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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. That's borderline obese... You're 5'7? lol now it all makes sense
  2. You're a surgeon? Can you give me your name in a PM so I make sure you never operate on me or a family member? I'm sorry but this post isn't something I'd like out of someone in that position ever. Point One, about people getting injected with steroids to do a job they aren't getting paid millions of dollars to do. I'm not by any stretch an expert on this, but these people are getting injected with steroids, EVERY DAY? to do their job? That just seems unhealthy. Second of all on that, and where I son you, is that when Listenbee was taking the injections he was an 20 year old kid not getting paid. He wasn't making millions, are most of the people you inject steroids into everyday so they can do their job, 20 years old? That seems awfully young to be doing that, and being coerced into doing it. Thirdly, which is why the suit is legitimate. He was probably thinking that he would be able to recover from these injuries. That's why he was drafted by the Bills. If I remember correctly, they took a flyer because they thought he had 3rd or 2nd round talent. The Bills took him under the impression that he could recover from this injury, if he really did cause irreperable harm to himself by playing through it, then he has every right to sure. Regardless of the fact that he made 6th round money. I don't get why this is so complicated to you guys. Is it everywhere, or does just WNY breed that hate where you go "Hey I'm gonna look up his rookie signing bonus... He made X amount of dollars... HE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!" Even though that X amount dollars could have been way more if he didn't have a metal plate some where in his pelvis. Bottom line, Quit !@#$in hatin And the reason he is suing now, is because he didn't just quit. The guy wanted to play. He exhausted all options to play. If he just did this after not being cleared his rookie year, you'd have a point. The fact so much time has elapsed, and another team showed they wanted to give him the chance only strengthens his case. You're right, it's not anger. It's bitterness... Maybe some black kid ran faster than you during your 1 year of D1 track and that's what this all stems from. You see Kolby, and you see the kid that took away your chance at that grossly skinny cross country runner.
  3. He never had a chance in the NFL. The guy has never been healthy enough to play. Or are we just going to ignore that glaring fact?
  4. Wow you're just gonna be wrong about everything on this one... Take a day away from the internet grandpa. So when it's a cop... It's too much fun... If it's a citizen it's he's a drunk !@#$ abusing his power? Do I have this right? Only a Bills fan would say something as stupid as this... The Bills are so irrelevant they could never have a media distraction. They signed TO at the height of his media distraction bs, and it meant nothing. A media distraction in Buffalo is a !@#$ing joke. They don't get covered. Or wait, do they get too much attention? I can't figure it out because you people B word about every thing regarding the media. They cover them, you're mad. They don't cover them, you're mad. The lot of you need to just go read a book or something. It's because he's black... Jesus can we skip through this charade. Bills fans have always had issues with black superstars. We're a backwater. I wish that these guys would stop praising Bills fans, because I honestly don't think they deserve praise. It only inflates these idiots egos.
  5. Agreed, he is just trying to do his job. I don't think anyone can fault him for that, or we wouldn't do the same if we were in his shoes.
  6. Ok I'm sorry if I missed that. I was in the process of editing my post saying perhaps I missed it, and that it all doesn't fall on your shoulders. When I got the notification that you have already responded.
  7. Weird... You went AWOL during the Rod Watson piece if I'm not mistaken, and now you're here to offer this. I won't support paying his salary. Buffalo News is linked here all the time, I can only speak for myself. I see the headlines, and choose not to click. I don't have any desire to pay for that content.
  8. I'll only add this as one caveat since the only thing that matters to this guy is personal experience. I played with a kid, 19, sophomore, showed up out of shape at the beginning of the season. He couldn't perform, coach pulls his scholarship. Had a little trouble with grades, but never got in serious trouble. He was a good kid, but a bit immature. No more immature than most of us who actually played. He was a starter his freshman year. He was recruited from Jamaica. He went and stayed with some family in NYC and ends up being deported before the spring semester. His visa required him attending school, and at that point when he lost his scholarship he didn't have really any recourse for him to pay for school. He's gone. Does he deserve some of the blame, of course. But he was recruited to come here, and then he was gone because he pissed off a coach showing up out of shape. So listening to some ass hat talk about his d1 track as if that makes him qualified at all, when I've seen kids lose scholarships, seen coaches threatened to be fired or get fired, and said ass is making jokes like it's just peer pressure and stuff. You don't know at all what you're talking about.
  9. What are you talking about? Mumbo jumbo and economics? I didn't think my opinion of your intelligence could dip any lower but it has. You can't refute any of what I said, that's what's going on here. You realized that if you want to continue this discussion, with actual logic and reasoning, that I'd make you look like the unintelligent fool you are. Again, remember this next time you attempt to have a conversation with me on real life **** rather than who's the better qb. Remember this thread, think about it, then just don't respond to me. You're old, out of touch, and now really talking about stuff you don't know about. The resume card, whenever someone's pulls that out. You know they lost. You ran d1 track, congrat u !@#$ing lations. When did you run d1 track? The 70's? and it's track, I'm not downplaying it because it's track, but because that's usually not a money making program. So yes, people like you should be grateful that your sport was subsidized. You lived in the section 8 of sports. You don't know the first thing you're talking about. I could come out here and trot my resume, but I won't, because I know what I'm talking about. A hell of a lot more than a guy who ran d1 track in the 70s or some ****. What a joke. My economics and mumbo jumbo and this ass hat wants to trot out his 1 year d1 track career. And he chose track to preserve his body. Do you have any self awareness to look at yourself and how stupid you sound? It's irritating.
  10. I'm not an expert by any stretch. I don't want either of those guys, and completely agree on Allen. I'm fine with giving up what ever to get any of the other 4. Most likely will end up a disaster, but I've always been a fan of entertainment and going out guns blazing.
  11. Where did I shift the field goal posts? That wasn't relevant? You accused him of giving into peer pressure, and defended the current structure of college athletics. I responded, and you came up with a cop out because your positions, especially in this thread, are largely indefensible. Next time you want to call me out, remember this.
  12. Wasn't meant to be funny, creative, is clearly not delusional. Unlike all of your posts in this thread. You reduce it to peer pressure then mention he's getting an education. If the education is as valuable as you think it is to him, then its more than just peer pressure that is making him take the field injured. I'm not minimizing that value in a scholarship. Yet he's making the institution a profit. I always find it amazing that conservatives/libertarians, which I lean towards, don't see the logical inconsistency they have in supporting the current set up of power 5 athletics. A kid on a band scholarship can go market himself as being a student of an institution, which he earned, and play outside of school for money. You all talk free markets and **** but support institutions that suppress them. A college athlete, who earned his place in that team can't do anything remotely the same. He earned his spot on that team, he has used what is at his disposal to make him self marketable but is disabled for doing that for what !@#$ing reason? It's insanity. In no other area of academics are you handicapped where the thing that brought you to the institution, you are shunned from marketing or networking with it. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Students from every other facet of learning are using those scholarships, and success to attempt to get into other schools, internships, and jobs. He also can lose his scholarship at any moment for performance. Like NFL contracts, these aren't fully guaranteed. It's funny that you think you know me but really have no idea about where I am ideologically. Like most of your posts, it just takes the simple view. You don't know what you're talking about at all.
  13. It's on the front of dead spin. Did you read the article? Idk if I'd consider it just peer pressure. Not playing because you're injured, losing a scholarship and having to start all over again is a little more than peer pressure.
  14. This thread is a sterling example of why this is one of the worst fan bases in sports. Ignorant Self involved Delusional Not funny or creative. But hey let's jump through tables and then rip on a guy who was receiving three steroid injections to play a single game for free. This is exhibit a of why you're not a lawyer. But if I need some carpeting put in or some wings cooked, I'll consider giving you a call.
  15. More racism... So far you've associated their instagram posts with "gangsta gibberish" and "ghetto slang"... You can make the other point without that nonsense.
  16. You've gotta be able to do better than this.
  17. You should be banned for racism.
  18. Yea I don't listen to guys who talk about what their coaches told them. The NFL and elite college game is faster than what them or their coaches could ever imagine it's just pointless to listen to. The play is designed for Aaron Williams to get blindsided, to hit him like that at this day in age, is something that has been taken out the game. This play wasn't 10 or 15 years ago. This was in the modern age of concussions and cte. It was a dirty hit when Landry laid it. Also anyone who calls him A. Will is a failed hs jock and I don't care to listen to their opinion for a moment.
  19. What? What else does someone say to this?
  20. I agree, and can see it being much of the same. He's not good enough to force another teams hand, but good enough where the Bills will keep him. At a discounted rate because it might be his only guaranteed starting spot. The Bills-Tyrod relationship could end up like Kenny's parents from south park. They both just batter each other.
  21. Tyrod would have done that either way in my opinion. Wood has always spoken highly of whoever his QB has been, and been a good teammate. And Tyrod has always been a good teammate and a professional. If he wasn't he would have refused to take the field against LA. Instead he never made waves, just did what he was asked to do at all times through the process. You also read whatever you wanted to see in my post, not what I was actually saying. So yea, I'm sure you read whatever you are referring to everywhere.
  22. It is a possibility I'm not denying that. I actually hope Tyrod isn't here more for Tyrod rather than the Bills. They've treated him like ****, and I like the guy as a person and player. He's as proven as the coach that many have collectively chosen to jam their heads up his ass in unison and proclaim a prophet.
  23. I'm not a hater of him by any stretch. I just don't see him back in buffalo. After benching him for Peterman then throwing him in there in the second half for no reason, after the coaching staff made one of the worst decisions in the history of coaching. I hope he ends up with talent around him somewhere and can be productive.
  24. Couldn't it already have been made? The hiring of Daboll?
  25. Exactly what I was saying, thank you. Patrice O'Neal was also great... but watch out. Some guy with a name Old Dirty likes him, so we're probably on the wrong side of history even though the OP knows nothing about stand up.
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