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DE Bills Fan

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Posts posted by DE Bills Fan

  1. Thigpen would be claimed off of waivers by the Bills I believe and could very well be the starter. He did quite well in Gailey's spread a couple of years ago in KC and has a leg up on the other guys because he knowledgable in the offense.

    Totally agree. He's better than anybody we have on the roster right now. Would at least make us somewhat watchable this fall...

  2. MIA @ BUF L

    BUF @ GB L

    BUF @ NE L

    NYJ @ BUF L

    JAC @ BUF W

    BUF @ BAL L

    BUF @ KC W

    CHI @ BUF L

    DET @ BUF L

    BUF @ CIN L

    PIT @ BUF L

    BUF @ MIN L

    CLE @ BUF W

    BUF @ MIA L

    NE @ BUF L

    BUF @ NYJ L



    3-13. With the worst QB play in the league, a re-tooled defense trying to learn a new system without a lot of key starters already in place and only 1 decent WR coupled with a highly questionable offensive line, this is a recipe for disaster. While the draft seems to have brought in some players with potential, this is a passing league which puts a premium on the passing game (both throwing and rushing the passer) and we have nothing. Maybe Gailey will be a positive, but his record is not all that reassuring!!!!!!

  3. This team is terrible and needs help at a plethora of positions. I say take the best player available at a position of need of which there are many (QB, WR, OT, NT, DE, OLB). The Bills needs stars of which they have precious few. Who ever is hightest rated at those positions should be the pick.

  4. How can you say that we are better than ANY team in the league right now. While I don't think that you can say that we will be picking first in 2011, that scenario is much more likey than picking where we are this year at #9. I still don't know how we won as many games as we did last year given the poor QB and OL play along with a defense that tried really hard, but was outmatched most of the time

  5. I don`t think our o-line is as bad coming back this tear as one thinks.Look at Rodgers from Green Bay he gets wacked and sacked all the time. BUt still puts up big numbers. Big Ben in Pitt same thing.Manning in Indy quick release and smart makes his line look great. I saw Trent and Fitz have a decent amount of times passing this year. I mostly blame our O-stuggles on game planning and game time adjustments and poor QB play.

    Are you out of your mind! I watched all of the games last year and our OL play was horrific. There's a reason why were were just about last in Offense last year. Yes, the QB play was also horrific, but the OL as currently constructed does NOT have a LT, the RT position is manned by a bunch of practice squad players (yes I include Cornell Brown in that group as Oakland did not want him back), our RG is coming off of a serious injury in which he might not be ready this year, our Center was average and we have a promising RG. We also have No, NO depth at any of the inside OL positions as we let Incognito go. So don't tell me we should be OK at OL. Oh, one other thing. It usually takes an OL a couple of years to play together as a cohesive unit (see the Bills Super Bowl teams as evidence). It's going to be a long, long haul and I'm not sure this organization will ever get there.

  6. If the Bills play their cards right they could put a very respectable group of players on the field on defense for 2010.

    That's because guys like McKelvin, McGee, Whitner, Poz, Mitchell, and others missed so much time that they really weren't able to make much of an impact.


    Hopefully, with bigger stronger players overall in the front seven the defense will hold up better and the starters will make it through to game 16 (and even the playoffs) unscathed.


    I'm hoping that Nix is evaluating all available FAs and looking to sign the ones that fit what we plan to do on offense and defense the best.


    DT/NT J. Kennedy may not be a big name, but he may fit the 3-4 scheme very well and should compete for a starting DT position. He was the #12 player overall several years back so the talent is certainly there. From what I've read it sounds like he is going to play for Buffalo.


    Right now I see the Bills starting Stroud and Sp. Johnson at DT and K. Williams at NT. If they sign Kennedy then he may start ahead of Johnson. I expect the Bills to draft a high quality NT in either R1 or R2 and that player will then compete with Williams for the starting NT spot.


    Our starting defense would shape up as follows if we sign Kennedy, draft a NT in R1 or R2, and maybe even sign a vet OLB like J. Porter (all are very realistic):


    Potential Defensive starters:


    DT/NT/DT - Stroud/R1 or R2 pick/Kennedy (Subs: K. Williams, Sp. Johnson, McCargo, Kelsay)


    OLB/ILB/ILB/OLB - Porter/Mitchell/Poz/Schobel (Subs: Maybin, C. Ellis, Draft, N. Harris, mid round draft pick)


    CB/SS/FS/CB - McGee/Whitner/Byrd/McKelvin (Subs: Florence, Youboty, Corner, B. Scott, Wilson)


    That's not a bad group really. If we can get a really good NT in the draft the defense mentioned above could do very well in 2010.



    Your thoughts??


    You can't be serious????

  7. It just goes to show you that the Bills organization really doesn't respect the fanbase here in Buffalo. It has been that way for a while. It really showed when Tom Donahoe was the GM, and continues today in more discreet ways. Last year Trent Edwards mentioned that he wasn't a "Fan" of the Buffalo Bills when answering a question. I don't remember exactly what he said, but to me it seemed like he was implying the irreveleance of a fans knowledge of the game. Last year the Bills scheduled an awards ceremony during the half-time of a Bills game, cancelled it at the last minute, never explained why they cancelled it, and tried to convey that there never was a ceremony scheduled for that game. The organization thinks

    that fans are not in the know, or knowledgeable about their team. There are many examples of how the Bills show a lack of respect to their fanbase. I personally am not happy about sending "HOME GAMES" to Toronto, and I believe that Russ Brandon tries to camoflage the organizations true intentions with respect to marketing the BUFFALO BILLS in other regions. I'll tell you right now it's not a good thing for us fans!! Just like singing, releasing, signing releasing, singing Klopostein for the third or fourth time in the past couple of years. He's I believe a TE who has very very limited abilities who caught 1 pass for 11 yards in his entire time with the Buffalo Bills ! Then that other guy they just signed...that nameless guy that I can't even remember...lol...he's been with 5 teams in 10 years and didn't even cut it with the Detroit Lions of all teams. So we want to wasted 3yrs for 9 Million dollars on this second rate or third rate player?? Can't they go after any players with at least some sort of proven track record? Buddy Nix believes in building through the draft like you mentioned, and that is great to some extent. The only problem with that mind-set in this organization is that they have holes at LOT, DT/NT, Should have some at QB..But who knows with the Bills?, LB's are undersized generally speaking..., and several other holes and little QUALITY depth on the roster.. They need WR's as well. So why don't we take a good look at a RB in the upcoming draft????????? Also...almost every time we draft a player who becomes a very good player and they become a free agent looking for big bucks we don't compete to keep them! Just a few off the top of my head and there are many more over the past decade are: Jabari Greer, Nate Clements, Antwoine Winfield, and Pat Williams !! Where are we going on this carousel? It seems like more of the same! Where are the deliberate logical steps to get better??????? Are they trying to beat the Bills organization into such submission that the Bills fanbase displays their disgust by not renewing season tickets????? If the Bills play to a half-full stadium they would have every

    reason to legitamize a move to a bigger market in another city!!!!!!!!!! It sure makes you wonder and question this organizations true intentions?????????????????? Sorry about my lengthy post..but the team I love pizzes me off !! :P

    Great post. This team is doomed to be mediocre at best. At this point, the team needs to be sold to an owner who has the desire and will to win, not some aged owner (Bud Adams) who allows his fellow owner to openly disrespent him, and then do nothing about it. By the way, by doing that, he not only disrespected the Bills, but the entire fan base as well. Then continue to make questionable personnel decisions. I thought that last year represented the bottom with the firing of the Offensive Co-ordinator jsut before the season and the way the OL was handled. Did anybody think the Bills could be competitive after that? As a fanatical fan for over 30 years, I am done with this bull^&*#!!! I am cancelling my Sunday Ticket and will not travel up to Buffalo for a game this year like I have in the past. Having to sit thru the worst NFL game of the season last year, only reinforces my thoughts that it is hopeless. The truth hurts, but they are not even trying to build a winner. And don't go giving me that nonsense that you build thru the draft. I count 11 (yes 11) holes that this team has at the moment with the most important one being QB and then going from there (NT, DE, 2 OLB, backup ILB, 2 OT's, WR, backup WR and backup OG). That's a lot more holes my friends than can be filled in three drafts. They NEED to to supplement with FA and I just don't see the competence or desire for the Bills to ever win again with the current clowns (I mean regime). I'm tired of spending and wasting my Sunday's and emotions on this ridiculous excuse of an NFL Franchise. The Bills Suck and will never get better. Sad, but true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. What was it exactly that you took umbrage with? What I heard was we have no QB, we have no line, we have no money, Lynch has been a disappointment and might get traded, Chan Gailey has a lot to prove. New England, Miami and the Jets are better, better run, and have more money to get better. Thus, the talking heads have a hard time seeing us being successful in the short term. Yeah? And? I hear this stuff every day around here and I agree with most of it.

    I couldn't have said it any better. You are right on. This team is in a deep hole and it will takes years to get out of it, assuming that we make the right moves; which is problematic given the track record of this team over the past 10 years. It's really bad right now. I don't know how you can take issue with what was said. It's the truth.....and the truth hurts!!!

  9. So your position is such that it is better to sit silently and smile like a "differently abled" person as the team you are passionate about continues to resonate with failure? Your solution is not to demand better and cry foul where appropriate, but muffle the voices of reason…Mein Fuehrer would have been proud of you.


    As a fan, one should be allowed to complain when the team is doing nothing to improve it’s position in the ever changing NFL. Do you really think the wheels of positive change are in motion at current? Honestly – in the place where your heart of a Bills fan beats and what you know of the modern day NFL and what takes to succeed come together – do you think things are continuing to progress giving us what it is going to take to compete? I myself do not, however, I have for the past 3 years come to the realization that the Bills organization no longer (1) has what it takes to succeed and (2) will not have the needed chutzpa until the Ralph sells or passes. It’s an unfortunate truth, but a truth none-the-less.


    Unpopular as it might seem – the best thing for the city of Buffalo and those long suffering is if some white knight would swoop in and take the team to LA. At least the animal we know as the Buffalo Bill’s would have a chance to run free and perhaps compete for something more that a top 5 draft choice and allow the good people of WNY to get on with their lives, rid the political landscape of the corruption that plagues WNY and help the region to find it’s badly needed new identity. .


    Stay passionate


    Agree totally

  10. that the bills will be " one of the worst in the league" or " awful to watch" or " horrible" etc.. I have read so many threads and comments that the bills will be horrible next year that it is actually starting to piss me off a little. If you have no optimism or passion, then please don't waste your time watching this team, and posting threads on a buffalo bills fansite


    It's called reality. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and the handling of this team has made it not only the laughingstock of the league, but even worse, irrelevant. When you look at the current composition of the team and the choices of coaches (mostly monor league), there is no hope. I count at least 11 holes in the team including the most important one, QB. They have put themselves in a terrible position, especially given that the other 3 teams in the division are competently run organizations. It will take at least 3 years for this team to even start to think about playoffs, which assumes that all of the right moves are made during that time. Given the their poor track record, if you even believe that, I have some land in the 9th Ward in New Orleans that I'll sell you.


    When this sad sack of a franchise starts to show that they are competent, then the fans will come around, but until then, I think everyone sees the Bills for the joke of the franchise that they are (sad, very sad).

  11. The reason they have no debt is because Ralph purchased the team for $25K and the stadium was publicly financed. Whoever buys the team will have to incur a lot of debt to complete the purchase. NFL rules require a single person to own 30% of the team. That means at least $240 million plunked down, but probably much more because it is difficult to find people willing to provide $100 million for minority stakes.


    Oh, and then there's the debt for the new stadium on the Rainbow Bridge. That will have to be privately financed given Niagara County's fiscal situation and will cost at least $700 millon.


    This is a heavy lift. Not sure it can be done without Ralph selling some interest in the team now. Most transitions -- Modell to Biscotti; Huiezenga to Ross -- involve the new owner buying chunks of the team at a time. Ralph wants to make it as difficult as possible with a one-off estate sale that WNY cannot afford.


    Great Post Gabe. Finally, someone who has some understanding of basic finance. Kelly can have as many people as he wants. The true facts are that no matter who Kelly has lined up, they have to purchase the team in an open auction forum. In general, based on the latest valuation in Forbes, the Bills are worth between $800-$900MM. Who cares about selling out the stadium. It is a relatively small portion of the revenue base. The keys here are that the Bills cannot generate significant Luxury box revenue based on the stadium configuration, and more importantly, the sorry state of WNY's economy along with a bankrupt NY State who not only cannot give the new owner incentives, but may cost more to operate than competing municipalities. The new owner/owners are going to have to finance the purchase price which almost surely means a relocation as the debt would need to be covered with extra revenues which the new owner cannot obtain under the current situation. As far as building a new stadium, see explanations above. Sorry, but that is the reality. People need to be more realistic instead of just hoping.........

  12. Jason La Canfora's opinion is spot on. The AFC East Basement will belong to the Bills for many years. I like the way Buddy Nix is talking, and believe that the Bills should be on the road to respectability within a few years, but the other teams in the division are much too strong for the Bills to beat out. Please don't hate the messenger because this team is horrible. As much as I want to see the Bills win a super bowl before I die (I'm only 41), I know that they are at least three years away from even possibly making a playoff appearence. The Bills are currently a 2-14 team that somehow managed a 6-10 record.


    Great post. Totally agree with everything you said!!!!!! I don't know how they won 6 games with some of the worst QB play that I have ever seen.

  13. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true


    Jason La Canfora's Pre-Pre-season NFL Rankings for the 2010-2011 season states:


    "30. Buffalo Bills - I have a feeling the Bills will be last in AFC East for a long time. Like their old coaching staff more than the new one. Godspeed."




    Not saying this guy's opinion is worth anything, but it does slightly hurt the optimistic attitude I'm currently riding.


    Now for all ya'll hollerin' and screamin' that I ain't got no reason to optimistic, they ain't don nothin yet.


    I simply reply, the Southern Comfort Ralph is pouring us sure is slowly winning me over...but we have't played a game yet...until then..


    The truth hurts. This team is going nowhere and recent moves only re-affirm the organizations' s total lack of reality, especially with 3 other organizations in the division that are stong with stong leadership and ownership. Sad, really sad.....

  14. You couldn't get a more uninspiring choice than Chad Pennington. Furthermore, if the source is right and they are considering him then this is officially first time I have to seriously question the intelligence of the new Bills' brain trust. The Bills starting QB must have a decent to strong arm, period. While Pennington has good accuracy his arm is so weak that the 13 year old kid Kiffin is trying to recruit can out throw him.


    If they don't get Bradford, Claussen or Vick the Bills should concentrate on building the foundation. They should then draft Jarrett Brown in the 5th round of the upcoming draft and let Fitzy and Brohm compete for the job. I don't see why this isn't a viable option. If neither of them pan out then the Bills will have had Brown (who throws a great ball) in their system for a year and still can go after their QB of the future in the first round of the 2011 draft if Brown is still a big project.



    This should be their board on draft day...


    1st rd

    QB Bradford or Claussen

    if neither are there go OT


    2nd rd



    3rd rd



    4th rd



    5th rd

    Brown if OT in 1st



    I don't see why Fitzy and Brohm is such a bad deal for Bills fans. We all know that we either need a star QB or go with building the lines and new defensive system. I'm just as excited about who we can get with the non-QB first to fourth round picks. They will be the building blocks of a hopefully very bright Bills' future.

    are you out of your mind!!! Did you watch any of the games this past season!!!!!!!!!! some of the worst QB play that I have ever seen.. Give me some of what you are smoking................

  15. Yeah that Chiefs team was also a disaster all around. It was clearly the beginning of a rebuilding phase. They traded Jared Allen, their franchise player, and handed the reins to Brodie Croyle, who promptly got hurt. If you want to talk about a bad QB, look at Croyle that year. 2 games, 2 starts....20-29 for 151 yards, 0 TD, 0 INT.


    The 2008 Chiefs used 4 QB's--Croyle, Damon Huard, Quinn Gray and Tyler Thigpen. Thigpen completed 54.8% of his passes to a group of receivers that had Tony Gonzalez and Dwayne Bowe...and not much else. Mark Bradley played only 10 games. Devard Darling...who? The Chiefs receiving went like this: Gonzalez 96, Bowe 86, Bradley 30, Jamaal Charles 27, Darling 17.


    When your BACKUP running back is your 4th leading receiver, clearly the team wasn't working with much split out wide. On top of that, their rushing offense was putrid. 102 week 1, 55 week 2, 35 week 5, 58 week 7, 80 week 8, 76 week 10, 83 week 14, 31 week 17. In 8 of their games they either barely broke 100 yards or were well under that total....and that's because the offensive line was so young and inexperienced.


    Branden Albert was a rookie at LT. Brian Waters was at LG. Rudy Niswanger was at C. Wade Smith and Adrian Jones split time at RG. Smith was making his first starts since 2004, Jones since 2005. Damion McIntosh started at RT, then went to Seattle in 2009 and only started 2 games for an offensive line that was missing it's LT Walter Jones all season.


    Essentially, they started a rookie LT, an All-Pro LG, a 3rd year pro making his first starts at C, and journeymen who hadn't started in YEARS on the right side. Their running game was awful, and then they entrusted a rookie QB to put the points up when the defenses knew he was going to pass....and he only had 2 good receiving options. It's a miracle he even completed 55% of his passes.


    I'm not saying that he is the next Manning...but I think he has a shot at being an above average NFL QB when you look at the big picture of the 08 Chiefs.

    I totally agree. There is a better shot of him making it than drafting a QB. I always liked him. I guess we'll see what the Bills do..

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