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Ol Dirty B

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Everything posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 3.4 ypc... He was not a Pro Bowler last year either, that's irrelevant. You know who else has been to a Pro Bowl? Tyrod.
  2. I'm late to this, but no person can say CNN is worse than info wars. They have seemed to have am agenda for sometime now, but I don't think it's a conspiracy or anything. They're professionals being attacked by a moron left and right, and their frustration is showing. Not saying it makes everything they do right, but I'm not surprised by the coverage. Contrary to everything I just said lol, I'll say I might be wrong. That's the first I've seen of that, and wow... that is bad. I mean that's just awful on so many levels
  3. What loser goes into a bar that they don't know anyone? Sounds like a problem. I wouldn't bother. Anyone who doesn't show red white and blue GOP rhetoric is labelled a liberal or some **** and attacked. I wouldn't worry about it, I've said it many times. I love the Bills, but not their fans. I've been to Orchard Park enough on a Sunday to know I wouldn't give a **** about most of their opinions.
  4. It's lame... The people who claim that the left gets offended by everything need to stop being offended by everything. They jumped the shark. The war on Christmas, all of the bull ****. Don't even play the national anthem. It has nothing to do with sporting events. I don't get it. I'm fine with it being played and I stand, but if a player kneels or it wasn't played, I wouldn't care. All these mofos who want to give Jefferson quotes and talk about the founders, I don't think really understand what he'd be like. I can't speak for him, but I think it's a fair point.
  5. Someone who spells through as though they are discussing a fast food "drive thru" while debating cancer is someone who should just shut up in my opinion. You can't take the extra second to type through vs thru, but I'm supposed to respect your opinion on something as complicated as health care? Not only health care in terms of looking at it from an economic perspective, but how that health care should be administered... in terms of proper treatment and decisions to be made. !@#$ no, shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. Would you happen to listen to Micheal Savage? You sound like a grade a nut job. I agree that society is over prescribed meds, but that is wholly different from dealing with cancer. You can't compare what kids are prescribed, or cholesterol meds being wrongly prescribed to "western medicine's" approach to cancer. No one is just undergoing a regiment of chemo or radiation in prevention. I know a few people who have survived, and underwent those treatments. You can think what you think. But keep it to yourself, because I wouldn't want some uninformed person taking awful advice from someone like you. Really, you should shut the !@#$ up. You're uneducated.
  6. I know someone who drives. He said you've gotta try to get trips that are going to be high way trips, that cover a lot of distance. These little trips from one bar to another, or from the bar, to some college kids house downtown barely travelling kills what you make.
  7. Empire Hot's is where it's at... I remember Bay Hots, but damn, I was young then. I heard Fairport Hots is good, never been though. I-Hot's is meh... Nick's is nothing great either in my opinion. Only do burgers at Charlie's... I've been tempted to get a plate their, but I only go burgers when I'm there. You might be surprised, it's different, but if you can get pass the fries instead of homefries...Salvatore's is not a bad garbage plate spot. Pizza is gross, but plate's are surprisingly not too bad imo
  8. No... just no... This is among one of the worst idea's I've ever read. Eat Cap money and trade a 1st for Foles... No thanks, we just ended the drought let's not start another one. Well it's pretty simple... It's not the same person, so we all have different opinions. I don't know what is hard to grasp about that.
  9. Eh... Jemele Hill, who I don't like, said race had nothing to do with it and came to Berman's defense. Not sure if this is the place for that accusation.
  10. I didn't mean to paint you as pro domestic violence at all. I know statistics show those who grew up in an abusive household are more likely to repeat that behavior, be it the abuser or the abuser. It's a personal issue, and different things I've seen have undoubtedly effect my world view. While I know these facts, I have a hard time giving sympathy to the abusive types. I simply don't understand it. And yet I sympathize more with people who struggle with addiction issues. That's all I was saying, I was just disagreeing with you to a degree. Not even wholly. Again, my apologies if you felt I cast you in a certain light.
  11. In my opinion, beating people, making threats and whatnot is different than people who struggle with addiction issues. Don't feel the least bit sorry for him. Stop hitting women, it's a pretty easy thing to do. It's actually disgusting that he can't.
  12. He's not Randy moss. I'm sorry this is ridiculous. Stephen Hill ran a 4.36 and was 6'4 and never amounted to anything. I'm glad someone pointed this out before me. I'll admit, at the time, I wanted Stephen Hill, bad. I was wrong. I learned a lot there that the speed and the height don't automatically translate.
  13. Got'cha... This makes the theory more plausible than how I read it originally.
  14. I'm lost, how are we giving them Darnold, the 21st, and 22nd? Do we somehow trade up to the giants pick without using those two picks. Within 20 minutes, realize our mistake, and trade the two picks just to get the Browns to take him off our hands?
  15. Polian is also the guy running around saying Lamar shouldn't get a shot at QB. It's not the 80's and he lucked up with Manning. He should retire and go be quiet somewhere.
  16. If Tyrod is brought back, we should help the OP, and ban him.
  17. He's agreeing with you. Bell had like 300 yards that game against Pitt, but I agree. Outside of that game vs Miami he hasn't been great. !@#$ him and he can !@#$ off. !@#$ 52.
  18. It is all about performance. So it's probably more level headed and fair that you'd want him back. I didn't think you were trolling, I was just trying to say I usually agree with the point of view you were articulating. My apologies if I put you in a corner.
  19. He looks to definitely be trying to do some damage control on his twitter now. Forget him, and forget these pathetic people tweeting out pictures of their kids and dogs in Preston Brown jerseys begging him to stay. He's solid, but he's not great. Certainly not above replacement level. Let him go, it's vitriolic but it's how I feel. !@#$ him, rescind any offer and tell him to !@#$ off. !@#$ing slow ass wack in coverage MLB. !@#$ him.
  20. He played before my time, but I actually met him after a Bills game. Really good guy.
  21. I get what you're saying, and I usually agree that fans should be more inclined to understand the players side of things. However, Preston wasn't only complimentary of the Pats. He started bringing up others guys who left for other teams and their success, a bit irrelevant to his value and dealings with the Pats, you wouldn't say? Not only that, I know Goodwin had a good year but he lumped him in and left it to he inferred by people the Goodwin made the playoffs. It is a business, the way he went about it was just wrong in my opinion. He could have just said they're a successful organization that maximizes talent, why he started bringing up all these other guys irrelevant to the Pats is beyond me. And then saying, "They always get the best out of the buffalo bills". He made a lot of mistakes, I try to be objective and it cuts both ways. Saying this was just business, and a smart move by Preston is just trolling or going above and beyond trying to be objective.
  22. Good, it would have been a bad look for a player of his stature to be doing that in my opinion. Also Preston should have big leagued him, it's pathetic he responds. Be more arrogant.
  23. I don't want this team to give him any kind of offer. If he were to say this after he signed, I can get it. But to say it now, after reports came out that his agent has been in contact with the Bills, forget him. It's childish but at some point sports are childish.
  24. How arrogant are people who make a thread like this? This is possibly the worst thing that the Mel Kipers of this world spawned. He wasn't that great before buffalo, and he was likely getting cut. Edit- Or perhaps I shouldn't say cut, I don't think that would have saved them any money. But he wasn't going to be brought back as the 4th guy in Philly.
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