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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 14 hours ago, joesixpack said:


    I'll say it again: her knowledge was fine. Her pitch and tone was annoying.


    There's nothing sexist about it, it just IS.



    Their isn't anything sexist about that. You clearly lack an ability to understand nuance. Someone saying her voice is annoying is not the same as the guy I was quoting saying it just doesn't feel right to have a woman announce a football game. Talk about simple

    Is anyone really surprised that a fan base that prides itself on chasing down anyone who says anything bad about them on twitter, #billsmafia, or takes pride in having over the top tailgates where women blow guys for jerseys, guys take shots off girls asses, or they become known for jumping through tables would have an issue with a woman announcing a game?


    And I'm not saying all of you who didn't like her are in that boat, but this fan base does not earn any benefit of the doubt or project a good image of itself. This fan base is about as ignorant as it can get. 

    1 hour ago, richstadiumowner said:

    Oh heaven's no!

    Your not supposed to say or notice how bad affirmative action and pc culture is.

    And they wonder why we DON'T watch.



    I can't believe you posted something this stupid after editing. You're an uneducated moron. What the hell does affirmative action have to do with any of this?


    If I follow this thought to its' logical conclusion, which I imagine will be tough for you. You don't watch the games because you know if you do, they will make you say something that people will widely regard as stupid?


    By all means then, please don't watch and please stop posting. 


    Who is they? I mean really man, this post is just horrible and makes no sense.  


    I love that it's always the people saying don't bring politics in to my sports bringing politics in to sports. AA and PC culture... WTF? What is PC about kneeling during the anthem since that's the only legitimate thing you could be offended by the NFL is responsible for. It's the opposite of PC. And also, you're still watching. More empty threats there. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BillsFan692 said:

    You don't get it. It's not Gilmores coverage that is the problem, he is quite talented in that regard. It's his attitude, his toughness, mental and physical.


    He has no grit and when the going gets tough he won't be there for you.


    You'll figure it out, thats why Gilmore sucks and from everything Tre has showed us he has those other things and the talent to boot.


    I'd take Tre today.


    So Why Gilmore sucks, and what I don't understand is in these measurables. .


    His attitude... (People have been on this since he got drafted)


    Toughness... This is just typical dumb football fan argument. Trade guy because he gets hurt... All of these guys are tough. Gilmore played with a !@#$ing cast on man... Get real. The whole he's not tough argument is just stupid when it comes to professional athletes.


    Mental... not sure what that even means... Aren't attitude and mental largely one in the same? He's never shown to not understand coverages... and isn't the narrative that Belichick only signs smart guys. I'm not saying it's true, because Gronk is one huge example of a stupid player he features but usually the narrative is the Pats only sign the smart guys. I don't know if Gilmore is smart or not, but I can't say he's ever came across as stupid.


    Physical? Gilmore is strong, big, pressing corner. I'm not even sure how he doesn't measure up Physically.


    The one attribute you can actually evaluate numerically he passes. The others are just stupid football cliches you heard and can't even define them. I'm completely confident that I get it, you are the one I'm pretty sure has no clue what they are watching other than they want the Bills to win. Which is fine, because that's what I want to.



  3. 15 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

    And people wonder why Newton gets smacked around so much. What an arrogant little bastard who can't reap what he sows.


    Really? And Clay getting in the neutral zone, arrogantly calling it's the wheel route... He could have communicated it without stepping up towards the LOS. 


    Clay was being arrogant too. But I guess it doesn't matter when he does it. We like to pick and choose.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 6 hours ago, billsfan11 said:

    Tre is better than Gilmore. Its not really close in my books. White had one welcome to the NFL game against Green. Besides that, the guy has been lights out against top receivers.


    This is not to say Gilmore sucks as I think he is average to maybe even above average. But I wouldn't list Gilmore as good


    I think white looks good and may end up being better than him. I don't really think he's better than Gilmore at this point though 


    Defenses weren't throwing near Gilmore at all in his career until Rex got here and made a disaster of the secondary. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, GETTOTHE50 said:


    True, even my buddy who is an Arsenal fan says it is embarrassing.


    I also think there are some smart Bills fans, like Shaw or BadLandsMeanie, that could talk to the camera and be a comforting voice of reason.



    I agree, but I think you'd end up in the same place as Arsenal. The guy who hosts it, his name is escaping me at the moment, seems like a really normal rational dude. Then you have DT and Troops going ballistic, which I like them too, but it is crazy. And I think they all make solid points besides the dude who is old as **** and just rambles on all the time. I just think what they have is a tough dynamic to recreate. Even other PL teams can't do it. I watched one episode of my teams fantv and didn't make it 2 minutes because it was just boring.


    It is an interesting idea though. I'm sure some fan of an NFL team will try it.

  6. 8 hours ago, Buffalo30 said:

    Haha no that's not the only pass.  He's clearly not comfortable passing the ball into tight coverage.  If he was comfortable, he'd pass to Benjamin more.  He's 6'5"...all you have to do is throw it up to him like Peterman did in the Indy game.  He doesn't show any aggression when passing.  He seemed to hesitant to throw an open screen pass today and decided to take a sack today instead.  He just doesn't show much confidence to throw the ball down the field.  It's not like all of these play calls have guys doing routes within two yards...he just decides to dump down to the open running back instead of taking a chance down the field.  He did a better job today but he hasn't been aggressive all year.  You can blame Dennison all you want but he does call passing plays where receivers go down the field.  He doesn't have a lot of INTs because he doesn't attempt to throw into tight windows and be aggressive.  


    Tyrod certainly doesn't make one confident in throwing the ball in all situations.  


    This is exactly why the Benjamin and Watkins trades are so ill conceived. 


    He also doesn't go downfield, because, who the !@#$ do you throw to downfield with any sense of reliability on this team? They have no deep threats, and they don't have guys running deep routes a lot of the time. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Big C said:


    All good. It is just clear that they want players with plenty of college experience and maturity. And frankly it isn't looking that bad so far. White, Dawkins and Milano are all contributing and we shouldn't give up on Zay too soon. 


    I agree, White, Dawkins and Milano all look like solid picks. I'm fine with the philosophy in later rounds, however, when it's the first two rounds, I'd like to see where the trend goes.

  8. No, just no...


    Everyone makes fun of Arsenal Fan Tv, and I agree. It is entertaining, especially after losses. However, even with how melodramatic they are. They pull it off 1000x better than Bills fans would. They're all articulate, and for the most part, pretty sober. They don't have jackasses jumping through tables. You see what this fanbase does for attention already, could you imagine if they caught on in American football the same way Arsenal Fan Tv has in European football. It'd be disastrous, and I know they've had their issues as well, but the atmosphere after an NFL game isn't the same for the most part here as it is for an Arsenal Tottenham match.


    Jumping through tables, and all that BS wouldn't hold a candle to the **** this fan base would pull. 

  9. 2 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:


    From the posts I seen, you didn't say Glenn was going on injured reserve and having surgery. You said he was damaged goods and would be hard to trade. 


    I remember commenting on it because you also said Beane wanted to trade him for a 4th and roster player. I was surprised to hear that because all the reports said that the Bills had Glenn's trade value high, wanted a ton for Glenn in a trade and the cost was prohibitive to Seattle so a deal didn't get done. 





    Also, that ESPN article was just them projecting QBs for every QB needy team, and they mentioned Alex Smith and Buffalo. It 


    It was written 3 days ago. So if you said it 2 days ago, that was a day after it was written. 


    And from what I remember, all you originally said is that Buffalo was discussing the trade of a big player with KC. You never said a specific name until recently. 


    Feel free to link your posts though if I am wrong. If I am I will apologize. 


    I actually enjoy your posts. Just trying to keep the record honest... 



    Wow you just slayed dunkirk don. Wow.



  10. 29 minutes ago, Big C said:


    Juju has come on but the staff does not like young players and he is young even for a rookie. Oh well.


    Corey Davis, Mike Williams and John Ross were all taken in the top 10 and have produced less, even with injuries considered. Zay will work through the issues he's had I think. 


    I'm not blaming you but that is ridiculous. The staff doesn't like young players... So most legit first round talent they don't like because they are good enough to come out and get paid before using up all NCAA eligibility. It's like these guys don't like or want talent. It worries me that this kind of attitude may be prevalent in the decision making circles.


    Love Kyle Williams, love Freddie... But I'll take talent all day every day over guys who work their asses off. I hate that stupid blue collar bs so many people eat up. Sorry to go on a rant. 

  11. 6 hours ago, SWATeam said:

    Zay Jones is going to be good.  He looks the part to me.


    He looks the part how?


    Stuff like this just passes as knowledgeable but someone throws out something that actually supports their point and they get dismissed.


    He's caught 25 of 60 targets, and that's not all on him, but he is responsible for that too.


    He doesn't at all look the part other than he's an athletic guy, and his level of athleticism is a dime a dozen, it's not hard to find at all. 


    Marquise Goodwin is looking like a world beater compared to him. That's a guy with athleticism that separates him from most other prospects. And Tyrod hasn't been good, but Marquise was performing before the trade for Jimmy G. He was playing good with QB's on Tyrod's level. Only two things can really be used to separate the two, the player himself, or the coaching. That's the real place where blame needs to be laid and most of you on here won't want anything to do with blaming either for Zay's struggles.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ROCBillsBeliever said:

    If I recall correctly, the 6th round pick we received from the Jags for Marcell Dareus COULD turn into a 5th round pick IF the following situations transpire:


    -Dareus plays the entirety of the 2017 season.

    -The Jags make the playoffs.


    Anybody have the details on this? Because it looks like both are happening. Not a huge deal, but a 5th could be a Milano or a Peterman. Just sayin'.


    What are you saying? If we traded Dareus and we end up with a Peterman or a Milano. It's still an awful trade.

    4 minutes ago, ROCBillsBeliever said:


    In past years, maybe, but McBeane seems to have a keen nose for finding talented players in later rounds. Plus, we need all the talent they can find. I say keep as many as possible, unless there is a guy McBeane really wants. In a case like that, package some lower rounders to move up and get their guy, like they did last year.  


    Where is their any proof of this later round stuff? Milano is nice but 1 guy doesn't deviate much from what I'd estimate are late round hits in a draft in this teams history or really what happens in the league.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, BadLandsMeanie said:

    No need for ignore.


    Just that most people are not STUMPED when you ask them what their thought process was. Because they know. 

    That didn't happen with you. Now I know that about you.


    No wonder you rely on making remarks about how childish I am. Do you know why that is a stupid thing to say?


    Take a minute and think. 



    Still can't say?



    It is stupid Ol Dirty B to say I am childish, because you don't know me!


    And I am done in here so adios to the Beth thread.


    I wasn't stumped. The conclusion is clear to draw. When someone says "Even My (insert here)" says something to support a previously drawn conclusion because you know, a girl doesn't like her. So that means it's cool for all of us to not like her.


    I'm not full of **** you just don't like what I'm saying. Which is fine. But to say I can't support what I'm saying is just wrong and simple. It's an easy dismissal tactic.


    Or maybe I'm just giving you too much credit for being able to read into things.

  14. Just now, BadLandsMeanie said:

    Alright. You are FOS is my take on it. Good talk.


    Not at all, put me on ignore. I'm not going to break down that post. You're being ridiculous just like how you came into this thread. 


    Playing the I gotta believe this because people on a message board will label me card. 


    I didn't label him anything. The other guy I called a sexist. And he is one, but you don't quote those posts.

    8 minutes ago, richstadiumowner said:

    So what?

    He can make any point he  wants.

    Who are you to tell anybody what they,re allowed to think or say ?



    Never said he couldn't make points or say whatever.


    Just said I'm going to make fun of him for his antiquity. 

  15. 1 minute ago, BadLandsMeanie said:



    Help me understand your post to me, in context of what you said to JMF.


    He spoke about her voice, and that his gf also did not like it. Im my understanding to retort to those who would label him for not liking her voice.


    Then you, minutes later, say that to me.


    I don't understand.


    It's pretty apparent on its face.


    I'm not going to explain it, I have faith in you thinking it through.

  16. 7 minutes ago, atlbillsfan1975 said:

    Gilmore isn’t good. Is that better for you. Gilmore get torched by average wr’s . Great corners get beat, just not as often as Gilmore does. And when they get beat they don’t try to blame others. 

    I am very glad to have Tre White over Gilmore. Sorry to be stupid. Did it make you feel better to say something mean to a stranger? 



    No I'm just happy I got what you actually meant out. You didn't say Gilmore isn't good in your original post. 


    And I can just say you're wrong. Gilmore is good.

  17. 3 minutes ago, BadLandsMeanie said:

    Im listening to the game on TV and I said to myself that she has the type of voice that annoys me (think Ma Kettle) and that I will not be able to tell anyone that her voice bothers me, because I will be accused of "hating" women.


    I do not hate women. Quite the contrary.


    I come pretty close to hating lablers and accusers  because of things liek that though. :)


    Anyway, I liked her and her voice because apparently I have to.  


    I didn't care for her, but what you're doing here is childish. You can not like her.


    But when someone just says, I don't like a woman announcing my game, it's not just about her. It extends to all women.


    She can have an annoying voice, plenty of announcers do.

  18. 4 minutes ago, BurpleBull said:


    You're so corny. So me not caring for the uncommon sound of a woman's voice calling an NFL game equates to me longing for a man's voice talking to me?


    Men have always called the game, that's what I know to be the norm, and I don't care for a game with two women in the booth calling it as the new norm.


    If you don't care, that's you, your experience isn't altered. More power to you.


    Where I stand is where I stand and it's not changing call it sexist or whatever. I don't care.  


    I wouldn't expect it to change. This inability to deal with something as simple as a woman calling a game is ingrained in people. It's also sexist, like the definition of it.


    You're saying you don't want a woman to do something because it's not how it is traditionally done. 


    Call me corny, sure, but I'm going to make fun of you because people like you deserve it. You, and I'm talking about you specifically, didn't make any points other than "I just don't want women calling my games".

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