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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 8 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Fair enough, I still hate the play call there.  Fades to ZJ are not things I expect to see much of, he's not that kind of WR IMO.  I like ZJ, but can't see that being in his arsenal as a go to play when you got one chance to score.


    Plus this obsession that OC's have to "out smart" everyone by going away from their strength is just unnecessary some times.  Sea might be back to back SB champs had they not gone away from their strength on the goal line and Cheatriots would have one more loss and one less trophy.  


    When you need a play at all costs, use your best players.  NP and ZJ are not close to our best players on offense right now.  


    Fades are a stupid play call in general. I'm fine with never seeing my team call one of those.

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  2. On 12/4/2017 at 11:54 AM, buffalobloodfloridahome said:

    I think if Tre White is out that hurts the team more at this point. Peterman will have allot better shot against a much maligned defense in Indy to show more of what he's capable of good tape measure game. Don't sleep on Indy Brissett has made some plays and kept them in games. Dolphins looked dominant yesterday but have had a very Jekyll and Hyde type year so depending who shows up.


    This point is rooted in such a misguided thought process. The Tyrod hate in this thread is ridiculous, considering what we saw out of Peterman in his only start.


    A CB is more important than a QB? That's the argument a lot of you are making here and I'm sure you wouldn't make it in another thread. 


    We can talk about talent difference between the starter and replacement and these points still make no sense. Tre White is good, but by no means even near elite. Tyrod you could even say is bad, I think that's a bit much, I think he is mediocre and his flaws are being exploitated by his own team which make it hard to look good.


    With that said, I bet Tre Whites replacement doesn't even come close to having arguably the worst half of football at his position since the merger.


    So you want to say this is a more accurate measuring stick? Why? Because Indy has a bad defense? You want to judge your qb by his performance against good d's, not bad. No way is this a more accurate measuring stick, just a more convenient one for your delusions. Because if Indy is a good measuring stick for Peterman, then I can cherry pick Tyrods game against **** defenses too... It's just flawed. As much as you all hate it, in terms of winning, missing Tyrod hurts more than missing White because he's the Qb and as bad as he is, his back up you love is absolutely !@#$ing awful. Accept it and get over it.

    On 12/4/2017 at 5:08 PM, BILLriant said:




    I think Allowing Nate To play out the rest of the season and just see how much he can improve regardless of the win loss record.I notice a large improvement in him taken care of the ball better is pulling it down running and taking a sack And not just throwing it up. I really wish his receivers could friggin catch a ball and help them out 


    Dude he played 10 minutes. And he could of had a pick. Please just get real. He didn't throw a pick before the SD game against NO either


    He's shown nothing that he's improved in 10 mins...


    A large improvement? Really?

  3. On 12/4/2017 at 8:57 AM, kdiggz said:

    even if TT is healthy I hope they say they want to be "cautious" and let Peterman and Webb play.  let Tyrod heal up so we can trade him for Denver's 7th rounder


    Won't happen, and I don't understand what is with so much of this board's obsession with picks in the 5th round and beyond. Who cares about them, they aren't valuable unless you are trading up or trading for a proven commodity in a bad situation. I'd trade my 5-7th round picks every year. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Gugny said:


    Totally agree and McCoy is my favorite current Bill.


    They need to get younger.  Bills are doing nothing next year, either (it's the process and I !@#$ing love it).  Why not get something for him while we can?


    It's not worth it. What will they get, a 5th round pick?


    It's the process and you love It? Care to show me how they've been getting younger because they haven't

  5. 13 hours ago, MURPHD6 said:


    No one is taking an oft injured left tackle and a pick outside the top 15 for a top 5 pick. Glen is worth a 4th rounder at best, primarily because of his contract. I suggest reading up on pick evaluation; its supper rad and interesting if the draft is what your into. There are very good reasons why the moves that you are suggesting never get made, as they would cost any respectable GM their job.


    It's also ignoring the fact they'll probably start to move on from Eli. I could be wrong, but it's a pretty real possibility I believe 

  6. 2 hours ago, joesixpack said:


    We're talking about before brady, numbnuts.



    Well, since you're going that direction let's talk about who they brought in:










    Seems to me the majority of the players they've added are pretty solid pieces, as opposed to the previous regime's leftovers.








    I wouldn't list Benjamin, Jones, or gained as runaway successes either. I'm guessing that was the point of your selection of guys?


    Kaelin Klay?

  7. 8 minutes ago, Paulus said:

    From what I heard. Scott got 1 season (NHL strike nullified) and 20 game suspension, from the NHL. Settled a civil case for an undisclosed sum. Got community service from criminal court. And, ended up basically being forgiven by the hockey world very quickly. 


    I was just using that hit as an example of how bad things can get when you hit someone from behind and drive their head into the ground. Ended Moore's career. Doing **** like that has ended more than just careers. 


    Interestingly, Gronks "excuse" was to blame the refs. 


    I agree completely. The bertuzzi incident was different because it was awful but usually sports leagues don't punish the action as severely. But it was always odd how they accepted him back. It was a terrible and wreckless move, we'll see how it plays out. All I know is that gronkowski will never get any pity from me for any future injuries. Not wishing it upon him, just don't care. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Paulus said:

    The race card would make potential fallout entertaining. Hope it doesn't happen and Gronk gets his...


    I just think his running start is considered. I mean, he did a hop step before he launched all his weight at the back of Tre's head/neck. A seriously dangerous spot to hit like that. Remember the hockey player, for the Avs I think, who had his career ended on a dirty hit from behind and driving his head to the ice. Bertuzzi/Moore hit.





    I remember that bertuzzi shot. That was with just seconds left in the game if I'm not mistaken, right? I was just a kid but i can remember the front page of the sports section with bertuzzi driving Moore's head into the ice. 


    I just did a refresher, I remember there being a discussion but didn't recall he was charged with assault and deservedly so. I think the bertuzzi incident is way worse than what happened today but I don't mind the move towards taking this stuff out the game.


    If I'm going to jail in the stands for fighting, I don't see why it should be given a pass on the field. I've never understood it, it's not boxing. Especially when you are just sucker punching or blindsiding a guy who didn't want anything to do with that.

  9. 3 hours ago, Da webster guy said:

    He's got the New England disease.   You turn into a whiny, entitled hothead.  Happened to Edelman, Brady, heck even Kraft is a smug jerk, and now Gronk is trying to intentionally hurt players after the whistle.  He lost all respect from every single fan in the hometown he grew up in, and rightfully so.



    Gronk has always been a POS, an idiot and just not really likeable. The only thing he had going for him here, was being from here.


    I'm not gonna blame NE for that. Him and his family are probably a bunch of douches, and he probably always has been. Nothing to do with the Pats, don't excuse it that way.


    The guy is just a !@#$. And so are the people that raised him. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, BigDingus said:

    One thing they had in common while they were here - they all had crap QB's.

    Well the idea that they can't win has been debunked. It's often more about the right situation and the right players than anything else.

    And as Bills fans, we don't have much patience anymore. We're so sick of losing year after year that we end up shooting ourselves in the foot by firing head coaches & coordinators over & over. We have a new defensive or offensive system every year. We have coaches wasting time cutting all the old regime's players, then spending the draft & Free Agency replacing the holes they created. By then we're still losing, so we fire them & start over.

    Just look at this board. We have people already calling to fire Dennison & McDermott.... They try to justify it through some mental gymnastics. One thing's for sure - if we fired them before the end of their first season, we'd be guaranteed to only have the bottom of the barrel of coaches willing to come here. Nobody worth a damn would even step foot in this toxic environment with such a short leash.


    There's only 32 jobs and no one is hiring with Brady at QB. I think the argument is over played. And I wouldn't say people are going through mental gymnastics. They've made a lot of questionable decsions. I'll try to do it in order.


    1) Keeping Tyrod

    2) Hiring Dennison and implementing a scheme that doesn't suit Tyrod or the O-line as it is constructed.

    3) Convincing Kyle to come back ( to be continued)

    4) Signing Anquan and selling him, as they did on KW to win now and compete. Mentor younger players.

    5) Trade Sammy just days after completing move 4. This probably causes Anquan to retire.

    6)Trading Dareus, so now you have to really rely on Kyle to produce. 

    7) Trading for Benjamin because we now are short at WR. A WR who btw was never going to mesh with Tyrod's skill set. (Btw, how did we end up so short WR?)

    8) Somehow thinking Peterman is capable to start when he was so obviously not.


    They've made plenty of decisions over the course of a year that just do not go together and you have people calling this a plan.


    I don't think I did any mental gymnastics. It's just we have two morons running the franchise, once again. Again, you only have 32 of these jobs and they are always picking at the bottom of the barrel.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Paulus said:

    The big difference is the status of the players. Sad truth. 


    I do think the NFL won't do enough, even though this could have resulted in worse than just a concussion. 


    I think we're on the same page but I'm not sure. When I saw it real time, I expected nothing but a fine and for everyone to keep it moving. However, both NBC and ESPN have been playing it a lot, with commentators calling for a suspension. At 5:00 I would have never thought it, but I think he might actually get a game.


    If he doesn't I hope someone (not a bills player because Buffalo can't handle this lane kiffin level of trolling), but I would love someone to say if gronk was black he'd be suspended and just pull the race card. This league has screwed over so many people, Bills teams included, I don't mind it being made a complete mess and having a bunch of bs to deal with. It'd be entertaining watching it burn.

  12. Doug Marrone looks like someone who will die of heart disease... soon.


    Maybe I went too far.


    Anthony Lynn I can't complain about, I wish him the best.


    Mularkey is so far back. The statute of limitations has worn out with all the other **** that's happened with this franchise since then. I was nervous, but I'm pretty confident by now that Mariota sucks and it's fools gold what they have going on right now. That's the worst division in football, and it's not even close in my opinion. 

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  13. 13 minutes ago, 3rdGenBillsFan said:

    I swear as God as My witness...if the Patriots win the Superbowl this year I am Boycotting NFL. Ill start watching College Games because they are fighting for Something. After Jimmie Johnson won his 7th championship in NASCAR...i just stopped watching that too...just too much of the same thing...over and over again...Like Triple H and Roman Reigns in Wrestlemania. In my opinion it's all about who slides the fatter Manila Envelope under the door Saturday evening. I will say this of the Patriots, without Brady and Gronk That team is shittier than the browns(Pun intended). So im just biding my time...waiting for that day to come...because when that day does come their is going to be a newer and bigger dog at the top of the pile...BUFFALO BILLS!!!!!!


    I can't tell whether it's youthfulness or actually drunkenness but I'm oddly envious of this outlook

    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 53 minutes ago, Paulus said:

    Is the Gronk hit at the same level of severity as this one?


    1) Well after play

    2) player (a) not looking

    3) intent to injure

    4) actual injury




    It's a different era, and I get your point. But going by your criteria, it meets all of them. The only questionable one is Gronks intent to injure him, and the only reason I question that is because I question his intelligence. He might be like one of those big dogs that playfully jump on you and don't realize their weight.


    And I don't mean that in the complimentary way to give gronk a pass, like he's the lovable frat boy idiot. I hate those !@#$ing dogs. They're annoying and stupid.

  15. 2 hours ago, Real McCoy said:

    1.) After the game when McD and BB met midfield McD brought the hit up and BB apologized.

    2.) No penalty in the NFL is reviewable, called or not called.


    He brought up the play by thanking him for not putting gronkowski back out on the field. That's all he did. I'm not proud of that or respect that at all. Thanking him for not putting him back out? That's a complete hs or college football move in my opinion

  16. 3 minutes ago, BadLandsMeanie said:

    I hadn't put that together. I did wonder why the video surfaced after so long a time had gone by.




    As much as it makes me look like a conspiracy guy, I'm really not. But that video, with all the racial undertones surfaced at a really convenient time and it seemed like Jerry went real quiet since then.


    It could be a coincidence, but the timing seemed odd. I don't know what to think anymore with all this stuff going on. Anyways I kinda derailed the topic, my bad.

  17. 10 minutes ago, aceman_16 said:

    Yay...another one of these threads!

    Yay another one of these posts. 


    You realize that post adds nothing also right? 


    Anyways, watched it again. It's pretty bad, Brown and 30, Pitts? Idk who that is. They don't even check on the White. They just complain for a call. That's just as bad as not fighting in my opinion, actually worse. I get not fighting, especially for a guy like 30, but not checking on your guy and just gesturing for a flag over and over again as he's laying there.


    Get rid of them both. 30 tomorrow and 52 in the off season.

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