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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. Just now, EasternOHBillsFan said:


    1. I quote you:



    So, what you are saying is that instead of us admitting we were SO WRONG at predicting a horrible season at 4-12 or thereabouts, your unbridled optimism and your wide open coffers at us missing the playoffs, missing out on savory draft position for a trade, AND going a middling 7-9 or 8-8 is SO much better?


    Also, now you are BRAGGING about how much MONEY you make as well?


    Is that all there is to life with you is money and braggadocio? REALLY? Well let me tell you, there are PLENTY of sports franchises out there who have much larger payrolls in other sports and people that get paid a hell of a lot more than I do that fail regularly and/or are miserable human beings. If you want to bring up this constant of $$$$ value uber alles to make a point on a MESSAGE BOARD, then I suggest you look inwards in stop inflicting verbal diarrhea on others here.


    Teachable moments, right?


    I know we've disagreed before... but this dude is just delusional. I got some insults for him, but I just try not to stoop to that level but I can think of a few things ailing him.


    The guy has some serious confidence issues. I'll just leave it at that. He's certifiably nuts. That's the first time I've ever felt that about someone on here. I mean just not like wow you're a homer nuts, or I completely disagree with you, I think you're nuts.


    He is on some hearing voices level of nuts.

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  2. 40 minutes ago, OCinBuffalo said:

    Yes of course, Bills-beater.


    You'd rather not be confronted with reality. But, in your case, given your recent posts, that's precisely what you need. Sure, you'd rather that I feed into your delusion. Every delusional does. This would allow you to keep your "hey, I might suck, but the Bill suck worse" pathos. Sorry. I refuse. And, that's actually a helping hand for you, or not. We'll see. And yeah, you can tell me all about the draft...blah. Crapshoot. Position means nothing, # of chances to pick means everything. Or, do you think that RG3 taking up 3 high draft picks == Tom Brady/Peyton Manning/Jim Kelly who each only required: 1. Still laughing, mathematically, at the clowns who supported that idea.


    Ask anybody that's been here long enough: I do football when football needs to be done. I usually lurk because I fully admit that I leech info off the many excellent posters here. I just don't have the time anymore. However, don't get confused: When necessary I ALWAYS do my own, quality, work. Like right now. Also, I am objective: I NEVER watch college football, so, at draft time, I may serve as an objective voice for those having disputes over players. It's literally Missouri == "show me". 


    I have yet to "gloat". I have forced people to make corrections, by holding them accountable. There is a HUGE difference. The mere fact that you would use the words "gloating about 8-8" says a lot more about you, than it does me. I am a reasonable person. Of course I wouldn't gloat about 8-8 and I never have. I would gloat about 9-7 and making the playoffs, which as of today we have a 22% chance of, with a MOE of 5 and change %. 


    I will gloat about my ability to do that math in my head, as I'm writing this, because I can: and you can't. 



    Yeah, how about some social commentary: I get paid a lot more than you, because I do know what I'm talking about. There's no patriarchy, or conspiracy, or systemic anything. It simply comes down to your post above: You don't even want to try to figure out....most likely because you think trying probably == failing. It's too bad. So, you don't try. Too bad.


    Hey, ask anybody here: I have a long history of helping EVERY Bills fan whose has ever PMed me about IRL stuff. Even some mods. So, a choice confronts you: I can help you try, and succeed. Or, you can try to use....whatever....to concede defeat and not bother trying.


    I am willing to make the effort. Actually it's sorta compelling. Part of my job is teaching, and teaching is addictive.


    Wow... I said this about Dunkirk Don... But have you ever watched the movie, A Beautiful Mind? Because you're on that stuff right now.


    You talk about my recent posts, I'm not sure what that even means. I've been on here, maybe a month? I'd consider everything I post to be recent. Is Bills-beater a former poster you are referring to? It took me a second, that's out of left field. Because if you think I'm someone else other than ODB, you're wrong. Which seems like something you struggle with ever being and will always.


    Honestly, you sound like you have some serious problems, you force people to make corrections by being accountable? What exactly are they correcting? We're talking about a football team. I'll say I thought this was a 4-6 win team. Nothing posted on here, I'm not sure what the big deal is about someone holding that opinion.


    Then you start bringing up incomes and patriarchy... Seriously, are you !@#$ing wacked? You don't know me, what ever makes you feel good about yourself, sure believe I'm broke or whatever. I want you to get this as clear as you can, you come across as a complete !@#$ and I'm doing just fine.


    We're talking football and you start talking patriarchy. How am I even supposed to take it other than you must be strung out or crazy? Seriously, what the !@#$ are you even talking about? 


    Honestly, if you are a teacher, you shouldn't be. You have a terrible personality for it. You see others in people when you don't even know them. You go off the deep end talking about your own success. As someone who has been a student and approaches life as a student, I can tell you, you're the person that I dismiss thinking what have they(you) ever done. You're on a message board talking about how you were right about the Bills 8-8 record, talking about holding those who disagreed accountable. Then went on to ramble on about your income, and started talking about GDP. A students like... What the !@#$ does predicting the Bills record do for me or my income. But then again, I'm just poor lil me. My 0's can't compete with you 



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  3. 2 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

    Just so I don't get accused of de facto....


    I ask you now: where are the 4-12 predictors going to be, if the Bills DOUBLE their "predicted" win total? (See: 8 wins)


    As I've said since MAY 2016....the "predictors based on 'math'" people are in a lot of trouble. Look at the words above my avatar: ask yourself, where is their credibility, and why should we believe people who utterly failed at predictive political modeling, about sports propensity?


    See, clowns, this entire thread has been an effort to attract and confront those who are analytically ignorant. Anyone calling me arrogant? You are merely staring into the ignorant mirror: and it's confusing you. At this point the highest propensity the Bills have is 8-8....which...is the bell curve approach I referred to pages ago, when the Bills were 5-5. This is not arrogance: it's math. You don't get to call me arrogant for educating you on the tenets of statistics.


    And finally: This is a subset of what I do, but, it's one of my more important skill sets. If we were talking about plumbing, I wouldn't call a plumber speaking directly about why he chose to sweat pipe here/make a joint/place a valve, arrogant. I'd say he was doing his job, then explaining it.


    That's what I am doing...then explaining it.  You were ignorant before you posted. All I have done is merely try to give you a sense of how one correctly goes about creating a predictive model.


    EDIT: Well, lets cut the crap. I've been a homer Bills fan who has delighted in crushing the "realists" this season. But, as we've seen the last 24 months, and are absolutely guaranteed to see over the next 12? The "realists' are actually delusional. Events have overtaken their claims, in life, in general. I would spend more time in Elmwood Village confronting the "realists", about all sorts of things, like the stock market, the GDP, the Bills record, etc., ...but...I can do more good ignoring them and continuing my daily activities in the real world...that the "realists" deny. Hey, that's why I don't post as much anymore.


    Based off of this post, it seems like a better place without your posts.


    17 years without the playoffs doesn't make mathematical sense.


    Also gloating about them going 8-8 would make no sense, and the future would have been most likely better with a 4-12 season rather than 8-8 or even 9-7 depending on how you prioritize things.


    I honestly can't see any advantage or reason to be happy with a team going 8-8 over 4-12 with a team desperate for elite talent other than personal pride. Which you are clearly in dire straights for.

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  4. 14 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    No he was a grown man telling the world that he couldn't really describe what his duties as GM were at that point.


    He was a fraud.  A guy from the Steelers personnel dept who should never been elevated to GM--least of all by a team as desperate for experience and good decision making as the Bills.


    You don't think the fact that his role was probably largely undefined under the Pegulas had anything to do with that?


    The franchise had appeared to be completely unorganized under the Pegulas at that point. If you think Whaley's responsibilities were clear at that point, you simply didn't pay attention for the couple years prior to that.


    And even after the press conference. The Pegulas were a joke to everyone outside of WNY from that press conference forward.


    I don't care what someone on the radio told you makes sense because the scouting resets after the draft. It looks absolutely horrible firing your gm the day after the draft. It's absolutely moronic and reflects the two years of disorganization that the Pegulas created prior to that point. 

    2 hours ago, BuffaloRush said:

    ...or we could just starting gushing about great Ralph Wilson was an owner...especially from 2000-2014?


    Or how about the 70s. This team was perennially bad under him. Outside of the 89-93 run, they sucked since the merger mostly.

  5. 17 hours ago, ROONDOGG55 said:


    It's all about the Benjamin's! The Bills would rather pay $7 mill less a year for a run stopping DT.


    The point is not lost on me, but it's no guarantee this guy works out. Also Dareus showed he is capable of rushing the passer and being more than just a run stopper. It just is an endless cycle.

  6. 34 minutes ago, BuffaloBillsGospel said:


    Shouldn't Dareus be vilified here? How many pot smoking incidents? How many times was he so lazy he couldn't even get to meetings? The guy needed a change of scenery obviously but you're acting as he was some dominant force this season for us, he had like 12 tackles and a sack or something ridiculous at the time of the trade while being paid a boat load of money. Obviously not having the stench of him in the locker room sucking the life force of the rest of the defense was better off than Dareus being on the team.


    And your comment about this team being ran by a glorified HS HC is ridiculous, do you see this talentless team? Were still in the playoff hunt with a mediocre QB, an inept OL, a running team in a passing league, no name Linebackers and a front seven without "your" elite Dareus in it, that is outstanding HC imo, the only thing that can top it is a trip to the playoffs which isn't out of the realm of possibility but not looking likely.


    And who is to blame for that? 


    The coach said in his introductory press conference he wants a running team.


    He kept the Qb, he's benched Glenn, signed ducasse, changed the scheme to a zone blocking scheme. Dumped the number 1, 2, and 3 receivers. Signed Tolbert to be the back up rb, something he's not fit for.


    Didn't resign brown, dumped Ragland. Dareus wasn't producing because he was never given a chance to. The guy didn't play. The weed stuff is over blown and the meetings **** is hearsay as far as I'm concerned because none of us are their taking attendance everyday. Traded Darby.


    This team is of his making.


    Can you tell me the reasons that he traded guys and it not come off in a HS coach BS kind of way? Honestly, because he traded away proven commodities in the league for all off the field reasons. It's bull ****. You wanna buy that, go for it. But what I'm saying isn't just stuff I made up out of thin air. The guy acts like a high school coach. He talks about building leader of men and ****... This is the !@#$ing NFL they're men. His whole mentality is backward in my opinion. 


    Edit- should I add in the whole Kaelin Klay thing? WTF was he even doing with that, and then we get short on CBs. It's been a joke. Kaelin Klay was traded for, and released within a month and now he's back on Carolina. Great trade.


    Then you have the Peterman decision and I haven't even gotten into his in game decision making. The fact I can go on this long writing about mistakes made in months and I'm not even making **** up should be a red flag. Regardless of whether you agree with all of it. 


    And also as for Dareus sucking the life out of the D, which is also a complete bull **** theory... how did they perform in the games since the trade? 


    You're just a homer. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:

    Still better and less embarrassing than Whaley's last presser.


    THAT made the Bills a real laughing stock.


    You have the Pegulas to blame for that. 

    10 minutes ago, ganesh said:

    The Bills were hosed by ESPN when their buddy Tom Donahoe was canned.  They really took it to heart and made the Bills the Villain


    This is a bit much. Do you have any evidence of this, or is this just more of the woe is me attitude that seems to permeate Buffalo and really WNY.

  8. 9 minutes ago, NewDayBills said:

    I can't comment on who I want there but I know for sure, I do not want anything to do with Baker Mayfield. Tyrod Taylor is a better player than Mayfield. He has average size, average athleticism, decent arm but he makes all of his plays in the shotgun or outside of the pocket. I think if teams forced him to stay in the pocket he would disintegrate. We already have that in Tyrod, project player with low upside.


    I'd rather we take a RB, WR or LB in the 1st. Problem with drafting DTs high is that when it comes time for their 2nd contract and they get paid, too often have I seen them get lazy. I don't think it's smart to pay 330lb+ big men millions of dollars, they get too lazy.


    I don't follow college football as closely as i used to, I just don't have the time. I'd like LB, I really want a qb but it's a crap shoot. And I don't know anymore than anyone else to confidently say I want one guy. WR we desperately need, and I'll agree we need an RB.


    But what I do feel confident in is, creating holes, filling holes with below average talent. Taking dead cap money, then using a high pick to fill a position that has become a self inflicted need is just bad management. I'm done with it. It's almost an absolute that they can not go DT in the first unless they trade down again and net another number 1, just from how bad the optics will look in my opinion.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. If they go DT in the first round this regime is no different than any other we've had in the past 17 years and I'd fire them.


    You trade a DT for a 6th, create a hole, and then draft another DT in the first? I'll lose my mind, I understand the mocks are largely pointless so it's even worse than crying over spilled milk. But if they did this, I just don't even want to fathom it. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, NewEra said:


    I remember half the board crying over losing Mike Gillislee for a 5th rd pick.  Not sure how it’ll end up down the road, but I’ll take that trade all day..  At least see what we do with the picks before bashing what we received.  Matt Milano says Hi



    It’s McBeanes team.  If they don’t think guys are buying in or if they don’t think someone can fit the mold of what they are looking for at a particular position, I’m all for trading them away.  I get that people are hating on it because, to date, mcbeane hasn’t done anything relevant, but they run the show.  I expect them to make moves that will help the team.  I’m glad that they aren’t afraid to make big moves.  A team that I thought would win 4 games is in the wild card race.  They’ve done a good job so far imo.



    Reggie Ragland couldn’t beat out Preston friggin Brown.  ✌?


    That's a good point.


    The board crucified Whaley for letting gillislee go. We don't blame the people we attribute almost every other off season decision to this year for that.


    We trade Dareus for a 6th, eat salary, and then vilify Dareus to down play how horrible of a trade it was. It was an awful trade, and none of you can ever make it otherwise. The fan base is almost as frustrating as the team's decisions. 

    3 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    You don't think the GM shopped him around? It is quite possible a sixth is the best offer they got.


    say they take your scenario and bench him.  How does that increase his value?


    Then you don't trade him. We're eating dead cap money and that 6th round pick might not even make the team so what is even the point in making the trade at that point?


    You also don't bench him. This team is being ran like a glorified high school coach is in charge.


    The best players play. It's not about effort or that ****. It's about winning. We've heard a lot about effort through 17 years, where the !@#$ has effort gotten anyone. It's about talent. 

  11. 2 hours ago, PIZ said:

    Thanks Don!  I love your posts!


    This sounds like Alex Smith or Travis Kelce to me.  Wouldn't mind Tyler Bray either.  


    "Smoke starting in Kansas City.  Source says teams are talking regarding player and draft picks."


    Of course you love his posts. You read that and think KC would consider trading Kelce? 


    I don't get why the dude has knowledge that can be almost, key word almost, on the level of value of insider trading and he's out here telling everyone about it instead of getting in on the money. He keeps saying it's public knowledge and follow the money, then their should be no problem posting what you are referring to.


    Or, it's that he's reffering to purchases that the Pegulas have made that wouldnt draw anyone in. Surely your source isn't tracking your two bills drive posts or he would have gotten in on it or cut you off... sorry for ruining your fun guys and bringing some semblance of common sense to the thread. I'll see myself out.

  12. As long as America has a poverty problem, we will have a football problem. People talk about kids being held out and this and that, sure that happens. Most of those parents are white, affluent parents. They aren't producing kids with the combination of talent and desperation that creates a lot of the prospects out of the South imo.


    And this is not to sweep it under the rug, I think it's a real problem. However, their are a lot of people who will look the other way if they think their kid is good enough to do it. And a lot of adults will look the other way if they think they can buy their mom a new house, or find life changing wealth. Listen to Mike Mitchell last week. 

    Larry Johnson seems like a nut job. I'm not doubting the existence of CTE, but he comes across as a guy who doesn't want to be held accountable for his actions and someone put this excuse in his head. He's been arrested six times, and it was happening while he was playing. It's awful, and probably wrong to an extent, but I just have a hard time believing someone who has been arrested as much as he has for what he has. It's just has a convenience to it, that this can be all explained away due to CTE. I'm failing at articulating my point well because it is a difficult line to walk. I don't want to come across as someone who doesn't believe in CTE, I just think when you get a guy like Larry Johnson saying all of this stuff, I start to question Larry Johnson's motives. 

  13. On 12/12/2017 at 12:59 AM, EasternOHBillsFan said:


    THIS IS bull ****!!!!!


    Well, there goes our playoff chances... Mister "Conservative Can't Throw to WRs Worth A Damn" starting...




    Wow you're on another level... I don't even know how to console you.

  14. 3 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    Chargers and Rams not good? 


    Christ almighty.    


    The Chargers were bad early because Anthony Lynn wanted to have a run oriented offense to protect the ball.  


    When he realized his mistakes he changed things and “unleashed”  Rivers.   


    Now look at them.   


    There is a valuable lesson to be learned by this.  



    The only lesson to be learned is your failure of understanding context.


    I quoted a post saying, watch NO and NE. 


    I responded with watch LA, referencing the Peterman performance.


    The both not being good is referring to the QBs on this team. If you could come up with a logical reason as to why I would be saying both LA teams suck that'd be great, but it was pretty clear I was referring to both Tyrod and Peterman.


    Why would I ever be talking about the Rams? Seriously with this... You had to really try to come to that interpretation given the context. I hope it was intentional. 

  15. Just now, Bills Pimpin' said:

    He had a bruised knee and a bruised ego. He played terrible and then bailed on his team. No excuse for that. None. Tyrod Taylor is a hard worker, I will give him that, but that work hasn't paid off cause he is not good enough and he realized it midway through the 3rd quarter in New Era field last weekend and got carted off the field. I apologise if I offended you calling him a little B word, he is not that. He is just a ****ty starting QB. 


    It's cool you didn't offend me calling him a little B, it's just not how I'd like Bills fans to treat him. 

    We'll interpret things differently as to why he left, but we can both agree that he is not the answer after this year.

  16. 1 minute ago, Chicken Boo said:

    The Bills would be fools to not look into signing Cousins.  


    They won't have to break the bank to sign him either.  Kirk will go to the best situation for him, his family and his career, not strictly to who pays him the most.  Being a DMV (D.C., Maryland, Virgina) area resident, that's what I gather.



    What is breaking the bank? I'm pretty sure you're wrong. He's going to be near 30 mil a year. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 35 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    Putrid Peterman AKA Not Ready Nate would be lucky to not throw the ball to NE 5 or 6 times during the course of a full game.  You Petermaniacs are delusional. 


    It's the same thing as it was with Tuel.


    I think there's more to it, but I won't say it because it's just not even worth it. But this Bills fan base has proven to not be very enlightened. They're proud of their kids running on the field naked, and jumping through tables and all sorts of ****. Throwing dildo's...  A lot of you embarrass me. 

    1 minute ago, Air it out Fitzy said:


    Sure thing bud.     Watch the saints and patriots games again ???


    And Watch LA... They both aren't good.

  18. 11 hours ago, Bills Pimpin' said:

    Who is ball washing Peterman? Saying Peterman is a better option than Taylor is not ball washing anyone. No one is putting Peterman in the HOF, just a notch or 2 above a bad QB who put up historically bad numbers against the Patriots 2 weeks ago, quit, put a towel over his head and got carted off the field like a little B word. He is done in Buffalo. Only a concussion is going to put him back on the field. 


    Peterman put up historically bad numbers against SD a month ago... and we're talking like since the merger bad. 


    This is delusional and you come across like an ass. Tyrod was hurt on the first play of the game, tried to play through it, and went until he couldn't anymore. Nothing like being "a little b word". Of all the stupid **** I've read on here, that might be the dumbest I've ever read.


    Tyrod might not be great, and is probably done here. But calling him a little B word is just another level of idiocy. I hope you're a child. 



  19. 3 hours ago, njbuff said:

    For people to tell us that Miami all of sudden is this juggernaut is downright laughable.


    I have no idea which Bills team will show up Sunday, but don't tell us Miami is better than Buffalo when the Dolphins got shut out on multiple occasions this year.


    This team didn't do much better than a shut out on multiple occasions this year either. 

    It's a toss up, I would be surprised if Buffalo swept them.

    18 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    The Bills destroyed the Raiders and the Raiders destroyed the Dolphins.


    Thank you.


    And the Dolphins destroyed the Pats and the Pats destroyed the Bills.


    You do see how dumb of an exercise this is, right?

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  20. 5 minutes ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    I hope the Pegulas don't listen to the coaches. Thinking the weather gives this team a competitive advantage is dumber than punting on 4th and 1 from the opponent's 41.


    When has anyone ever heard of a coach having a say in the stadium process?


    Even if he has a good run, this is a 20-30 year investment with potentially public funds. 


    McDermott won't have a say in what gets built and these posts are non sense. 

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