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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 2 minutes ago, atlbillsfan1975 said:

    Gilmore is boom or bust and average in between. I bet Belichik regrets that move.


    This post is just amazingly stupid. Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who sees it.


    He's boom, bust, or average.


    Wtf isn't he. 


    Corners get beat guys. Tre is good, but not better than Gilmore. It's easy to forget Julio or AJ torching him when you want.


    And forgetting that Gilmore shut down Beckham when no one could to the point that Beckham is punching him.


    Both good corners, but I don't think Tre is better. He could get there, but I don't think he's better now. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:



    i would be amazed if this was a single buyer.  the team is worth a lot.  it'll be a buying team.

    no, not at all, because we don't know what exactly he did because he hasn't been able to defend himself.


    tl,dr: duke lacrosse.


    Duke lacrosse went to court.


    It's reported that this guy has settled multiple times, and is now selling the team.


    He has a history he doesn't want to come out. The story reeks of he knows he's in the wrong and doesn't want the public shame that will come with it.


    The duke lacrosse comparison is a horrible one.



  3. 4 hours ago, BurpleBull said:


    Can't imagine any woman's voice not being annoying calling a football game.


    Weird. I've never been one to long for a man's voice talking to me. 


    Maybe you should do some introspection

    3 hours ago, BurpleBull said:


    I have problems because I'd rather not hear a woman calling a football game?




    Yea. That's weird. If you just said she's bad, which i'd agree with, fair point.


    But the fact you're just going on about how it can't be a woman announcing my game is just blatant sexism. I mean, it is the definition of it and you do have a problem. It's not a huge problem if it's just this, but I'm not inclined to believe that. 


    You're sexist. 

  4. The list of garbage signings the poster listed off... and the over the top optimism is some sarcasm I can appreciate. 


    Cheers to McDermott for bringing us all Vlad. I needed some Vlad playing football in my life

    3 minutes ago, BillnutinHouston said:


    Strawman.  Throw was playing brutally at the time.  

    It's not a straw man at all. The guy threw five !@#$ing interceptions and showed no reason he deserved to be handed the job.

  5. 9 hours ago, JohnC said:

    He didn't set the franchise back---the Peulas did. That was an odd hire. What makes his hire even more perplexing is that he was a known quantity. His career was ignominiously ended in New York. At the time of his firing the team was in a state of disarray. Why didn't the Pegulas do their due diligence outside of the interview room where a huckster is able to shine? Do you think Polian would have endorsed him? Do you think that the substantive and dignified Levy would have endorsed such a shallow and obnoxious character? 


    This  stubborn stain on the organization that it is now desperately trying to clean up was brought on by the Pegulas. This hire went beyond being stupid. It was a zany hire that to this day is weighing on the organization. The billionaire Terry Pegula has a nose for finding gas fields. However,  in this case he couldn't smell the over-powering and knee bending stench of a fraud that everyone else was aware of. 


    I agree with a lot of this. The issue with the franchise has been ownership. Was happy they bought the team, but they have been awful in my opinion. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, Dunkirk Don said:

    There was a package and go back and read my original post.  It will depend on game and situation. No need to use it.  They still have it for two more games.  It is apparent some people’s knowlede of the game is limited.  Every team has a special package or trick plays they are used when needed.  Remember the music city miracle.  Do you think the titans ever practiced that play? Of course they did.   Why didn’t they use it before the bills game, the situation didn’t call for it.  The bills have a special package for Joe Webb, will they use it this year, who knows for sure. If the situation calls for it yes, if not then no. That is called strategy.  So I am a fraud because they did not use the package.  Every thing else I said is disregarded.so be it. I refuse to argue with people that refuse to understand what a source is.  They do not run the bills, he talks to people and gets a batch of emails to read through. He doesn’t call the plays. Not everything will be exact.  You piece things together we are checking with multiple sources right know about the stadium so I can get you specifics so I don’t hear, I could have said that but you have read through a bunch of emails and connect dots. Not easy.


    I'm lost. So now are you doing an about face and saying you don't have a source? You're doing what most people exactly accused you of, just making a bunch of predictions based on obvious things. All publically known.


    Cousins could be a target, one of Minnesota's QBs could be a target. Smith's future is up in the air. All of these predictions can be drawn from doing what you are exactly saying here.



    14 minutes ago, Dunkirk Don said:

    I will leave you guys to debate the nonsense on this board.   Do you think Tyrod is a franchise quarterback.  Do you think we will try to sign Sammy.   McDermott should be fired, Whaley was great no he sucked, Beane is horrible no Beane is great.  Marrone or McDermott. Pegula who save the Bills is horrible.  Wish the bills moved to Toronto   Rex this and Rex that.  I tried to give good and accurate information.  Will change my screen saver and laugh at the trivial nonsense you seem to enjoy.  You guys win, I am a complete fraud 


    I know, because debating whether some guy in Dunkirk is breaking news isn't a perfect example of trivial nonsense.

  7. 1 minute ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    Never said that. I asked why there were so many of them to browse with a cup of chili next to me. I was wondering why the majority of these threads were all about picking on McD.


    Ok I disagree... I don't see a majority of threads by any means criticizing McDermott.


    But I genuinely mean I could have missed them, sorry if I mischaracterized your post.

  8. 22 minutes ago, WhoTom said:


    Either way they need a FG and a TD w/ 2PC. Take the most likely score first, so you give yourself a chance. Go for it and not make it and the game is over.


    Gase made the right call.





    I'm going to disagree. I wasn't able to follow the game closely so I'm not sure what the fourth down distance to go was, but an onside kick has a 15% success rate, and you're leaving the brunt of the work, if successful for after the kick with no timeouts. I think you're better off going td, you can get in field goal range from an onside recovery in one or two plays easily. Driving 60 yds in 40 seconds is craziness when you need a td.

    6 minutes ago, joesixpack said:

    Another McDermott hater, loud and proud.



    Where did I say anything negative about McDermott on today's game? 

  9. 22 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:

    I just come home, tired, cold and happy after standing in section 201 in the brisk December air for five hours, log on, and see nothing but complaining about McD! 


    We are 8-6 for only the third time in the drought. If Tenn keeps plummeting, we have like an 80% shot at playoffs! And half these threads I see are about trivial time out usages! 


    It was a great win! Stadium was a blast! Let's be happy and not nitpick everything, please. 


    If we have to debate something, why the heck did Gase kick that field goal? A guy and I discussed this. By kicking that, he had to bet he would get an onside kick, then a two point conversion, then go to OT, all in less than a minute with no time outs. What was he thinking?


    Dude, you're a homer. It's ok, but just be self aware of it. Other people are entitled to their opinion, let them have it.


    This thread is essentially, "hey if you disagree with my feelings, don't post it."


    Instead of pointing out how the time management isn't an issue, or correct decisions were made. You just responded with, stop your criticism because I don't like it and instead let's pile on this other ****ty decision about a team none of us like.


    I'm not here to talk about the dolphins. If you want Adam Gase talk, go find a dolphins board. It's the exact same thing when Mcdermott punted last week, and some people were saying that Pagano made even worse decision and why aren't we talking about that. Yea, that's correct, Pagano did make a bad decision. But no one here gives a flying !@#$ about Pagano.

  10. I never liked him, so I'm not defending Mitch. But I think it's funny.


    Write off Mitch as a bust but a lot of you same posters will talk about how Zay is good, and WR is a tough transition. 


    Like QB isn't? This thread is ridiculous, I don't know how obnoxious some posters were about Trubisky but it better have been god awful to warrant this.

  11. 17 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    His role was "probably undefined" by the new owner?  That's rich.  Look, Pegula depended on Whaley's knowledge and experience.  After the crapfest that was the Bills the first year he owned the team, I have no doubt that Pegula in fact issued an ultimatum that Doug and Rex had to turn it around the second year.  When they didn't, they were fired as threatened in the off season.  Pegula doesn't know much about football, but I bet he got tired of Doug's cravenness and ineptitude.




    The guy on the radio was Doug Whaley, telling us all what he didn't know.


    Yea... I would say a GM who couldn't hire his coach, or confidently say who had control over the 53 man roster probably had undefined roles... I'd think that's pretty simple to infer. 


    The fact that the Tyrod issue last year even came down to having to go to Terry shows the organization had no organization. If you think they looked like they knew what they were doing, wow.

    15 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:



    So when Whaley said this:


    “For me his (Ryan's) philosophy on how to build a championship team, a consistent championship team is exactly the way I think a team should be built,” said Whaley. “It’s proven. This past postseason everybody was talking about the conference championship games and the four quarterbacks in there were unbelievable quarterbacks, but the common theme in both of those games was the running game. A running game and a defense is a quarterback’s best friend. And those types of teams consistently compete for championships."


    And this:


    “I knew when he started talking about how he wanted to build a team and I could complete his sentences and he could complete mine in how we want the Buffalo Bills to look we were on the same page.”


    And this:


    “It was funny because at the start of the process Kim and Terry asked me who my favorite was and I said, ‘You can’t go in with any preconceived notions of what you want and what you like. You’ve got to go in with an open mind so you don’t have any biases,’” said Whaley. “And at that point Kim said, ‘Well then how do you know?’ I said, ‘Unfortunately it’s like when I asked people who were married and I was single. How do you know? You just know.’ And when we got to that point we all looked at each other and knew that Rex was the guy who we wanted to be our next head coach.”


    And this:


    “The first interview you do more philosophy, scheme, coaching staff and the second interview [recall this was the interview that Pegula admitted he was bored nearly to the point of falling asleep] was more the day-to-day operations of how he runs his program,” said Whaley. “It goes all the way from who sits in first class on team travel to how he’s going to dole out fines, to meetings and scheduling. So if he gets the job we can hit the ground running. I know what to expect from him and help anticipate the things that he’ll need.”


    ...that he is lying in every quote?  (it's a yes/no question).


    That "only a moron" would believe his statement about Ryan's philosophy of building a team was the same as his?


    That he really wanted Hue Jackson, but instead of just saying that, he told Kim Pegula to go in with an open mind but when it came to Rex.."you just know?


    You're argument is not convincing.  Unless you have something...






    Do you live in Buffalo? I'm just trying to figure out whether it's worth discussing things with you. Because if you're someone who  moved out of the area, I'd get being so out of touch. But if you are in WNY, it's just not even worth the time.

    16 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    You're listing that as an accomplishment?


    As for him being dead against the hiring of Rex....well, you're making that up.  If he was against the EJ pick (then went on to say how great the pick was and how EJ had the "it" factor) and he was against the Rex pick (and then went on and on and on GUSHING about the pick in a way that bordered on homoeroticism--not that there's anything wrong with that)....then he must have been the least forceful GM the Bills have ever had--and a fantastic actor, or maybe he was just happy to be there, as they say.


    Maybe Whaley wanted Jackson (again, a huge error in judgment in itself), but he was on board with Rex (where's the clear evidence it did not go down as Whaley himself said of that choice??)...until After season one. 


    How many of Whaley's top draft picks are on the roster Sunday in a divisional game with playoff implications in week 14 for the Bills? 


    It's not an accomplishment... But it shows how the organization wasn't structured properly. You're building the argument against yourself. Just think for a moment about what other people are saying

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, White Linen said:


    No kidding, he gets to decide who's on the team.  He's done that well, they've played good for a no name team (except a couple guys).  That's the point.  It appears he'll be even better as he continues to build the team with players he wants - as he's already proven to be correct on many of them.  


    Isn't it equally fair though that this team is devoid of talent and that's because of him? Everyone says, look at what he did with this roster, and talks about how bad the roster is. The guy made the roster bad. I'm not in to having a guy who cuts salary, keeps promising the future, gets rid of talent, and "over achieves" into an 8-8 season. That's hell. I've seen enough of that, which is why when any coach does things that resemble that, they are on a short leash with me. Which doesn't mean anything, so all you McDermott lovers don't need to take offense to that. I can't fire him, I'm just saying I don't like the style. 

  13. 19 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    I think you are missing OC's point.  He is not arguing that it was impossible for the Bills to have made the playoffs.  He is arguing that when you look at the factors for why they haven't their own suckitude and poor decision making is only one factor.  The existence of the Patriots and the NFL division system are other variables that need to be accounted for.  No other division in the NFL has had a single team win double figure games for 14 consecutive seasons.  Therefore no other division has consistently has such a high bar for getting in.  The Dolphins and Jets have made it a couple of times each and it is to their credit because they have overcome those odds that make it more probable than not that they don't make it.  


    Wow, being an Arsenal fan must have done a number on you.

  14. I'm admittedly biased... Well not really, biased, I didn't come into his hiring railing against McDermott.


    I just don't care for him. Almost everything about him, I dislike. He seems like a good guy, but his demeanor, his coaching history, what he did to the roster, how he comes across as arrogant most of the time in my opinion. Yet he can't own his arrogance, it's always veiled in some form of fake humility. That's just how I read him. So I'm not going to vote. I'll say the team has done better than I thought it would, but the losses, wow, they've been worse than I expected.


    His general outlook on how to build a team, I'm undecided. I'm not sure what he believes in offensively, but if it's what we've seen so far, that's unacceptable. I don't like his usage of timeouts, and his use of challenges have been terrible as well. But what else would you expect from a guy coming from the Andy Reid coaching tree.


    I'm leaning towards I don't like him, again, I'm admittedly biased or kind of feeling a certain way and I feel it's too early too. So I won't vote, I don't think my opinion reflects most Bills fans.

    22 minutes ago, billsfan11 said:

    The two blowout losses made it possible? Not the horrible game time decision making, like punting on 4th and 1 on the Colts 41 when they needed to win the game?

    I think both definitely contribute to it. The gutting of the roster, starting Peterman. The guy has certainly tried to press any and all buttons that could piss you off if you're not a complete homer.

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  15. 20 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

    You just proved, in that single statement, that you don't get probability at all.


    Given the NFL format, it's probable that some(mathematical use here) teams are going to have long playoff droughts, as it is probable that some teams are going to have long playoff runs. While, it's just as probable that some teams will stay "in the hunt" meaning 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 for long periods of time. In fact, "in the hunt" is more probable than anything else, because of a widely accepted statistical tenet: regression towards the mean. Go do some research and find out how often the Bills have deviated from the 7-9 wins mode over the 17 years. Not often. So, the Bills are actually doing the MOST probable thing of any team.


    During the 17 years...the Seahawks made the playoffs with a 7-9 record. That's an anomaly, but it is true. Meanwhile, we've had an outlying but, no less dependent variable, in our division, the Patriots, who by definition have reduced our chances of making the playoffs, by making it themselves...for 16 of 17 years, with the miss year posting an 11-5 record.


    The Bills have produced teams that would have made the playoffs if they were in other AFC divisions, and certainly in the NFC, for the last 17 years. This is a matter of fact, not opinion. In fact the Bills not making the playoffs is a statistical outlier, just like them getting never getting 0 wins, and/or being 4-12, that cannot be defined solely by the Bills themselves. Outside variables are obviously in play, which, is to be expected, again, given the NFL model. The Pats being good, our dominance over Miami...these are the are the unusual variables that keep us "in the hunt" == never good, and never bad.


    Example: This year the Bills are IN the BEST AFC Division, East(.539 win %[all % rounded up]) 

    playing the BEST NFC division, South(.577)

    playing the 2nd BEST AFC division, West(.477)

    It's highly improbable that the Bills have a winning record, but they do: fact.


    Meanwhile, the Jaguars are IN the 2nd WORST AFC Division, South(.457),

    playing the WORST AFC Division, North(.442)

    playing 2nd WORST NFC Division(.500), West.

    It's highly probable that they should be the #1 seed, but they aren't: fact.


    These facts confront you: what will you do with them? Turtle? Call me crazy again? :lol: Or will you realize that math...is math, and, even under pressure, regression towards the mean, in this case, dragging the Bills up from expectation, and Jags, down, is how math works? Do you understand that a 4-12 record is much less probable, than an 8-8 record, yet? Thus, do you understand that "knowing" the Bills are a 4-6 win team, before they've even played a single game...is silly, when we actually know that EVERY team is most likely to be a 7-9 win team when the season is done?


    EDIT: Best of all, you could go do research and realize that in a 3 way tie...strength of schedule favors us for the rest of the season.


    I've said nothing that is counter to this. You talk about my posts, and you've responded to nothing I've ever said.


    The team had some luck with turnovers, when that well dried up, the over achieving stopped. You should know, since you like to steep yourself into the numbers, that turnover differential, like fumbles, are the most inconsistent statistics, almost random. They change year to year a ton, I'm sure you read Barnwell since you love numbers so much. The Bills got to 5-2 riding a wave of turnovers that just was not going to continue. That's how they got to where they are now. 


    I also like the fact that you're treating the longest post season drought in North American sports as though it statistically makes sense. Their are always outliers, you should know this. That's what the Bills are. 


    9 hours ago, rodneykm said:

    To a lot of people "being realistic" means being super negative. Sometimes that makes sense, but not in our case this year. We were a team on the verge of the playoffs last year. I can't not see how anyone would think we'd be less than a 7 to 9 win team. "4 and 10" is just someones way of getting attention. 


    Yea, you'd get a lot of attention if you predicted "4 and 10"

  16. 4 minutes ago, OCinBuffalo said:

    Nah, just admitting you're wrong is fine. Anything else is surplus to requirements. 


    Dude, I highly suggest you avoid bringing up history in any context in this discussion. You've already just proven you don't know the definition of revisionist history just now. I'd leave it at: you were wrong, and move on with your day. Also, I'd advise you to refrain from making any definitive statements in future. "We'll see" is the best way to go.


    No go on...


    Let's see what you have to say.


    You said my opinion of the Bills is the equivalent of domestic abuse. I want to hear what anyone has to say who is that far off the deep end.


    You have nothing to say... This is why this gets drawn out, and bank accounts, and 11th grade math books get brought up. 


    This team hasn't made the playoffs in 17 years, since you're a !@#$ing savant tell me what the probability of that is? You've gone on for 5 posts saying absolutely nothing. You know my posts, let's discuss. Enough with this stalling ****.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 12 minutes ago, OCinBuffalo said:

    Blah blah. 


    Respond to the substance of the post. The trouble is: you can't, can you? The material my assertions are based on should, and I use that word cautiously given today's education system, be available to review in any 11th grade math textbook. We're not doing differential equations here. This is basic probability. The very nature of the NFL means, with regards to schedule prediction/playoff odds, the material in that textbook is all that is required.


    So, are you forgetting your 11th grade math...or....

    My point, as simply as I can state it is: that's not what far too many on this board were claiming in September. They in essence, in terms of predicting the season, were not only claiming to be direct decedents of Nostradamus, but to have also created the Philosopher's Stone, figured out Mona Lisa's smile, and to have solved all the Borgia Murders.


    They "knew" this was a 4-12 team. No, this is at worst a 7-9 team. Wrong is wrong, but definitively screaming from the church spires that you know 4-12...that's idiocy.


    I get probability... No problems with it, but you never responded to how the probability of a team missing the playoffs for 17 years straight... Off the top of your head.


    Anytime someone says something like that you go back to patriarchy, conspiracy or some other bs...


    You said you lurked my posts and you know'em... then let's discuss them Russel Crowe.


    Again, you said my opinion of the Bills was intrinsically wife beating. You're nuts dude. Get a grip

  18. 11 minutes ago, BuffaloBillsGospel said:


    I think you're just getting the HC and GM duties confused, I get it you're sick of losing but those players we traded away wouldn't have been the difference for us winning or losing most likely. Were just not talented enough right now but I have faith that this regime will draft and pickup the right players who fit what they do, no doubt in my mind and we'll finally get the "right" QB in the draft.




    I don't agree with a single answer you gave me, and it's counter to what everyone else has said who covers the team.


    I'll even go as far as leaning towards your direction, that Beane is calling a lot of shots. Which I don't buy, I think McDermott has more say than what coaches traditionally have.


    However, as you tried to dismiss my belief with who's calling shots you showed your own ignorance.


    Tolbert was signed before Beane was here. How do you explain that? Who was calling that shot? We know he wasn't a Whaley guy. 


    Tyrod wasn't a Whaley guy, and the decision to keep him was made before Beane was here too. 


    I'm sick of losing but that isn't clouding my judgment, I'm just seeing **** for what it is. You are making things fit your narrative more than I am. Tell me otherwise. 

  19. 3 minutes ago, OCinBuffalo said:

    Yeah: I think the teaching here should begin with why somebody would make a definitive claim that "this is a 4-5-6( they keep moving the goal posts)" team....when...probability, odds, math, reason, basically anything didactic...suggested then, and now, that if they bet their house on that at the beginning of the season, when then made their claims, they'd be living in van, down by the river, right now. :lol:


    Now, the question that confronts you is: would you like to know why predicting 4-12, on any NFL team, in any NFL season, is a loser's bet? Or, do you want to keep living in your van, down by the river?


    Their over under wasn't 4.5 wins... So that was never a bet, anyone ever made this year. He also didn't bet money on 4 wins I'm guessing.


    Do you suffer from some kind of personality disorder?  You truly are odd.

  20. 7 minutes ago, OCinBuffalo said:

    Heh, the above post is an object lesson in why letting people speak as much as possible is optimal. You admit that you thought it was a 4-6 win team...that now has 7 wins. I have corrected you. You're factually incorrect, now you can either own up to it and explain why, or, you can turtle, or...you can write the above. :wacko:


    Perhaps you don't understand the term "lurk". I have read your posts, but not responded to them. Thus, I have "lurked". My lack of response doesn't mean I haven't identified a pattern with you, and, you just allocuted to your 4-6 mind-set. I called you a Bills-beater...because it's intrinsic to a wife-beater...but without the divorce, loss of custody, incarceration, fines and community service. 


    So, it's a better choice than wife-beating, but, that doesn't make it a good choice.


    OK I thought that at first with the Bills beater comment but was lost. I'll say I was wrong... I have no problem admitting it. I could sit here and argue with it, but then I'd be bombarded with being labelled a conspiracy theorist, something about patriarchy, and then insulted about my bank account in regards to yours. They over achieved in my opinion.


    You're seriously wacked dude, if you want to discuss my posts, let's discuss them. But if you want me to argue against what has happened, I'm simply not going to. The team is at least a 7 win team, so arguing they are a 4-6 win team is simply revisionist history.


    I've never had an problem admitting I was wrong. You are clearly the person who struggles with that... You're !@#$ed... No ifs, and or buts


    You compared my opinion of the Bills to beating a woman

  21. 1 minute ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:


    I predicted the Bills would win less than 7 games, based on the new staff and our weaknesses, and I was wrong. Cool. This guy takes that to a whole new level, as if his whole life depended on him being right, which is odd indeed.


    I know I can be opinionated as hell, but predictions are just that. Not one of us are Nostradamus to be sure. LOL


    We all get **** wrong, except for this guy apparently.


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