society needs rules. If you take longer than 5 seconds your attempt is cancelled like a shot clock on change.


    We've all got our things lol. Just giving an example, I know when I'm irrational with what annoys me.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. On 3/14/2019 at 7:54 PM, The Red King said:


    Yeah, but best in the entire AFC?


    If they win that division they're arguably one of 3 in the discussion. I'm not sure what your problem is with this? Rivers has constantly struggled in the playoffs since LT left.

    1 hour ago, HOUSE said:

    The Browns are no better then the Bills. The Browns will screw it all up, never fails


    If we were Pitsburgh or the Ravens I'd agree. This franchise and its fans have no right to look down anyone. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  9. 6 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Op/Ed is journalism. Just like investigative, special features, politics, and everything else under that umbrella.


    Even a cursory examination of the pass defense stats suggests they were lazy in not mentioning the third best overall pass defense in the league last year. 


    I could give two schits if any writer criticizes the Bills, warranted or not. But I have a low tolerance for laziness.


    So you'd be upset over a lazy write up on an episode of masked singer then.


    It's an equally weird thing to get worked up over in this day when we're surrounded by it in unimportant areas like creating unnecessary content about a sports league constantly.

  10. 24 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    Yards per game isn’t the most telling pass defense stat but, that said, the Bills were more than respectable in the two most key pass defense stats: yards per attempt and passer rating allowed. Tied for first in the league in the former and place third overall in the latter. It is journalistic dereliction of duty not to include the Bills in the top three over all, let alone top five. Just lazy work by FOX Sports. 


    This has nothing to do with journalism, it's commenting/ editorial. 


    I don't know how you guys don't get exhausted of being upset of an article. Who cares.

    • Like (+1) 3
  11. 9 hours ago, HOUSE said:

    I think DK Metcalf could be a top 3 WR and a lot of GMs could be real sorry later.



    Not a chance. The guy has no agility. He looks physically a freak but I think you put a safety over the top and make him earn it underneath.

    5 hours ago, BearNorth said:

    Denver took a "washed up" rag arm named Peyton, and that worked out pretty well for them.


    What? Flacco's problem isn't his arm. It's that he has been bad for like 4 years.

  12. 8 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    They also waited 3 weeks after the draft - the Bills fired Whaley the day after. It’s like the Jets didn’t know wtf they wanted to do. 


    Gase had control over the 53 in Miami .... which was a disaster. So I guess the Jets woke up and decided they should pursue that level of disfunction. 


    The guy ran Ajayi, Suh out of town and had issues with Davante. Not saying he was wrong about Suh or Davante. However he has had issues with players. Brought Cutler in. Didnt use Drake enough.


    Unless I heard it wrong, he was upset about the Bell contract. He could potentially ruin the two divisional rivals at a time when Brady might retire. 


    It would be amazing. Put him on the wall just to taunt him.

  13. 49 minutes ago, LSHMEAB said:

    Yeah. We're not big on forgiveness as a society. Sad really that people get shunned for one instant of poor judgement, but I digress. Kraft should fight tooth and nail as should every defendant.


    How'd everyone treat Tiger or Kobe? Society forgives much more than you think. Segments never will because of predisposed individual biases. Half the country looked the other way at the height of me too stuff for Trump. Mike Tyson is almost regarded as a likable character now. The Jenner thing killed someone and got some ESPN life time award within a year.


    Universal forgiveness is never possible. People may not like JR Smith but it's rarely because he was responsible for a friends death. What I'd say is more unfortunate is that some success or largely inconsequential factors are the reason for forgiveness. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, gobills1212 said:

    Agreed on Barkley. 

    The cool/good part is TJ is in control of his destiny to a degree - which is all you can hope for as a UDFA. He COULD push to become the 2 next year. If he impresses and forces them to keep him up (but do the whole not dress thing) then so be it. If he struggles but they still like him then PS is an easier option. I totally forget, did Cardale initially get placed on the PS? Either way, its possible they have similar paths- for better or worse. 


    Good point on cardale. I read his wikipedia because I honestly don't recall if he was sent to the PS. It mentions nothing of it, and given the way this team has been ran. I think they actually carried 3, but I could be totally wrong.  Cardale was a 4th round pick vs a UDFA .


    I think TJ clears waivers for PS unless some team with depth thinks he's worth the risk. I can't see why after drafting Allen as high as they did with the amount of WRs and RBs they they think they have to protect him.

  15. 3 minutes ago, The Senator said:


     You’d compare Ole Miss to Cornell? ?


    Back on topic, Knox is screwing himself if he’s not in camp tomorrow.



    I mean as far as institutions go in Mississippi. They're the cream of the crop, our higher education is way better than Mississipi. UB is an affordable school for all. It's just an awful comparison, so yes, I used schools that blow ole miss out the water in that statement.

  16. 1 minute ago, gobills1212 said:

    I mean...Beane said they'll go with those 3...in may...sssoooo.....

    At the end of the day, we've seen them make questionable (at the time) roster decisions. I dont think its out of the question so definitively BUT Id hope/think they learned their lesson w no vet qb last year. So at the end of the day 2 QB obv makes it easier to be heavier at other positions BUT i think it comes down to how TJ does. If they dont wanna be without a vet, but are impressed enough with TJ that they believe in him and dont want to lose him (remains to be seen) then at the very least I can envision a senerio where they roll 3 deep.  That said, its a long time between now and sept and anything can happen so speculation is a moot point until the bullets fly in the summer imo


    I hear ya, I think you consider Barkley a veteran despite his short comings as a starter during his tenures as one. 


    I think Tyree goes to the PS


    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Bill from NYC said:

    Do you think that your post consists of a defamation of sorts against southern Americans?


    I am wondering why you think that this is OK? Is Notre Dame your team?




    Someone from NYC being offended for others. Nothing new here, amazing it has reached the south.


    Next defense will be for Confederate flags and statues...

    1 hour ago, Chill said:


    Fun fact. Ole miss has three times the out of state students than in state. Ole miss produces four times as many millionaires than UB. 


    Your stereotype is false. 


    I'd compare ole miss more to Syracuse, St. John's or Columbia. Or Cornell... not sure what UB has to do with any of this. I didnt go to UB, Texas A&M actually. But that's just a swipe at a school and alumni for no reason.

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