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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. He's not a journalist. Not even remotely close to it. A definition does nothing that makes it seem like you know what journalism is.
  2. I don't understand what someone gets out of making declarations like this. He's not a journalist... when will thi board stop with that crap. Aaron Schatz has never claimed to be a journalist, and even if he did, whether Allen is good or not is an opinion. What is the point you're trying to make?
  3. This pretty simple a buck for each take out item and 20% at least for a meal you're served. Unless the service is awful, I don't understand people's issue with tipping. You're the first person I've ever heard of complaining about getting hooked up. You'll never be happy.
  4. You're making this into something that it isn't. No one cares about your million dollar condo right by one of the best beaches in America. Or that you get paid whether you show up for work or not. That post and what you're doubling down on is really not a good look. I'm gonna just say, not that it matters, because this board really doesn't matter in terms of real life, but just stop. And I actually agree with your point on Lamar Jackson but you're taking this into another area.
  5. I didn't agree with the other poster, but you seem extremely sensitive. I mean, so much wtf? In that post I'm not even going to start.
  6. Why are their no tambourines in mr. tambourine man?
  7. This song is awful. They're like a crap guns n roses.
  8. Are you a Bruins fan?
  9. I'd take a superbowl over any of these guys living in Buffalo. What does that mean to me? And what does it achieve? No one is coming to buffalo because Tasker stutters through a sentence about how great it is.
  10. I missed the quote stating they don't put a lot of effort in. If that's they case they should be embarrassed, I can't believe they even admit that.
  11. Fair point, if Kelly does something really bad after making the 53. We'll see if it gets to that point. That's where I agree, I'd rather that not happen. You're making conflicting points, which actually can be correct. You're agreeing he's a rock head, yet shows the mental ability of an NFL QB. That is wholly a possibility, however if you read any scouting report on him coming out not one mentions his ability to read a defense. They continually cite poor decision making, relies on his arms and doesn't see defenders.
  12. It was a legal tackle then. He did it as clean as it gets. Not saying it's a great play, but it wasn't illegal until that scum bag Roy Williams decided to grab the inside of the collar and throw all his weight back with his legs sliding underneath and breaking a few players legs I'm sure others did it way before, but he made it a habit. I think the play is better banned for that exact reason, but I do think not every horse collar was dirty when it was legal.
  13. I'm saying though that while they can give great traditional QB play, they also largely rely on intangibles and praise them for it. I don't think they're completely blind.
  14. That's what they are saying despite any sources... samething they complain about with ESPN and everyone else when they do it. You've provided no facts...
  15. A lot of competition for him? I Google news searched Lee Smith visits and all I got were the Bills...
  16. What do the analytic guys think of Russell Wilson or Mahomes? Why don't you do the same?
  17. That's actually a fair comparison. The ridiculous arm strength. The places where I think they diverge is size, and while Allen can run I don't think he is as fast as Vick and not as shifty. However, I think that's a good trade off for us. If he can mature and refine himself to what Vick was when he was for those couple years in Philly when he was great I think the upside will he huge. I think anyone having doubts is completely fair. I was not a fan at all of the pick, but he won me over enough to think maybe we could have something here. I know most will hate it, but when they made the pick I was not happy. But he has shown something might be there, however, he hasn't shown he's a lock. Seems like a good guy, hard worker, hopefully smart. I hope he puts it all together.
  18. I don't consider doubting your continual top 3 billing, and not really caring if he's on an NFL roster as wishing ill will on someone. We can disagree about whether Kelly is getting the shots because it's a right, or those of us looking at the NFL like a good ol boys club. I don't think Reich faces much risk in bringing Kelly to camp behind a solidified starter despite he's history of injuries. It's just like the coaches who float around the league and people think it's guys doing favors for each other. If Kelly beats out Brissett, I think he'll have shown some sort of merit for the chances. Until then it just looks like a guy being given shots because of his family's name in the league. And I don't really respect that in any business. If I can summarize my view on him in the best way. I don't care for him, I wont care if he succeeds, and I'll think it's kind of crappy someone else is losing out on a chance if he fails. And I won't pity him if he does. Then he can go out and earn a living like the rest of us. I agree, only simply because Kelly is still a complete unknown in how he'd perform in this league. From that view, I respect giving him a chance. Yet I'm not sure if you changed the names and what follows them and not the skill set, Manuel would still be getting chances.
  19. I wish he would have played in the Pro-am at Oak Hill this past week. Would have been fun to follow. All I've heard from members who've interacted with him is that he's a great golfer and even better guy.
  20. Of course he is more talented at football than me. I said he has done nothing to show he is better than EJ Manuel. Bitter over what? I just don't like him. Your points of him being better than me and bitter are what you resort to when you can't really say anything meaningful in response. Of course Chad Kelly is a better QB than me. I can throw a pretty good ball with a nice spiral floating accurately like 10 or 15 yards. My arm is awful. Is that what you wanted to hear?
  21. He has shown nothing that he is better than EJ Manuel. EJ started and had more success at just as good of a school. Half the stuff you say about Kelly due to his name, and having a HOF QB back you up and go at bat for you has everything to do with elite 11 camps or getting scholarship offers from schools that have like a 100 to give out. And countless kids who could be scholarship players at other schools rolling the dice by trying to break in at NFL factories. The scholarships mean nothing to these schools. If you don't cut it, they'll make your life miserable so you put in a transfer request and they can revoke it. Kelly has accomplished nothing.
  22. I know he just successfully ran the gm out of town, but the ownership of that organization will pick Darnold over Gase. Gase will be fired at the end of the year if he pulls some crap like that. I can't see a guy with already a questionable ability to work with both players and executives, and having nothing to show for his head coaching experience getting that done in NY of all places. We may like Josh more, but almost all othera have liked Darnold more from pre-draft through their first season.
  23. I think they're two different skill sets. I think as a ST player it's getting down techniques, effort on the field and maintaining a physical form. An analyst requires the ability to mentally process things and then communicate them. I think he could prepare like Romo and still not do it because I don't know what in his football career dictates he had that level not only of knowledge of the game, an ability to process it. And then on top of that, even if he could, communication could be the skill set he struggles with.
  24. I think Clements liked hitting more. Winfield was just such an amazing tackler in terms of almost never missing them. Not always hard, but always bringing the guy down and coming up and making ths play close to the line or immediately when the play is in his vicinty. They were great together.
  25. After that story broke my buddy who is big Sabres fan and I were talking. I asked him, is their anything more Canadian than getting hammered and crashing vintage pick up truck into a tim Horton's? He mentioned it every time we've watched him play since.
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