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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. I'm thinking it was probably the dudes mom or some crazy broad that loves single dads.
  2. This is exactly what I was going to say. All these people saying sacks are unimportant never mentioned the best defense in the past 10 years which I believe set a franchise record. I could be wrong on the record though.
  3. Chicago and California pizza are crap. If I see you use a damn knife and fork to eat a pizza I'm judging. Order pasta and sauce with some cheese if you're gonna pull that crap.
  4. I only eat the crusts on stuffed crust pizzas. We have a problem?
  5. My family is German. Like off the boat German, please don't remind me.
  6. I understand your point as well. Complaining about an inconvenience isn't the greatest look.
  7. I've got a good Chris Farley story. If you want to hear it PM me. I'm not putting all his business out there. Not that people will take what I say and run with it. Hilarious but out of control.
  8. Ouch. Not surprising considering the country.
  9. Actually it seems like this instance was mom and dad not liking the bf and the teenager marrying him.
  10. Most of the civil rights movement was organized beforehand, which I believe is one of the most successful series of protests. It wasn't people just deciding to link arms on the golden gate bridge. I understand inconvenience is part of it. But by just deciding we are going to do this now is harming people who probably would have otherwise supported this. You're actually supporting fundamentlists in this instance, which I don't think is where you intended to go. The religious ones decided to block traffic unannounced and I'm not a fan of that. Ghandi starved himself at his own expense for others. He didn't put single moms and people struggling at his expense. It's actually backwards and faulty logic that we must put others in a worse position to show how bad ours is. It never works. Empathy is the solution. Understanding each other. Instead we do what you did and lump everyone together. This whole privileged stuff is a cancer.
  11. I believe some feminists protest in parts of Europe by going topless. I could be wrong, but if I'm right I don't think that is a solution. I'm never for a protest that is unannounced blocking traffic, and disrupting business and people just trying to get to work or pick up their kids from school or daycare. It's more of what I think is a new phenomenon. Some people protest, the other protests the protest. Then more protest the protests protest. I'm not super religious, and it isn't that bad in this instance. It's just like a bikini top, but I mean maybe someone has their child with them who'd rather not expose a 3 year old to all this crap yet.
  12. Hope she went peacefully and her family is coping well. Seems meaningless because it's never good to say goodbye the last time. Much love to her and those really mourning.
  13. Meh... more caps didn't read it I just keep getting notifications you quoted me.
  14. Meh... do some more cap locks. I didn't read the post, not really interested in anything you say. Now what if they bent the knee while the Westeros national anthem played?
  15. That was an awesome post. It would make sense if we weren't talking about a work of fiction that has clearly deviated from the books and changed things. As what usually happens when making a book into a show or movie. Or even more rarely gets ahead of the books. But you know, that's all you want to hear. You know more about game of thrones than me, go market that asset lol.
  16. Can only hope because he has never shown any redeemable qualities. He is undoubtedly a scum bag. Why do that? Jerry will, he did with Dez who was wasn't nearly the problem.
  17. I could go without the condescension, plus many others speculated otherwise. It would have been a pleasure to never seen your post. It also has almost nothing to do with the show which has combined characters. But yep, you follow games of thrones more than me. You go on their wiki, I can't read or write, it's magical I made it three paragraphs. I have British buddies who say this, I'm not big on acronyms, but GFYS. EDIT- and I don't even think the show will follow the same story arc as the books going forward. They left it open. Maybe you can Google this for me because I'm missing like 3 fingers and can't ***** type. But yet I typed all this.
  18. Who is the identity of the Night King. Because you seem to be the only person that knows it but you've never said it, unless I missed it. Is it Bran? You're saying it like it is clear as day yet people who obsess over this show have never suggested as much with as much confidence as you...
  19. That's exactly it. She was surrounded by burned bodies and rubble with a white horse out of no where. Which is crappy, but it appeared to be symbolism and then it just had nothing to do with the last episode. I just don't understand the purpose of it. They made it look like something of great magnitude, then it ultimately meant nothing. The way they wrote it. I think it would have been better if she crawled out of rubble and somehow struggled her way to Jon and Dany and collapses. That makes her lack of anything of note in the last episode more explainable. It was all just mailed in.
  20. I thought it was funny. Anyone getting upset over this comment on a show that contains 10000x more crude comments and moments is a bit over the top. Martin cashed the checks. Do you think it's beyond a possibility a guy who wrote these books, would set up those pressing him to hurry up to fail and look awful. Then come out with a great conclusion that he already has an outline formulated to sell more books and make him look like even more of a better writer? It's a crazy theory and idk his personality at all, but I wouldn't be shocked if he didnt have Brann there.
  21. I don't think the issue with Arya is that she left, it was her lack of involvement in the last scene. She witnessed the burning of the capital first hand. She lost the hound who she did ultimately like, was nearly killed and saw a mother and daughter be incinerated who saved her. Then the white horse shows up out of no where which was questionable to begin with and then ultimately she had nothing to do with anything of importance. I think that's an issue with how her story ended. I'm fine with her leaving, it's totally understandable, but her being cut out of so much last episode was rather unfulfilling.
  22. I agree with all except the unsullied. I can see your points and don't necessarily think you're wrong. I could be mistaken but I'm not sure the unsullied had any connection to the throne beyond Dany. They didnt even seem as though they'd stick around after she gained power. Grey worm didnt want to stick around Westoros with her as queen. What do they care now? I can see the vengeance angle, but I can also see them just wanting it with Jon. I don't think they were concerned with who sat on the throne after her death.
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